Chapter 10 - Epic Jump Map: Butter Edition

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As told by Becca's POV.

Ty sighed happily. "Thank you, Becca...."

He disappeared in that small flash of light.

You two ready to go back to the kingdom?

They both nodded. "I think I've had enough adventure for one day." Jason said with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.


It was silent for a moment before they both disappeared in the same kind of light Garroth had disappeared in.

"BECCA!!!" I heard Caleb yell happily.

I turned to the Grand Hall door and smiled.

Hey, Caleb!

ilbarker and spark walked in as I picked up Caleb and hugged him.

spark looked more in-tune with reality. She had more of a sparkle to her eye.

The rest of the people who came with me were sitting at the table.

Kit had curled her wings around her.

Cassia was chatting with Rebekitah and Becky was glaring at them.

alzakz had her eyes closed, but I was pretty sure she was just thinking.

Jason was standing against the wall looking surp----

Wait, JASON! I exclaimed.

'Umm...I' I'm free!' He...thought happily? I mean, he's mute.

I placed Caleb down and went over to Jason, hugging him.

I'ma be honest, I almost forgot about you. I forgot Ty had a hostage. He just doesn't seem the hostage-holding type.

Jason pulled back and nodded. 'He isn't. He...he tried the first few days to get me out himself...but he couldn't, and he didn't know why. He'd apologize a lot and visit me every day. It's why I still have my sanity.'

I frowned. ...This is very perplexing....

My thoughts were interrupted when Caleb came over, pulling spark and ilbarker with him. "Becca! I wanna know what happened!"

I smiled. Ok. How much?

"As much as you can remehber!"

I chuckled and beckoned to the 4 of them to sit at the table.

We sat in the seats in between the others. Caleb was next to me and ilbarker next to him. Jason was next to me and spark was across from me. Everyone else kinda came in closer.

I laughed. Welp, guess it's story time. Can you guys help fill in if I miss something?

I received several yeahs and nods.

I started at the beginning and told up to the point the last chapter left off.

We started jumping across the platforms, coming across several signs.

"This map was made by Bodil40. BODIL40!!!" Sky yelled.

"BODIIIIIIL!" Ty and Jason said in unison.

I chuckled and continued the jumps into the small room with trapdoors in it.

I opened the chest and got a budder sword.

"Woah! What was that that just fell?! Anyways...I...GOT DIS----AHHHHH!!!"

Jason smacked his head on the block over the hole and fell.

"NUU MY FRIEND HE DEAD!!!" Sky cried playfully.

"Oh, oops, I'm in creative. One sec...."

"Hey! You can't be cheatin' like dat!" Ty sulked.

Wait, how are you even in creat----you know what? Never mind.

Once everyone gathered into the room....


"Dude, watch the wing! And the stick!!"

"Ow, that was my weenus!"

I snickered a bit.

I heard someone open the trapdoors, and a couple people got pushed in.

"AHHHH!!! YOU SUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!" Cassia screamed as she fell.

I noticed Becky wasn't in the room, so I guess she fell, too.

I also noticed Kit flying a couple dozen blocks down.

I couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

It wasn't funny, you know. Becky interrupted. I still have your fears whether I like it or not. I thought I was gonna die!

I smirked. It probably would've been less scary if you hadn't got pushed in.

"I'm still amazed I was able to catch myself that quickly! I almost dropped my stick!" Kit exclaimed.

"I may or may not have forgotten about the well water thing at the bottom...." Cassia muttered.

I smiled. Anyways....

The rest of us dropped down one by one via Kit's callings. She made sure we didn't land on anyone else's head.

Once we were all down, I shook myself a bit. That was a bit terrifying.

"Be careful! Butter creepers would make BIG DELICIOUS BUTTERIFIC BUTTER HOLES!!" Ty read.

I wish they really did. Rebekitah said slightly poutily.

That would definitely have been cool. Unfortunately, they are only butter colored.

Also, yes, I see that butter is spelled wrong and should be budder, but I'm just going off of the video. Blame the video.


We jumped the small parkour thing and oohed over the butter fireworks.

"Hey, look, a butter creeper!" Ty said, pointing at a creeper standing on the other side.

Ty jumped to the ladders and climbed up, poking the creeper. "Haha, you're friendly----NOPE!"

He bailed and accidentally fell into the void.

"Hey, he didn't even start to explode!" Jason pointed out. The creeper kinda just stared at us.

"I WANNA HUG IT!!" Sky yelled as he jumped to the ladders.

He stood next to it, but it started to expand.

"Hi, bu----AHHHH!!"

The creeper exploded, blowing up some ladders and blocks and knocking Sky into the void.

I couldn't stop laughing.

I told them some more things that weren't exactly super important until...the cloud squids.

We had gotten to the cloud parkour. Actually, alzakz did first.

She was already on the first cloud when the rest of us showed up.

She was frozen.

alzakz? What----

"Hey! Hey, Sky!"

"Sky! Hi!"

"We will always win, Sky!"

