Chapter 9

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"B-but it wasn't my fault!" Fear cried
"Too Bad! Punishment Time!" Monoman laughed. A cage sprung up around Fear and his eyes widened in terror. "W-w-wait!" He shouted as it jerked upward and disappeared into a gap in the ceiling.

Punishment Of Fear Raiser -

Fear looked around in th dark cave, waving the torch around.
Jin looked on with the rest of the people, staring at a screen that had turned on on th far side of the room, opposite Monoman.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Fear asked. A hiss was the only reply. He whirled around toward the sound.
A creeper had crept behind him. He batted it away with the torch, but a skeleton took its place.
He ducked as the skeleton shot, and gasped. There had been a zombie on his other side, and it had had a sword. Now he saw the same sword blade directly below him. But he couldn't see the handle.
The zombie had stabbed him. "Agh!" He exclaimed when he realized what had happened.
He fumbled around and Kicked the zombie away, it wrenching th blade out of his back. He screamed, and tried to get to his feet. Jin could only look on as he stood up as the skeleton shot a second arrow.
It hit him in the knee, and he fell to the ground again. "Why me...?" He asked. He scrambled to his feet, standing on one leg and dizzy of blood loss. The creeper loomed out of the darkness, and he shoved it away, losing his balance and falling forward. He tried to get back to his feet, but he slipped and fell on his side. He tried, but couldn't get back up. The skeleton shot him again, and it was over.
"Well that was exciting!" Monoman said without a trace of sympathy. "Yours sick!" Barney exclaimed.
"Ha ha, I get that alot. Thank you for the compliment!"

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