Chapter 5 - They're Alone....

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I think we get whose POV it is

I finally saw the Budder Kingdom in the distance.


I landed in the woods not too far from the path to the kingdom.  Hopefully no one saw us.  I sat down Cassia and ilbarker as Kit landed next to them, laying her wings on the ground.

I was panting quite a bit, like I had run a ton.

Then I ended up falling over.


"BECCA!"  Cassia exclaimed as she sat and held me up.

I stuck out my tongue.  Even I have limits to my powers.  Exerting the power for me to fly and the telekinesis to hold you two up has nearly exhausted them.

"Then we should've stopped longer!"  Kit said unhappily.

I shook my head.  I don't want anyone they have to be there longer than necessary.  If I can get them out sooner, I'd rather that.

"But...can you even stand up?!"

I attempted to get to my feet by pushing my hands against the ground, but once I raised my hand from the ground, I collapsed.

Uh, that would be a no.

Cassia facepalmed.  "Well then.  This is just great.  How are we supposed to get you to Sky?!"

Kit pulled out her stick and laid it on the ground.

It shifted into KitKat the adorable kitten and then into her panther form.

"KitKat, can you carry Becca for us?"

The panther purred in response and nudged me with her nose.

Cassia and ilbarker lifted me up onto the panther and I place my hands in front of me to keep from toppling over.

It was like riding a horse, except that my feet were much closer to the ground.

"Well, that works."  ilbarker said bluntly.

I chuckled dryly.  Well, it'll have to be like this for a bit.  I'm exhausted in a non-tired way.

ilbarker looked at me, confused.

I sighed.  I mean that I don't feel exhausted, but my body is exhausted.  I feel like I could stand up and walk easily right now, but obviously, I can't.  I would collapse.

"Ah.  I get it."

Kit rubbed KitKat's head a bit before walking towards the road with ilbarker and Cassia.

KitKat adjusted herself slightly due to the fact that she had an extra weight and walked behind them.

They stepped out onto the road which led to the front gate of the Budder Kingdom.

There were a couple guards in front, and they looked very surprised to see us stepping out of the woods.

One of the guards actually backed up against the wall before looking at the other, nodding.

They both came towards us.

KitKat growled lightly and I rubbed behind her ears a little to calm her.

We met halfway.

"...This is strange...."  A male guard muttered.

Well, we're obviously not of this dimension.  I mean, have you ever seen anyone like us?

The other guard eyed the panther before speaking.  "Can't say I have.  What's with the big cat, by the way?"

"Panther."  Kit corrected, a slight hint of offendedness in her voice.

Ok, I know, not a word, I mean she sounded a tiny bit offended.

This panther is carrying me.  I'm unable to walk on my own right now.

I had a feeling he was trying to stall me, but what could I do?  I can't be offensive or defensive, so I'm...submissive?  xD


Anyways, moving on....

"Huh.  Why are you here?"

I glanced at Cassia for half a second before realizing that her Sky and this Sky are different.


Well...umm...we...I need to talk with Sky....

The guard looked like he was about to answer, but suddenly, green and pink particles circled an area to the right of him for a split second before someone holding Sky's arm appeared.

I noticed a budder sword on his back.


He looked at me in shock before pulling out his sword and stalking towards me.

"KitKat, don't attack.  Just keep your distance from him."  Kit warned the panther.

Her ears flattened against her head and she growled, backing away at the same pace as Sky came forward.

"You...."  Sky snarled, barely-contained anger apparent.  " killed him....  YOU KILLED HIM!"

Well, uh, technically Mark murdered Jin, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

His grip tightened on his sword and he attacked.

KitKat snarled but continued to leap out of his reach.

Kit tried coming over, but one of the guards ran in front of her and pointed his sword at her chest, causing her to have to backpedal quickly to avoid being skewered.  "Back.  Away.  And don't even think of taking off."

The other guard and, I guess the sorcerer, were standing in front of Cassia and ilbarker, kind of moving them towards Kit.  They looked a little worried, but they seemed ok...for now...I guess....



Sky...Sky,''s important....

KitKat was still continuously leaping from Sky's sword's reach as we talked.  I was actually having a hard time holding on.

"...Why...why should I have to listen to anything you say...?  Anything you think is important...?"

It' friends and family....


Gosh, how was I going to calm him down!?!?


Sky...misses Jin....  It wouldn't be a random conclusion to think that Jin wants to see Sky...and Felix did say someone could be what helped the spirit move on....

Yes!  That would be logical! do I get him to listen...? can see him again....

He gripped his sword tightly and stared me down.  "What do you mean...?"

I'm serious.'s super complicated, need to come back to the castle....

He turned away swiftly, looking to the ground.  "No.  No, I'm not going back there."

Sky...please...I...I need your help....

He turned back around.  "Then why don't you just WRITE something up?!  You're the dang author----"

NO, I'M NOT!!  I yelled.

I shocked Sky into silence.

I had tried to stay calm, but I was getting desperate.

I'm NOT the freaking author here!  I'm just a helpless character!  I don't have any control of what happens!  Do you think I WANT my friends and family to be locked away by the spirits in the castle?!?

Sky stayed silent, watching me.

I continued to stare back at him until a wave of exhaustion hit me.

My body was finally catching onto the fact that I wasn't exactly fully functional.

My arms started shaking more than they usually do.  It was hard to keep myself balanced.  I was probably going to topple off any moment.

KitKat tilted her head in confusion at my sudden shakiness.

Ahh....  Sky...please help me...I don't want them to be alone for so...long....

Then the darkness decided to consume me.

I think the person writing this got writer's block.


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