Life 1 - Chapter 7 - Limbo - Life 2

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I stared at her in shock.

"Limbo? As in the game?"

She facepalmed. "Ugh, no! As in the place between life and death!"

I shrugged. "Sorry, didn't know that. to explain this 'I lost a life' thing?"

She sighed. "I can't go into detail. I'm not allowed to. Basically, this is kinda like a game or a baseball game. You have 3 lives. 3 chances. You've died once now, so you only have 2 lives. You need to survive until you can lure out the mastermind. From there, it's all a blur to me."

"Ummmmm...OK? Am I supposed to go back or something?"

She nodded. "You must return and find some way to convict Ty as the killer."

"Wait, so Ty is still gonna kill someone?! Can't I just tell people that he's the one who killed?"

"No. When you return, you and ONE other person will retain the memories of the past events. You don't know who the person is, nor do they know it's you."

" how am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to prove Ian innocent and Ty guilty?"

She turned her back to me and sighed. "...I cannot tell you. You must figure out how to keep Ian on the innocent side."

"Can't I just prevent Jess's death?"

"No. If you do, you've pretty much lost another life. You must let things flow as they are supposed to."

"...I...somewhat see...." I sighed. "What's your name?"

I saw her tense up before turning to me. "Rayn. R-A-Y-N. Pronounced rain like the weather kind."

I nodded. "Well, Rayn...I guess this is goodbye for now...." I whispered.

She nodded sadly. "I hope to not see you again."

I laughed silently as grayish clouds surrounded my feet. "Same to you, Rayn...."

The clouds enveloped me and my world became dark.

3rd POV

Rayn sighed dejectedly (why. is. this. not. a. word.) as she prepared herself.

"Jerome was supposed to be alone." The mastermind growled.

Rayn turned to them. (Can't tell you gender, so them in this context means mastermind) "You know Jerome would go crazy if he were the only one who knew what was going on." "But why HIM? Why?!" "You know why." "...hmph. Fine. He still will lose." Rayn smirked. "Don't count your chickens before they hatched, dear sibling." They growled before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Rayn chuckled lightly before teleporting next to the sleeping Jerome. She would be invisible to him. She smiled warmly as Jerome began to stir.

Back to Jerome's POV

Ughhhhh.... Where----

I sat up quickly in my bed and looked around. My room. I'm alive...again.

I jumped off the bed, not bothering to read the note on the table. I knew where to go.

I made it to the Grand Hall in record time. Surprisingly, I was still the last one to arrive. The other 15 were here.... Jess is alive again....

I almost ran up to her to hug her before I remembered. They wouldn't remember me.

I then noticed Ty. I had to hold back a growl as I turned away.

Right on cue, MonoKirby's creepy voice rang through the air. "HEHEHEHEHEHE! Goodie, we're all here, boyo!"

I growled harshly as he appeared. Husky, Ian, and Crainer looked at me weird before turning their attention to the puffball on the table.

(The next bit is a repeat of MonoKirby's explanation of the "game")

"HEHEHEHEHE! Welcome! Welcome to Hope Castle, boyo! I'm MonoKirby! Are you guys ready to play a game? ...HEHEHE! Trick question. You don't have a choice, boyo! So, the point of this game is to kill one of your peers without being caught, boyo! I don't really care how you kill them. They just have to be 100% dead, boyo! Once the body has been discovered, a 15 minute time limit will be allowed to search for clues. After that, everyone will come to the Grand Hall for a Castle Trial, boyo! Here, you will discuss the evidence found to figure out the murderer. If the murderer is found, they will be executed and the game will continue! But...if the innocent is accused, everyone but the murderer dies and the murderer leaves home free!"

My anger got the better of me. I stomped up to MonoKirby and grabbed him, picking him up. "You. Are. Mental." I snarled. From my peripheral, I saw some people back away.

MonoKirby was silent for a second before he began laughing his creepy laugh. "HEHEHEHE!! Oh, Jerome...." Both his eyes turned blood red. "...BIG MISTAKE." He growled. He teleported from my grasps and appeared a few feet in front of me.

My fur stood on end as I prepared to tear him apart.

Suddenly, I couldn't move. MonoKirby was creating a big ball of light. My eyes went wide as I struggled at the invisible source.

I was released, but at that moment, the ball of light hit me.

Searing pain raced through my whole body. I was thrown back against a wall. I was severely injured, but my anger towards the whole situation drove me. I shakily stood back up on all 4's. My bacca instincts had taken over. MonoKirby was a threat. He must be destroyed.

I stalked towards him. My suit was tattered and bloody, but I didn't care.

"JEROME!" A familiar voice called. I paused for a second before continuing towards the smirking puffball.

A familiar black-and-red checkered hoodie stood in my way. "!uoy llik ll'eH !pots ,smuggib ,emoreJ!" He shouted.

I froze. I didn't teach him Baccian until after that game of Mario Kart....

"?eno eht uoy era ,hctiM" I replied.

Mitch looked like he was about to cry tears of joy. "!rebmemer ohw owt eht er'eW"

I clenched my eyes shut as the anger faded away. Mitch was the other one. He remembers. I don't have to remake our friendship again....

I stood up on two legs again and hugged him. "....rebmemer uoY" I whispered. Mitch pulled back and looked me in the eyes. His brown eyes shown with determination. ".rebmemer EW" he replied.

I nodded and looked back at the others. They just stood there with strange looks on their faces.

Sky sighed. "Anyways, this is just some stupid joke. Why did you really bring us here?"

I frowned as MonoKirby replied with that trance look.

I blocked out everything he said and focused on Mitch. He smiled sadly and we went back to the group after MonoKirby disappeared.

(Insert the long introductory with everyone here. If you don't remember, go back to chapter 1 to refresh yourself. I'm not putting that whole thing here. :P)

Mitch took my place in suggesting that we search the place. He said to break up in groups of 3 with 2 groups of 4. Me and him needed to speak.

After the groups left, he pulled me to the huge table and sat down, pulling me into a chair, too.

I thought for a second before a smirk appeared on my face. "...I have an idea...."

I told him and he smirked. "Greatest. Plan. EVER." He whisper-yelled.

The groups came back into the room. I sighed as deja vu overcame me.

I just hope it works....


Wattpad is being weird....

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