Life 2 - Chapter 23

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I just wanted to say before the story that





have made me laugh at their comments and I'm grateful for their support on the book! 

Also, that pic up top shows you how freaking tiny my hands are.  The one to the left is my 8 year old sister and mine is on the right. I'm 14.  Yeah.  Just some random trivia.

Anyways, story!


I sat my plate of fish on the table and sat down.

I poked a claw into the fish and traced it around, watching as the skin split behind my claw.

Mitch came over and sat beside me, a baked potato and steak on his plate.

He placed a hand on my paw, and I stopped tracing the fish.


I nodded.  We didn't have to say what was bothering me.  We both knew.

Bad things were happening today.

Seems my bacca instincts are rubbing off on Mitch.

As expected, MonoKirby appeared on the table again.  He seemed back to his happy-go-lucky self, but I could see in his eyes the confusion from a couple days ago, though it was subtle.

"Hello, boyo!  I have some...interesting news for y'all.  2 people have found the secret way into the 4th floor!"

I froze.  Mitch took my freezing as a shock to someone finding the room, but I froze because I was one of the 2....

MonoKirby glanced around.

"Well, I just felt the tensions rise.  Hehe, have fun, boyo!"


We just sat in shocked silence, everyone looking at each other.

I knew what they were wondering.

Who were the two?

Not me, though.  I was wondering who the other one was.

I looked back down at my fish.  I wasn't hungry anymore.

I pushed my paws on the table and stood up.

"I'm not dealing with this.  I'll be in my room if you need me."

Without even waiting for Mitch, I turned and walked out of the Grand Hall.

"Biggums!"  Mitch called.

I ignored it and went into my room, leaving the door unlocked.

Mitch came in my room and shut the door, sitting next to me on the bed.

"Biggums, what's wrong?"

"The tensions, the distrust, I hate it!"  I muttered.

Mitch grabbed my paw, didn't feel like it did before.  I didn't feel...comforted.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled my paw from his hand, putting my head in my paws.  "Mitch, I...I am one of the people who found the 4th floor.  I know where it is."

Mitch was silent.  I looked up to see him just staring at me.

"Wh-What did you find?"  He asked quietly.

I shuddered as I thought of the weapons, the potions, the ropes....

"A murderer's paradise...." is what I settled on.

Mitch froze.  "Like, weapons and stuff?!"

I nodded.  "Ropes, weapons, potions, the whole freaking package!  I even found a Betty!"

Mitch frowned.  "...Is it at the end of that ridiculously hard parkour?"

I froze, wondering if I should answer that.

...I...I think I could trust him, but....  Aww, it's probably nothin'.

I nodded.  "I had picked up the Betty and twirled it around, then MonoKirby showed up and was like 'who you gonna kill'?  I said him and the mastermind."

(IDK why, but when I typed who you gonna kill, I instantly thought ghostbusters, but that's CALL, not KILL xD)

Mitch tensed up again at the word mastermind.

I didn't ignore it this time.  "Mitch, why do you tense up at the word mastermind?"

He shook his head.  "Every time you say that word, I get they're near when you say that."

I frowned and looked around.  Nothing seemed to bother me.

I chuckled lightly.  "Mitch, don't worry 'bout it.  It'll be all goochi and stuff."

(Is that how you spell it?  Well, whatevs)

He laughed.  "Goochi?"

I shrugged.  "I don't know, it's something we apparently say according to our wiki!  I mean...."

Mitch facepalmed.  "The 4th wall is just a pile of dust now, isn't it?"

"Well, yeah, we've bashed it so much.  Someone had a theory that the 4th wall is the mastermind, but how could a pile of dust be the mastermind?"

"...Pour water on it and make a molded mastermind...?"

I laughed.  "Uhh, no.  That would be weird."

Mitch shrugged.  "Anyways...."


I looked at the time.  6:43 pm.

I sighed...again.  "Let's pretend that didn't happen."

"Pretend what didn't happen?"  Mitch asked jokingly.

I smirked.  "Exactly.  Now, let's go play soma dat Smash Bros.!"

Mitch chuckled and walked out the door, me right behind him.

We played for a while, but for some of that while, I was thinking.

What's the point of me even hiding that I'm one of the ones?  If they found out some other way, I'd be put into suspicion for every flipping murder!  ...But...Quentin also saw me up there, and that look in his eye when I told him it was nothing....  Ugh, you know what?  I'ma freaking do it.

After the round, I looked at the time.  8:57 pm.

I stood up and put my controller away.

"I'm...I need to go do something."

Mitch yawned.  "Yea, Fluffy, I'ma head to bed.  I just these days."

"I feel ya."

I waved night to Mitch and walked up to the parkour room.


I grabbed a few bottles of the resistance potions and chugged one.  I waited a second and jumped the parkour.

I didn't even fall once.  Guess finishing the parkour makes it a more pilot-mode attempt afterwards.

I placed the extra bottle of resistance on the ground and walked up to the door.

I got that bad feeling again, but I ignored it this time.


Was SO stupid of me.

I pushed open the door and looked around.

The light---oh, yeah.  Forgot to mention that there was a light in the room.  Well, there's a light in the room, guys!  The light was on for some reason.  I coulda sworn I'd turned it o----


I heard the sound of something flying through the air and turned, having a glass bottle hit me full on in the face.

I cried out and turned from the direction of the thrown bottle, wiping my face swiftly to remove both the contents from the bottle and the shards of glass.

I was able to get some glass off my face, but...the liquid, both blood and potion, weren't as simple to remove, especially since the potion wasn't just on my face.

I opened my eyes only to be hit by  an extreme wave of nausea.

I collapsed to the ground, hardly able to discern up from down.

"Well, well, well...the bacca seems to be the other, hmm?"  Said an extremely familiar, calm voice.


I attempted to stand up, to move in some way, but I just couldn't.

"H-How d-did you get up h-here?"  I asked shakily.

He chuckled.  "Being a Minecraft informant really helps.  I can easily tell how far along a block I need to be to make the jump.  Do I need to run, walk, crouch when I hit the next block?  It's simple for me."

I groaned and attempted to get away from the voice, to get back out the door, to get the bottle and just jump, but I couldn't.

"B-But why are you here now?"  I asked.  But even before I finished my question, I knew the answer.

"I think you know very well why I'm here, Jerome."

Oh God, what have I done...?  I shouldn't have come up here!

"Though...I suppose one extra casualty beforehand isn't too bad...."

"N-No...stay away...."  I muttered.

He only laughed evilly and walked away, grabbing some other bottle.

He walked back over and knelt over me.  "Goodbye, Jerome."

He poured the bottle over me and left the room.

I felt the life slowly wither away inside me.

A potion of withering.

After a few minutes, I knew.

This was the end of this life.

I had freaking failed.

Welp, time to go say hi to Rayn again....


Jay-rome, why you so dumb?!

Yeah, that just happened.  >:D

So, we know that Ross is gonna kill someone...or someones.  Probably the latter.

So, let's break it down.

Ty killed Jess and that was the first fail.

Derp tried to kill Jerome and almost succeeded but didn't.

Mitch ended up going to TTET.

Felix killed Nick.

Villain Crainer tried to kill Jerome and failed.

Mark killed Jin.

Finally, in this life, Ross killed Jerome.

Dang, Jerome's got the short end of the stick in this. Ross is gonna try to kill someone or someones.

Who's it gonna be?

Welp, I know, heh heh.

Smash that vote button at hyper speeds, Hyperfans!

-Becca  <3

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