Hey! Hi, Sky!!"

"OH GAWD NOT THE SQUIDS." Sky freaked, covering his ears.

I did, too. They were LOUD.

The only one not hearing it was Ty.

"I can't hear them cuz I'm a hologram."


"KITKAT, TAKE OUT THOSE STUPID SQUIDS!!!" Kit yelled, though it was a little hard to hear.

She threw her stick in the water and the voices started dying down until there was blissful silence.

Oww.... I muttered, rubbing my temples.

"And there's a big reason I hate squids. They don't SHUDDAP."

Agreed. alzakz, can you break the pressure plates on the clouds so we don't spawn more?

She nodded and started punching out the pressure plates while being careful not to push down on them.

Kit flew down to the water and carried back up KitKat, who had turned...probably back into a kitten.

Then she turned back into a stick.

"Uhh.... You know what? Never mind." Sky sighed as he started jumping behind alzakz.

We laughed and chatted a bit, and fell a bit, before getting to...the water in a cave.

Ah...this part....

Everyone grabbed a boat.

Sky started doing his weird rap thing.

"Grab a boat. Grab another boat. Uh. Yeah. Put it on the shore. You can't put it on the shore cuz it's a boat! Put the boat down. Getting in the boat. Look at me, I'm in a boat. Uh. Yeah. Hologram Deadlox can apparently touch the boat."

We all giggled as we rode down the little stream thing.

I accidentally ran into Becky, causing both our boats to break.

Then Cassia ran into me and her boat broke.

Kit and alzakz barely got past us.

The other 3 were ahead of us.

"AH! BUTTER CREEPERS!!!" Sky yelled.

Ty started "swinging" his butter sword. "Hologram Deadlox fighting creepers. Hologram Deadlox fighting creepers."

"Hologram Deadlox fighting creepers...while Sky gets blown up in a boat!" He rapped just before being exploded by a butter creeper.

He spawned back in the water. "Ok, I'll stop."

I giggled.

Cassia and Kit rammed into the wall near the exit and both their boats broke.

There were...was...umm...a bunch of wood and sticks everywhere.

The next part I remembered had strong snowballs and evil butter-licking squids.

We each got a shiny snowball.

"Uhh...what do these do again?" alzakz asked as she turned it over.

I smirked mischievously and snuck up behind her before punching her with the snowball.

She flew, like, 50 blocks away.

"UHH, OW!" She yelled at us.


We all got down, but alzakz already got the key to enter the...rainbow cave, I think?

She opened the door and Sky went in first.

"Oh my gooooo----"

It was a butter hallway.

Actually, beyond the door, it was butter everything.

"I can't go on. It's too beautiful." Sky muttered as he stared around.

Jason rolled his eyes and smacked Sky across the hall with a snowball.


We all burst out laughing as Sky proceeded to punch the butter-licking squid paintings down.

Unfortunately for us, after leaving the rainbow cave, we were suddenly at the end of the map with the giant Deadlox and giant Sky.

"Huh? I thought there was more?" Cassia asked as she stared at the large butter sword with squid spawners underneath it, spawning squids to their deaths.

I sighed. There is, but I don't remember what the rest was. I haven't seen that video in a long time.

Talk about an abrupt ending. Becky growled as she stared at the statues.

Well, I did tell you it was based around Becca's memory of the place.

Well, this is the end of the map...kinda?

Ty grinned happily. "Sure, it was short, but I've had the time of my life...death...uh.... You know what I mean."

And then we all got teleported back here to the Grand Hall.

Caleb clapped happily. "That sound like so much fun! I witsh I was there...."

I smiled. I wish you were, too, but I don't want to lose you....

Caleb giggled in that adorable baby way. "I'm not going to get lost! ilbahker, Catsia, Kit, allzacks, Jason...uh...everyone else! Let's play tag!"

I sighed with a smile on my face as most everyone left the room.

Rebekitah sat next to me. So...what next?

You know what next. I need to go to the game room.

She sighed. You aren't going alone this time. I...WE don't need you dead or severely injured.


She sighed again and got up. Just...wait a little bit. I'll go with you tomorrow, ok?

I thought about arguing, but then another idea came in my head.

I sighed. I can't exactly say no, can I?

No, I'm going with you whether you like it or not.

...Fine.... Just...try NOT to get hurt, ok?

You, of all people, don't need to tell me twice. She chuckled a bit before leaving the room.

Becca...I don't think you should go alone....

I sighed half-heartedly. Why? I don't want to endanger anyone else.

But...the spirits might be getting as angry as they are BECAUSE you are going in there alone.

...I don't want anyone to get hurt because of a possibility. If I go alone, it's near guaranteed that no one...else...will get hurt. If I bring someone else...they could get hurt.


I sighed. Well, I guess we're calling this a...chapter....


Anyways, we seem to be getting through these spirits pretty fast.

Jess, Ty, Jin, all in...I think a few days....

I...actually don't know how long it's been....

Umm...smash that vote button at hyper speeds, Hyperfans!

-Becca <3

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