Chapter 25 - Slowly But Surely....

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Object's POV


She had this anger in her eyes that was indescribable.  Rage, maybe.

She flew down quickly to us and landed, turning to the crowd.  "I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU PEOPLE!"  She yelled.

A hush fell over the crowd.

She turned to us, pulling out a key and unlocking both of us.  Cassia ripped the leather thing off her neck, throwing it to the ground.

The crowd gasped, murmuring to one another.

"Has she gone mad?"

"This is crazy!"

Ashley sighed, her tension falling.  "Did the fear get to you?  Come now, my flowers, this is not what I have been teaching you guys...."


"Ashley?"  I asked.  "What do you mean...?"

She rubbed the back of her head, looking down.  "I, ah, lead these people.  Flora City is kinda my home base and people just came through, so I let them stay...."

"Wait, if you lead them, then how come Quentin doessssssn't know who you are?  He didn't recognize your name when we ssssssaid it."

"He most likely came about whilst I was out and about.  I may be the leader, but I can't stay still for long.  This also happens to be why I don't join one of the armies.  I'm the official leader, but I have a few co-leaders around.  Speaking of...."

She looked out over the crowd.  "Valen!  Yena!  Gretral!  I need you up here!"

We waited for a moment before the crowd parted for two...uh, females and a male.  Couldn't really tell their ages.

The females were identical twins, wearing the same clothes and hairstyle and everything.  Well, except for the eyes.  One of them had a brown eye and blue eye while the other had a green eye and hazel eye.


The male was just...a male.  I guess.

Use your imaginations as to what he looked like.

They looked...kinda ashamed.

Ashley sighed.  "Valen, what happened here?"

The girl with the blue and brown eye bit her lip.  "Well...these two kinda just showed up 'bout a week ago and just started murdering people...."

"Yeah...our evil clones...."  I trailed off.  "Wow, that sounded a lot more sketchy than I realized."

"I mean, what were we to do?  Just let them continue on their killing spree?!"  The male exclaimed.

Ashley ran a hand through her hair.  "Gretral, calm yourself.  You did the semi-right thing.  However, shouldn't I be informed about executions before you do them?"

"But you've been missing for a a month....  Many presumed you dead...."  The girl with a hazel eye and green eye, probably Yena, said.

Ashley looked over herself, even spreading her wings and looking at them.  "Umm...I think I'm alive....  I mean, I don't recall dying....  I recall ALMOST dying, but I haven't seen Notch yet, sooo...."

A lot of people chuckled at that.

She smiled and turned to me and Cassia.  "You two need to hurry on to Becca's castle.  Everyone else is already or is heading there."

"What about you?"  Cassia asked.

"I need to tend to the...killer problem."

I winced.  "You're not gonna be able to stop them by yourself or even with a bunch of strong people.  They are STRONG."

Then...I realized something.  "Wait.  They know everything we KNEW before getting here.  They don't know if the rest of our group is alive or not.  We could use that to our advantage.  Maybe we can come back after we get to Becca's castle with everyone else.  Then, we can go after Herobrine."

Ashley nodded.  "Sounds like a plan.  Ok, her castle should be...."  She trailed off, looking out into the distance.  "Err...Budder Kingdom over there...Popstar base there...south of that...."  She turned to us before pointing a direction.  "Head straight that direction for about a day.  You should reach Becca's castle by this time tomorrow if you leave now.  Just...try to avoid your clones' camp, k?"

We nodded and went off the platform, the crowd parting around us.

We eventually got out of the crowd and were passing by Quentin's apartment building.

"Yo, we sssssshould bring Quentin with ussssss!"

I nodded and we turned, going into the building.

We reached the top floor and knocked on Quentin's door.  "Quentin?"

There was some shuffling and rapid footsteps.  "Object?!  Thank goodness you're ok!  They had the door locked!"

We swiftly unlocked the door and he came out, looking rather worried.  "Are you two ok?"

I nodded.  "For the most part.  Ashley saved us just before I was about to get shot in the head."

He sighed.  "I saw.  Unfortunately, being able to see all of Flora City means seeing ALL of Flora City.  I was freaking out when I saw you two there.  But...someone flew in?  Was that Ashley?"

Cassia nodded.  "Sssssshe apparently runssssss thissssss city assssss the leader."

"Huh.  Weird.  Well, I'm a bit confused as to why you two came up here.  I doubt that you'll need me for anything."

"That's just it.  We don't know if we do or not, and we were hoping you could come with us to Becca's castle.  Every other survivor of the Hope Castle game is going there minus Sky.  We wanted to bring you all together to see if we could all defeat Herobrine."

Quentin made this face:  :/  "I mean, I don't have anything better to do, do you defeat a god?"

I shrugged.  "Guess we'll find out if you come with us."

He nodded.  "Sure.  I'll come with."

Cassia grinned.  "Yay!  Sssssso, it'll be a day trek to her casssssstle...."  Cassia began rambling off things about the trip.

I laughed.  "Cass, slow down.  We don't really need to bring anything besides ourselves."

"But what about food and water?"

I shrugged.  "Authors hardly write about us doing that, so we'll probably just find something during the walk that the readers won't see.  I mean, who all HAS eaten so far in this?  il and the apples, Kit, Known, and Ashley with Sub breakfast, us with bread and water mentioning even though we weren't actually fed but it was in the script for us to say----"

"Yo, Object, seriously, please stop.  The fifth wall's about to crack with all this fourth wall breaking because there is no fourth wall! "

I rolled my eyes.  "Whatevs.  Come on, lez get going."

So, we left and walked.

And walked.

And slept some.

And ate, even though it wasn't in the script, we were hungry-----


And walked some more.

And the author is running out of ideas for this chapter----


Ow!  Wait, why did I feel that?!  Why did you just strike me with lightning?!!

"Shut.  Up.  Please."


After more tiresome walking, we saw some structures of a single building in the distance.

Yay, Becca's castle!

Now we can end this cringy chap----


Uhh...I mean...we can finally...regroup with the others...?  *nervous laughter*


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