Motive #3

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          After a generous four days without any incentive to commit the heinous crime of murder, Monokuma summoned everyone to Main Entrance, which is where everyone originally met. It was a rather grand entrance hall, despite the condition of the rest of the asylum. It was rather misleading to be honest.

Cody, along with everyone else, gathered obediently. Most seemed more downcast, as if resigned to this repetitive cycle. However there were some who still seemed optimistic, or determined to escape this horrid place. "I'm such a kind and generous overseer, and yet all I get are dull faces. Where's all the smiles and praise? Your medicines working, your being cured of your 'Hope'. So why all the sad faces?" Monokuma innocently questioned.

The manipulative bear didn't receive a response, and so he decided to continue on. "Ah well, no matter! I've call all of you patients here today for your next motive!" Monokuma exclaimed, before pulling out a book. Or to be specific, the book that had killed Azami. Scarlet Thorns. "Ya bastards also left this in the trial room, and your all practically adu-adolescents. Maturer adolescents. Anyhow this motives really simple! Every two hours someone doesn't kill means one of you will have to take an ice bath. It'll go down the list displayed on your handy dandy E-Handbook, so Lyric Chambers, you'll be first. To summarize the experience, you'll be plunged into an icy cold tub of water with a breathing mask, and stay ten minutes underwater. Then I'll hoist you back up and warm ya up, only to toss you right back for another ten! This will last until the next person's turn!" Monokuma explained with an eerily cheerful tone.

          The third motive has just been announced, and this time not killing...Will have dire effects on yourselves! What will happen?

[Just so you guys know the next death has already been planned, so we're good in that department.]

First Floor:
•The Cafeteria
•Your Rooms
•The Laundry Room
•The Trash Room
•The Infirmary
•Storage Closet
•Computer Lab

Second Floor:
•Weird Locked Door - This is now unlocked, but also a plot point for this Free Time, so don't go exploring it yet.
•The Pool
•Girls & Boys Locker Rooms

Atrium - A large atrium (Garden like place) is now unlocked. There are pathways that you can walk along, as well as a small river flowing through it: a bridge crosses over it and many different kinds of vegetation are all around.

Bloody Classroom - A classroom to teach younger kids that have been placed inside the Asylum is absolutely recked and destroyed. There is dried blood on the floors as well as a combat knife, but it's clean of blood. There are chalk drawings of human outlines, like on police shows. There's also a lot of do not cross tape anywhere. Hehhhh.

Third Floor:
I need help for idea for more rooms and stuff. So please suggest things in a suggestion chain that I will make.

Alive 'Patients':
Andrew Volt
Anne Nicholas
Cody Williams
Dark Neon
Fal Unknown
Gemini Hashanaki
Jermey Sheridan
Lyric Chambers
Nico Landler
Trypho Welsieiger

Dead 'Patients':
Akise Runji
Yuma Light
Yomachii Shideo
Azami Takeda

httpshirogane  UnlockingMint Chronigma @coolboy210 @TheHopeKing DatGrumpyKid  @pxstcly

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