Cody In Question

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          "Cody wouldn't do that!" Andrew Volt, the Ultimate Gamer protested. Recalling the Counselors kind actions yesterday.

          Marik sighed, "Your name is Andrew right? Well people hide things, or are you to innocent minded to understand that?" He stated, glancing down at Lily Belle, who was standing next to him.

          He shook his head, "I know that Marik! But that doesn't matter, Cody's a good person! I swear it!" Andrew exclaimed in a convicted manner. He was going to stick to what he believed.

          "So your saying that we should ignore this?" Corey demanded, gesturing to the necklace he still held. His brown eyes glinting with anger.

Liam tackled Corey from behind, and sending the necklace flying from Corey's hands. Luckily Andrew managed to grab it before it hit the floor, where it possibly would have broke. The boy unsurely handed the jewelry to Jasmine, who promised that she'd keep it safe. Liam also earned a instinctual elbow to the stomach/side for his trouble. "Owww, that hurt mah non-rainbow chill fella. Listen to your helpful rainbow as fuc-fudge boi here for some advice. Don't get all accusational man. I mean do ya not hear Ly-Ly? She's all up and bawling man!" Liam lectured, still clinging to Corey's back like a koala.

          Some of the other students had already realized that Lyric was crying, but they had no idea how to comfort her. After all most of them didn't know eachother before coming to this school. With the exception of Caden, Katlyn, and Jasmine possibly. Alex however made her way over to her, and unsurely enveloped Lyric in a hug. "It's just a possibility, not certainty." She assured her. Alex knew Lyric the best out of them, although it could be rivaled by Cody.

          "I-I know but everyone's just throwing accusations at him because of a little bit of blood on a stupid necklace!" Lyric shakily explained, trying to calm herself and her flow of tears.

          After some struggling Corey managed to dislodge Liam from his back, and took a few steps towards Lyric, "It's what everything points to Lyric. What else are we supposed to think?" He prompted, although his tone was kind.

          He received glares from a few people, since these words didn't comfort the crying child at all. "Jet let Alex handle this Corey, she's got this under control." Joshua interrupted, preventing a full on argument from breaking out. Corey sighed in annoyance, but otherwise complied to Joshua's wishes.

          It only took a few more minutes for Lyric to finally regain some control over her emotions. Alex took this time to inform Joshua, and everyone else who didn't know that she preferred going as a he. "He, not she." Alex bluntly corrected, while awkwardly yet comfortingly running her hands through Lyric's hair.

"Noted." Marik mumbled to himself, taking note of that. Caden gave him a look, which kinda asked what? Marik just mouthed 'never mind'.

         Lily Belle loudly cleared her throat, rocking on the balls of her feet. "Everyone, I know that there's some shocking surprises and realities that we may have to face. But currently it's time for us to eat breakfast, and attend Monokuma's little gathering. So any further discussing of this topic should be held after." She firmly stated, sending her serious gaze around the room. Making sure to look everyone in the eyes. Everyone took the little cinnamon bun seriously, because of she was serious, they reckoned that they should be serious as well.

          In the end everyone agreed with Lily and the troubling topic was dropped in favor for breakfast and the mandatory gathering to listen to Monokuma. Breakfast was tense, and any of the pleasant conversation from last nights dinner was completely absent, and only soft mutters of Thank you was audible. Except for Liam, Lily, and Andrew, who continuously attempted to start up conversations, but eventually fell into a dreadful silence themselves. Their efforts being futile.

A dreary cloud hung over the students of class 82 as the trudged towards the gym. Passing numerous trophy cases on their way. Genevieve had a quiet conversation with Dylan, the Ultimate Astronomer on the way, doing their best to not be overheard. However Lyric managed to pick up some of it. "...wonder why...was looking....classrooms........with." Genevieve pondered softly, her words hard to pick up. So Lyric was left with partial sentences. After a few more moments she just tuned them out, feeling dull and bleak. Was this hopelessness? It was weird.

"Are you okay?" Andrew quietly asked as they passed through the doors of the gym.

She sighed, "I'll be okay." Was all Lyric said. She didn't feel like saying anything else.

Andrew rested a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. This girl that stood before him was not the Lyric he had encountered and seen. She wasn't her shy timid self. Nor was she being quirky and cheerful. Instead she was dull and compliant. Was she going to be the first to break, Andrew wondered. "Lyric look at me." He firmly ordered. Slowly her brown gaze met his own light brown eyes. "Things are going to be okay. Alright? Just have some faith." Andrew said, his eyes blazing with so much assurance that Lyric had no choice but to believe him.

          "All right..." She hesitantly said, before looking back to all the other students. A few were looking at her and Andrew, but most were paying attention Monokuma, who stood on the box/podium he had before. "We should join them now." She suggested, and without waiting for a response joined the rest of them. Andrew trailing behind some.

          Maniac laughter burst forth from Monokuma, filling the gym with it's chilling intensity. It beat Katlyn's cold demeanor, that was for sure. "I can feel so much despair coming from you all, it's so wonderfully intoxicating!" Monokuma crowed, his paws clutching his belly from laughing so hard.

          A shiver went racing down Lyric's spine, this feeling that she had was despair? Lily Belle shrunk away from Monokuma, and Marik having taken notice of this put himself in front of her some.

Dylan scoffed at Monokuma's behavior, and just at everything in general. "Just hurry up and tell us the damn motive." He snapped. Warning a hit to the shoulder for his trouble. "What!?" He irritably demanded, glaring at Genevieve, who had hit him.

The semi-redhead stuck out her tongue at him, "No cussing when Lily Belle is preset." Genevieve ordered, waving her finger at him, before turning her attention to Monokuma once more.

"Ah yes, well first the motive. Then I'll tell you about your friends~" Monokuma chuckled, and continued before anyone else had the opportunity to interrupt him. "If no one has killed anyone in the next three days, I will kill one of your family members. Unless there in this killing game of course~or a close friend. Pretty simple if I do say so myself! Anyhow about Cody and Samantha. How about I just give them to you?" He stated, before hitting a button. A platform sunk into the ground, rising moments later the limp forms of Cody and Samantha. Samantha's left arm was in a cast, as well as a sling. A few bandages were also wrapped around her head. Cody's hands had a small amount of blood on them, and both were unconscious, but clearly still breathing.

A few shocked gasps and muttering broke out among the students. "What did you do to them!?" One demanded, and it was echoed through the gathered mass.

          Did Monokuma torture them, or did was their fate invoked by their own foolish ways? Whatever happened to them was clearly something. The real question is, how serious is their condition?

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