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These are the rules posted in your
1. You may not attack the Headmaster, Monokuma.

2. Do not lend your E-handbook to another student.

3. Boys may not enter the girls locker rooms and vice versa.

4. Do not break the cameras

5. Your character can't suddenly know what was happening in another room if they weren't there, don't replace their knowledge with your knowledge. Thank you.

6. You cannot take the weapons from the Knife Throwing Range, this is why Monokuma has a shop.

7. No Autohitting. I hate it and it's just not happening. You must always give your opponent a chance to retaliated or deflect it. They decide weither it hits or not.

8. Monokuma can make a new rule at any time.

Your character cannot have powers whatsoever. I can and will deny you if you do so. Also the Mastermind will be randomly selected and Dm'ed.

-This will start once we reach 12 Characters-










Love Interest:


Execution Name:



________My Oc's________

Name: Lyric Clef Chambers

Nickname: Clef

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: She has ghostly pale skin and long hazel brown hair with honey brown eyes. She's about 5'1 and has a light and slim frame.She wears a blouse with dark blue outlines, and she also wears a long white skirt. Some knee high black socks and white flats almost complete her look. Finialy she has a strip of cloth in her hair. She often carries around a blue purse, or her chestnut brown violin. (don't know how to describe the cloth thingy XD.)

Personality: Assertive, Positive, Distant, Forgetful, Honest

Likes: Music, Violin, Any Instrument, Books, Writing, Painting, Acting, Being Creative, Singing, Drawing, Junk Food, Cats, Dogs, Video Games, YouTube, Gummy Bears, Chocolate

Dislikes: Out of tune notes, Jerks, Violence, Blood, Needles, Tuna fish, Sour Gummy Worms, Sour gummies of any type

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: Open

SHSL: Musician

Execution Name: The White Meadow

Backstory: Ever since she could hold a bow she's been playing the violin. Her skill has only grown as she's aged. She dabbled in other creative things as well like theatre, which she really enjoys, drawing, singing, and writing! She's lucky enough to have a family that encourages her dreams, although she feels like her parents are becoming a bit more distant. Or maybe she's over exaggerating. She's quite good in all of the creative things she's learned but by far her music skills are her best.

Other: She has ADD and takes medication for it. She has short term memory loss.

Name: Cody Pen Williams

Nickname: Cai

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Appearance: He has pale skin and messy dark blue hair. Dyed obviously. It's original color is brown, while his left eye is blue and his right one is yellow. He was just born like that. He wears a navy blue hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, and some black sneakers.

Personality: Understanding, Kind, Thoughtful, Dreamer, Thinker, Forgetful, Helpful

Likes: Reading, Imagining, Video Games, Presents, Chocolate, Orange Soda's, Sprite, Investigating

Dislikes: Sour Things, Needles, Blood, Arguments

Sexuality: Straight

Love Interest: Open

SHSL: Counseling

Execution Name: A Straight Path

Backstory: He grew up hearing about people who needed help. His mother was a brilliant doctor, or at least that's what he thinks of her, while his father was a counselor. At first he wanted to be like his mother, because he thought that he could be more helpful and save more lives that way. But when he started to hear what his mom had to do, all of those surgeries. And the fact that the life of your patient sometimes rests on you, and you alone, he backed out. He couldn't deal with all of that, or seeing blood. So naturally he turned to his fathers career, somewhat hesitantly. He just didn't know how much he could help others that way. But his father was patient and began to teach him about his job and some of the skills that he had. He began to warm up to it, and decided that it was his calling in life. Everything that he's learned so far is from his dad, and some stuff from his mom about treating injuries, and he is determined to survive with as many people as possible. So that they can all follow their dreams.

Other: He has insomnia, so he can often be seen napping during the day.

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