Prologue - The Return

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ilbarker's POV

It's been a while since Becca's posted anything.

I mean, I've seen her around on Wattpad, but nothing new on her page.

However...I was sure that we were all thinking the same thing....

Kit's POV

I put the finishing touches on my DRM...R art.

I sighed and relaxed a bit, letting my mind wander.

How WAS Becca?

And...were we all wondering the same thing...?

Cassia's POV

I jumped back from my screen.


Honestly, though, I was...getting a bit worried.


I wondered if all of us were thinking the same thing....

Object's POV

I laid back on my bed roughly, heaving a great sigh.

I was BORED.

Like, NOTHING interesting happened anymore.

The most interesting was being in Becca's book, even if it was just for a moment.

I think I can come to an easy conclusion that we're all wondering the same thing....

spark's POV

I laid down on the floor, flicking through my recommended section.

I paused when I saw Becca's DRM books side by side.

It got me thinking of something that didn't seem uncommon to all of us....

Aura's POV

I sighed in annoyance as I had lost ANOTHER ToS game.


That reminded me of being the Jester in Becca's book.

I...had a thought that I was sure everyone else was thinking....

Known's POV

I glanced through various wattpad books, trying to find one that would interest me.

Then, as I was scrolling through, I saw a familiar picture.

A giant question mark.

Becca's DRM book.

That was an interesting experience.  Sometimes, I wished I could go back.

Many questions floated in my mind, but one in particular stood out to me....

One that all the readers involved could relate with....

Everyone's POV

Is it possible to go back?  To have one last adventure?

Becca's POV

Is it possible to go back...?  I wondered aloud, hearing the collective thoughts of my readers, though 7 stood out to me the most.

I sighed as I hung upside down from the crystal chandelier above the Grand Hall table.

I straightened my legs and fell headfirst towards the table, stopping myself about a foot or so away from smashing my head against the table.

Don't get reckless now, Becca.  Becky said lightly in my head.

I have to agree.  Rebekitah agreed.

What?  I'm fine!  I didn't even hurt myself! careful.

I rolled my eyes, adjusting my glasses out of habit and pulling my cloak tighter around me.

It's felt like months since I changed the timeline and sent the readers home.  I've actually felt my essence move to the new timeline subconsciously.

AKA I was in the timeline where I stopped Jerome from making the loop.

I didn't actually know how long it had been, but it's been long enough that I was getting...kinda lonely.

I couldn't leave the castle.  It would disappear without me around.

The only reason it stayed together when I wasn't here was because part of the MV's essence, MY essence, was still here from when I died.  However, once we combined into my live form, the essence became part of me again.

If I left, the castle would be gone.

It's kinda like Howl's Moving Castle where if Calcifer left the moving castle, it would literally fall apart.

I just wasn't ready to let this all go.

The thoughts of the readers about me broke through my own thoughts again.

...while since Becca's posted....

How WAS Becca?


...interesting was being in Becca's book....

...Becca's DRM books....

...being the Jester in Becca's book. interesting experience.

I could feel tears prick my eyes.

I missed them.


ilbarker's obsession with Caleb.

Kit's weird stick that could become a kitten and panther named KitKat.

Cassia's obsession with the plot.

Object's hatred of Rebecca so deep that I couldn't help but ship it, even if Rebecca was gone.

spark's excitement to do things out of the ordinary.

Aura's retorts to various comments.

Known...for some reason.  I just missed her.  I couldn't figure out why, though.

I missed those the most.

I know, it probably sounds mean to all the other readers.

I love all my readers.  Every single one! can't help but have favorites, ya know?

Hey, I'm human, too!

So...they want to go on one last adventure?

I smiled, sitting on the edge of the table and laying back, swinging my legs off the edge a bit.

I sighed.  I wish I could, too.... 

Unfortunately, my last adventure out of the castle was the ToS game...if that even WAS out of the castle.... last adventure?

The words echoed in my mind.

You can only safely get 6 people, Becca.  Any more would be beyond your mental capacity and they could get lost in the void forever.

I sighed.  I know...I know who I want to bring back, as well.'s more than 6.

That's extremely dangerous, Becca.  You could kill them.

Or they'll be fine and they can have one more adventure in this world.

...I don't like this, Becca.  Something just doesn't feel right about doing that many.

