Chapter 78 - Suspicious

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So uh.... Suberino is making videos again! And today is his Birthday! He just turned 18! But.... Quite frankly, I'm worried about him. Yes, I know it's not my place to worry about him. He's getting a LOT of hateful people bothering him on Twitter, and he uh... Let's just say he's admitted that a factor of his absence was, quote on quote, "Crippling Depression". So I'm VERY worried about him. I hope things get better for you, Sub! Happy birthday!

"But uh, anyways," Hannah changed the topic back to unveiling the person controlling Monoman, "Did you find anything in the rooms?" She asked everyone. "I found this," Bodil dug about in his pocket and pulled out an item. "Bodil... That's a book..." "Oh. Wrong thing... just a moment," Bodil smiled, having made the mistake on purpose. He took an Arrow out of his pocket, "Take a wild guess where I found this!" He said. "The quiver Mitch was carrying around a while back." Seto said flatly. "Well.... yeah, but..... that's what it's originally from.... but I found it somewhere else," Bodil said.

"I found it in Lee's room." He stated. "So what your saying is... ((If they disappeared, no-one would notice? Oh. Wrong situation... anyone get that reference?)) Mitch had to have gone in there at some point, likely. At that point no-one knew to suspect Mitch of anything, so it would have easily gone unnoticed." Jason said. "Exactly. Suspiciou-" "That's not suspicious. He could have easily just have been having an average conversation with Mitch." Sqaishey interrupted Bodil.

((Sorry this chapter was short, I was on a trip today :D))

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