Chapter 1.1 - Daily Life

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In my room is a bed, a small table, an end table, a wall clock, a desk, and a trash can.

There's also a monitor, probably for announcements by Monokuma. It can't be a TV without a remote.

I look down at the small table. There is my room key.

I leave it there. All I want to do is relax for a moment - it is stressful accepting the situation we're currently in.

On the wall facing opposite of the wall opposite to the door, there was a piece of paper taped. From my bed, I could already notice a small drawing of Monokuma's face at the top.


All room keys have been placed on your table.
All dorm rooms are completely soundproof.
A few gifts have been placed in your drawers, tool kits for the men, and sewing kits for the women.
Additionally, only the girls bathrooms have locks. After all, I don't think the boys really need them - well, maybe they do, but... Oh, well.

Katsumi would probably throw this in the trash after realizing "girls bathrooms" has a missing apostrophe.

I'm starting to feel tired...

I lock my door (since I don't want to be killed in my sleep) and take a nap.


I wake up. I take a look at the clock, and it's 7:40 p.m.

Phoebe asked us to meet at the dining hall at 8 o'clock...

I go to the dining hall, using my e-Handbook as a map.

"So you're the fourth person to arrive," says Kodo. Yuuki and Riku were already at the table.

As I sit down, three girls, Ikeru, Kudoko and Katsumi, arrive.

"I'm hungry," moans Ikeru.

"No need for cooking, Ikeru!" responds Kodo. "There's a countless amount of food in here!"

"Hey, don't eat too much, or one day you guys are gonna flop around like a fish half outta water because y'all are gonna get ridiculously fat," warns Kudoko.

"The pantry only contains edible raw ingredients, such as loaves of bread or cheddar cheese," states Katsumi. "There's only so much you can have with that. How about I prepare meals for all of you?"

"Hotdogs in buns," shouts Ikeru.

"Barbecue," suggests Kodo.

"A hotpocket," says Kudoko.

"Sushi with a side of wasabi," says Riku.

"Whatever exotic Indo-European dish you can come up with, I'd like to see how well you do," says Yuuki.

Seven more people, Yuri, Reiko, Natsuki, Nitoru, Hirohito, Takeshi, and Chikara arrive.

"It's almost eight," says Katsumi, coming back to the table with all of the aforementioned meals, alongside a few others. "Where is Washimura? I suppose she was named the Ultimate Irony for a reason..."

"Phoebe was the last to arrive," laughs Riku. "I never would have guessed."

"Did she forget?" guesses Natsuki. "Someone should check on her in her dorm."

"I'll go," says Yuri.

"Wait, Yuri," Riku stops her. "What if it's all just a trap, so that she can murder the person who tries checking on her room? I should go with you."

"I didn't think about that-!"

"C'mon, Yuri, let's go."

A while after we waited, the three finally came back.

"Sorry I forgot to come!" apologizes Phoebe, scratching her head.

"It's fine," replies Yuuki. "Now, let's eat!"

"It appears that some people are already finished eating," responds Katsumi, looking at Kodo as he swallowed the last bite of his toasted baguette, and Ikeru sliding the last piece of hotdog off the stick with her teeth.

"I'm not finished yet!" shouts Kodo as he takes a barbeque stick. "You should've been called the Ultimate Chef instead!"

"If you two throw up tonight, don't say I didn't warn you," sighs Phoebe.

"You... didn't," replies Ikeru. "I'm off to my dorm, see y'all tomorrow!"

Ikeru leaves. I'm done with my shawarma, so I leave, too.

I enter my room once more. I lock my door and hop into bed.

I should probably use the bathroom before I go to sleep...

After I did my business, the monitor in my room suddenly turned on.

It was Monokuma.

"I, Monokuma, the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, have an announcement to make!"

What could it be?

"It is now ten p.m."

What kind of announcement is that?

"Have a nice sleep! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!"

Then the monitor turned off.

I close my eyes.


"I, Monokuma, the headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, have an announcement to make!"

I wake up.

