Chapter 87 - Wires

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Jerome fell to the side, and Hannah raised her now very short curtain rod into the air, only to drop it as a look of disbelief crossed her face. Jason looked where her gaze had been. Monoman. How? Just how? The robot was ragged, a good bit of the plating of his face and body gone. Jason could see the wiring underneamth. "-You thought------ You thought you could get r--r--- get rid of me so---- me so easily---?" Monoman's voice crackled. Seto pulled out a bottle of a clear liquid from his cape, and chucked it at Monoman. Monoman caught the bottle, tossing it aside. It splashed near where Jason was. It was water. Jason spotted Jerome trying to get to his feet; Sqaishey got off him when he was falling. Jason snatched his axe, holding it up threateningly at Jerome. "Ha-! Prepa---- Prepare for y-----r-for your doom!" Monoman flung his arm up at that moment. Jerome slipped underneath the dinner table as Monoman attempted to speak.

Jason was proved right as, seconds later, AlterBop shouted, "Run for cover! Now!" Jason ran for the closest cover He saw. Jerome was just now getting under the table, so that would take too long.. so Jason bolted straight past Monoman, who's disturbingly broken face turned to a smile and Jason tripped, sliding into the hall sideways. As he slid into the hall, the arrows started. He cried out as one found home in his arm. And then another. He pulled his arm out of the line of Fire, feeling tears spring to his eyes. It was going to leave a scar, to say the least.

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