7 is a good number.  It's considered lucky.

But you don't believe in luck.

I chuckled.  I know.

I sat up and scooted back a bit, crossing my legs.

Phew...ok...7 people...I just need to concentrate on them....

I closed my eyes and focused on each person individually yet as a whole.

ilbarker's POV

I yawned and stretched, turning over in my bed.

I just couldn't sleep.  I was just too jittery.

I sighed and sat up, swinging my legs off the bed.

Then...I felt a sensation.

A...familiar one.

One I hadn't felt in almost a year.

But what was it?

I could feel my body start to come apart, and then I remembered.

It was like when we got put into the book.

I was going back?

My body felt like it was floating, and then it started to become solid again.

But something was very wrong.

On my back next to my shoulder blades, a severe pain happened.

Like, very.

I screamed in pain, and then it was all dark.

Kit's POV

Circle there...curve there...erase that....

What?  I'm drawing!

I sighed and pushed the paper away, leaning back in my chair.

I was kinda bored....

Then, my body felt weird.

Like it was coming apart non-painfully.

The sensation felt so familiar...wait!

I felt this just before going into Becca's book!

Was I going back?

My body felt all floaty and then it started to feel solid.

But eyes.

They hurt.


I screamed while trying to grab my eyes, almost like I was trying to rip the pain out.

And then all was black.

Cassia's POV

Come on, come on, come on, come o---

What?  I'm totally not stalking Becca's page again.

I continued to refresh the page until I couldn't feel my hand anymore for some reason.

My body felt like it was coming apart.

I instantly remembered what was happening.


My body felt weightless before it began to become...whole, I guess?

But...I don't think there was supposed to be pain all over my body, specifically near my stomach and in my mouth.

I gasped and bent over, trying to ease the pain.

Well, the unconsciousness eased it for me.

Object's POV

I was reading through Becca's rant book again cuz I was STILL BORED.

When I got to the cannibal chain thing, I went through it slowly.

It had to be the best part in the book to me.

Then, I froze.

My body...felt like it was coming apart.


I was kinda freaking out as the world around me disappeared in a shimmer.

My body felt weightless before I could start feeling solid ground.

But then....

Something happened.

All my nerves in my body were screaming in pain as one.

I couldn't even scream.

Then...unconsciousness claimed me.

spark's POV

Why would Rebecca throw little pup me like a football?!

That's so mean!


That was a bit ago, though.  I was kinda waiting for someone to reply so we could continue the roleplay. body felt really weird.

Ok, seriously, author!  Find better ways to describe this event!

It felt disconnected and strange.

But why doe?!

The world around me shimmered like a pond had been disturbed.

Then, I could start to feel again.

Then I wish I couldn't.

My body started contracting in on itself, growing smaller.  Things inside me were changing, shrinking, HURTING.

I cried out in pain before the pain dunked me into unconsciousness.

Aura's POV

I yawned, lying on the couch as I read some wattpad books.

I'd already read this one before, but it was still very good!

I was about to get off the book to go to a different one when my body started feeling...not there.

Like, really weird.

What the heck was happening?!

Everything around me waved and faded, leaving my body feeling all floaty.

Then, I could start to feel ground again.

However, there was a bunch of pain at the top of my head butt?

Like, why there?!

I shivered in pain until the pain made everything fade away.

Known's POV

...Something didn't feel right.

I felt like something bad was happening.

I got on wattpad and looked through all my friends' profiles.

...None of them have posted for a few hours.

It wasn't nighttime where most of them were at, so...what was going on?

Then my body started to fade and feel disconnected.

My eyes went wide as the world around me disappeared into nothingness, leaving my body all weird, floaty, not-there feeling.

Then, I could see vague colors and feel something under my feet.

But my attention quickly changed from the scenery to the sudden extreme pain in my body.

My chest, right where my heart was, was BURNING, and next to my shoulder blades on my back flared with huge pain, as well as my eyes.

I screamed as I wrapped my arms around me, trying to find some way to lessen the pain.

Then...the pain lessened.

All the way into darkness.

Becca's POV, and please tell me we're...oh...oh my....

Yeah...not the time to be complaining about changing the POV fifty-something times.

I don't think....

...that was supposed to happen.

I stared in horror at the 7 bodies on the ground in front of me, all unconscious.

Oh God...what have I done...?

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