"Good morning, everyone! It is now seven a.m!"

I do my everyday morning routine in the bathroom, like brushing my teeth... And doing business.

Then, I head over to the dining hall.

"Hayato! You're late!" Hirohito yells at me.

I count the number of people already in the dining hall, and I realize I'm the thirteenth to arrive.

"How are you guys this early?"

"Simple! I'm rather surprised you woke up late," bickers Katsumi. "You were the second to return to your dorm, so can't we assume you were tired by then?"

"Who's not here?" I ask.

"Phoebe, for one," enumerates Yuuki. "As well as Hikari and Takeshi, the last ones to leave the dining hall last night."

It always has to be Phoebe who's late, huh.

"Yuri and Riku should probably go get her again," says Hirohito.

"Nah, mate, I'm starving," returns Riku.

"I'll go, then," volunteers Katsumi. "You can eat without me."

Yuri and Katsumi leave the dining hall, while all of us start eating.

"You know, this sausage suddenly tastes worse than the ones last night, and the ones I used to get served at home sometimes," says Hirohito.

"You are the Ultimate Politician, right?" Natsuki questions. "I mean, it's not like I doubt you or anything!"

"I am indeed the Ultimate Politician," Hirohito answers confidently.

"Then wouldn't you be lying about being served good sausages at home?" interrogates Ikeru.

"Oh, quit it! Politicians like me never lie," badgers Hirohito.

"Did I just meet my favorite mythical creature, the honest politician?" asks Kudoko. Hirohito is piiiiissed.

I look to my left while enjoying our conversation. Katsumi was coming back, along with Nitoru and Takeshi.

"What happened to Yuri and Phoebe?" Kageta asks.

"Washimura misplaced her room key, that's all," replies Katsumi. "Wakabayashi's just helping her find it."

"It sucks that you all started eating without me," moans Takeshi. "Oh well."

Then Yuri and Phoebe arrive with disappointed looks on their faces.

"Dang it... I couldn't find my room key," mumbles Phoebe.

"Did you make sure you checked the trash can?" interrogates Hikari. "Half of the time I find my extra matchboxes in the trash!"

"My room key isn't a matchbox," replies Phoebe, angered. "And anyway, we did check the trash can."

"I'll help you find your room key," offers Hikari.

"Nah, I'll let it pass," says Phoebe. "I'll just have to go to sleep without being able to lock my door."

"I don't think it would make sense if you needed a key to lock from the inside," I point out.

"Ah - well, that's right I suppose," responds Phoebe, embarrassed. "But still, I desperately need my room key back!"

"Let's deal with that later," says Hirohito. "What I want to find out now is if anyone here is planning a murder."

"Oh, that would be quite important as well," remarks Ikeru.

"Hayato, please assist me," Hirohito requests.

"Hirohito, is it okay if we start a pocket search?"

"Everyone, turn over your pockets!" Hirohito commands.

Yuri pulls out a small kitchen knife. "D-Don't get the wrong idea, it is for self-defense only..."

"That's the normal excuse for having a weapon in possession," replies Hirohito.

"If she was planning to commit murder, she would've kept it in her room. However, she's bringing it with her wherever she goes, so it's more likely that it's for self-defense," I argue.

"Very well, then. Keep the knife, Yuri."

We also confiscated Hikari's matchbox, but other than that, the rest had nothing apart from their E-Handbooks.

"Wait, were our wallets stolen too?" gasps Reiko.

"Gee, all that was left was our E-Handbooks and contraband. Strange, yeah?" says Takeshi.

"One more thing," says Hikari. "Monokuma assigned me to cleaning duty this week."

"'This week'?" I question.

"Yup! Next week it's gonna be someone else, and I'd like to ask if anyone's volunteering."

"It's not like there's much I can do during my free time other than take naps," says Ikeru.

I look at the clock. Nine a.m.

"Heya, Hayato," says Hikari. "Is it fine if you come to my room tomorrow before dinner?"

"Sure," I reply.

I hope this isn't a murder attempt.

I go back to my room once again.

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