Chapter 3 - Lady...Becca?!

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Well then....

Nice going, Becca.  Now we're probably screwed.  Becky growled.

Well...doesn't this mean we don't only have 20 seconds to retrieve Garroth?

I don't know!  We might be too late!

Aaron had his sword laid on his shoulder as he looked around.

"So...anyone got a plan?"  ilbarker asked after a moment of silence.

"Can I use my stick yet?  It really wants to be used!"  Kit asked excitedly, waving her stick around.

I rolled my eyes.  Hold it, Kit.  Maybe, maybe not.

I looked into the sanctuary of Lady Irene to see Zane getting close to the relic, Garroth in his Jury of Nine form and that other person.

Ok, the plot's already messed up. Might as well try to stop Zane, though.

Aaron looked at me, his sword now held out by his side. "Now that's something I wouldn't mind doing."

I nodded and flew up and through the giant doorway into the sanctuary.

I was determined to, at the very least, knock Zane away, but I had to be at least a couple dozen blocks away when it felt like I hit a wall.

Yet there was no wall.

What the...?  I muttered.

Zane was muttering under his breath and reaching for the relic, but it disappeared before he could touched it.

It then appeared in front of me and floated towards me.

I watched in slight shock and fascination as it disappeared into my chest.

But...I wasn't Lady Irene!  It was literally impossible.  Maybe...the other possibility?

Zane turned towards me, hate practically radiating from him.

"What!  You can't possibly be her!  You don't even look as if you're from this universe!"

I floated backwards at a slow pace as my group and Aaron ran in and paused, watching the scene unfold.

I crossed my arms.  Yeah, Zane, I'm not.  Aphmau is, but she isn't here.  ...If I remember correctly, if a relic senses a similar host to its personality and the original bearer of the relic is nowhere around, it goes to that person.  I do share similar qualities with Irene.


My eyes widened as Zane grew in size equal to that of Garroth's and turned almost completely black.  He held a huge shadow sword.


Garroth brandished his sword and the other person held out their stone scythe.


I facepalmed.  Fine, use it!  It's not exactly gonna be of any help against huge freaking swords!

ilbarker and Cassia looked at each other.  They were both unarmed, so they couldn't exactly help much.

Then again, a stick wouldn't---

"GO, KITKAT!!"  Kit yelled as she threw her stick a few blocks away from her.

Da frick?

Zane, Garroth, and that other person stared down at the stick in confusion.

I think the rest of us, besides Kit, did too.

Slowly, the stick morphed into a super tiny and absolutely adorable chocolate brown kitten.

Unfortunately, adorableness wasn't going to help us AT ALL.

Zane laughed evilly and stalked towards the kitten.



The kitten was pretty much useless here, but I wasn't going to let something that adorable die.

Unfortunately, though, Garroth saw me flying towards the kitten and probably thought I was going for Zane because he swung his sword at me and hit me square in the chest.

Pun intended.

I flew back and smacked into Rebekitah, sending us both flying across the room into a pillar.


Much pain.

I struggled to my feet and held my chest and had one hand on the pillar, expecting to see some kind of gash in my shirt and chest.

I only saw a gash across Kirby's forehead.

RIP Kirby.


For some crazy reason, or not, I didn't have a gash.

I just had a slight bruise before that faded away.

Irene's relic?

I looked back to see Kit laughing slightly maniacally and slightly excitedly.

The heck?

I pulled Rebekitah to her feet and flew towards the others.

And then froze in...I don't even know what the word should be.

The place where the cute kitten, KitKat, had stood...stood instead a freakishly huge chocolate brown panther who was growling at the trio.  They stared back in shock.

Holy mother of Irene!

Kit turned to me.  "Told you!  She was getting extremely antsy!"

She turned to KitKat.  "KitKat, attack Garroth, the blue man, but don't kill him!  Just get his sword away from him!"

The panther growled in response and leapt towards Garroth, knocking him off his feet.

"GAHHH!!!"  He yelled, pushing KitKat off of him.

I stifled a laugh and turned to Zane who had glanced at Garroth for a second before looking back at us.  "Well, he was going to be useless soon, anyways."

I clenched my fists.

I noticed Aaron looking between me and Zane.

He edged towards me subtly as ilbarker and Cassia distracted Zane with a bajillion questions and walked in circles around him, keeping a good distance from the sword.

"Hey, you're Zane, right?  Why do you have an eye covered?  Are you blind there?  Why do you always wear a mask over your mouth?  Why do you hate your brother?  Why are you all black and huge?  Are you magical?"

Well...I guess that's their weapon!  Questions!

"Look, Becca, I don't understand who you are or what your whole goal is, but...I'll attack Zane and keep him off you all.  I have a feeling you know how to get out of here.  Just...take care of Garroth, ok?"

I nodded and looked back over at Garroth and KitKat.

Garroth's sword was on the ground far from him and his helmet had come off.  His whole demeanor seemed to have become paler.  KitKat was sitting on top of him, licking his face over and over.

Garroth seemed to be having a hard time fighting back.  Not like he was weak, but more like he was reluctant.

I flew over to him and stood near his head.


He looked at me with slight anger...but also...regret.


I sighed.  Look, I don't have time to explain, but you need to come with my group ASAP.  I can help you ease your conscious about your mistakes.

Garroth bit his lip.  "I...ok...."

I smiled and petted KitKat a bit.  KitKat, he's good.  You can get off him.

KitKat looked at me for a moment before sliding off of Garroth's chest.

I pulled Garroth to his feet.  He was at least, in Minecraft terms, a block and a half taller than me!  KitKat, you might want to help ilbarker and Cassia.  I don't think asking questions will last long.

KitKat growled in response and bounded over to Zane, whose back was turned to us.

"What is with you peo---YAHHH!!!"

KitKat rammed him in the back and knocked him over, his sword clattering across the ground far from him.


Everyone bounded over to me.

"KitKat, come back to me!"  Kit yelled.

The panther jumped off of Zane and raced towards Kit.  As it did, though, its features changed and shifted back into an adorable kitten.  When it leapt into Kit's hand, though, it shifted back into the stick.

Ok, everyone, grab hands!

I paused for half a second in shock from hearing their voice, but I quickly grabbed Garroth's and Cassia's hands.

Next stop, Hope Castle!

I looked back at the last second to see Aaron bring his sword down upon Zane's neck.

And then we were gone.

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