Chapter 1.4 - Deadly Life

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As we were going to the gym, I was still shocked.

There's no way any of us would kill just so that we can leave. At least, that's what I thought until now.

Hirohito Demegawa, the Ultimate Politician, dead already...

We haven't even had the chance to know him that well.

"What the hell happened in your room, Phoebe?" asks Katsumi.

"Well, last night Hayato asked me to block my door with something heavy and sturdy, so I did, and right after that I went to sleep. Then when I woke up a few minutes ago..."

I have a slight feeling that Phoebe killed Hirohito, but I don't wanna believe it.

"Would Hirohito be the one who stole your keys?" Nitoru questions.

"If I remember correctly, Hirohito lives between Ikeru and Nitoru," I state. "Lived, anyway."

"And Phoebe would just be across the hallway, diagonally," adds Katsumi.

"What did you use to block your door, anyway?" I ask Phoebe.

"Initially, the chair from my desk," Phoebe answers. "Then I took your toolkit and tried boarding up the door using the chair. But then Monokuma showed up, and said it wasn't allowed, though he was forgiving since it wasn't stated in the handbook — well, it is now. So instead of nailing the chair to the door, I nailed it to the floor in front of the door."

"Katsumi - hate to break it to ya, but you're leaving bloody footprints!" panics Nitoru.

"I must have stepped on Hirohito's blood..." replies Katsumi. "We should really hurry to the gym."

Hirohito's blood is fresh... Interesting.

The four of us arrive at the gym, where Hikari, Yuuki, and Ikeru already stand.

"Any insights, Hayato?" asks Ikeru. "You are the Ultimate Forensic Psychologist."

"Not much as of the moment, since I don't want to get in trouble with Monokuma for being late. But, I can say that the blood was fresh... And pink. Not to mention, Katsumi accidentally stepped on a puddle."

Katsumi takes off her right shoe and shows the sole to everyone.

"Are you sure you aren't the killer, Katsumi?" says Yuuki.

"I am certain. When we start investigating, I'll prove I'm not the killer."

Natsuki is the last to enter the room.

"Upupupupu!" laughs Monokuma suddenly appearing on the podium. "Finally! A murder!"

"Really, who's behind this thing?" asks Takeshi. "I'd really like to know, 'cuz damn, he's sadistic."

"Or she," reminds Kudoko.

"Did anyone here witness the murder?" asks Yuuki. Nobody raises their hand — or as Katsumi would say, 'zier' hand.

"Nobody?" repeats Yuuki.

"Nope!" exclaims Monokuma. "And for this murder, you shall all be given the Monokuma File! It is now downloaded into all of your E-Handbooks."

I open my E-Handbook.

"Hey, Hayato. I think you should listen to Monokuma first," says Ikeru.

"You're right," I reply.

"I have a question," says Kudoko. "How much time do we have to investigate?"

"Oh, I'll give you just enough time as soon as you leave the gym! But when time's up, time's up!"

"I hope the culprit's name is written on the Monokuma File," mumbles Kodo.

"Nah, I doubt it's gonna be that simple," replies Riku.

"You may now leave the gym!" says Monokuma. "And your timer starts NOW!"

Kodo, Reiko, Hikari, and Nitoru immediately run to Phoebe's room. "We should have two people guard the crime scene," I say.

"Why two?" asks Kudoko.

"Well, let's say I'm the murderer, and I was assigned to guard the body. I'd dispose of the evidence."

"Oh, I get it," says Kudoko. "Chikara and I should guard Hirohito's body."

"No prob' for me! Liftin' isn't my only talent, you know!"

"Alright," I say. "Let's investigate.

We all rush over to Phoebe's room.

"Move along, kiddos! Security has been called to this corpse!" Kudoko shouts.

"Calm your shit down, Kudoko," says Riku.

"This is certainly blood," says Reiko in my voice (she's done a good job at making me sound like a lunatic talking to myself). "I can't recall any other substance that's this pink and this thick."

"There's no need to state the obvious," I reply. "Let's leave the corpse to Yuri."

"I'm on it," she says immediately.

"What if Yuri's the killer?" questions Yuuki.

"I haven't gotten much experience in anatomy, though if I must examine the corpse, I will," I state. "There isn't anyone else here besides Yuri who knows human anatomy, ri—"

"I doubt so," refutes Yuuki.

"I see," I plead. "Everyone else who isn't guarding the crime scene or dead, let's investigate the room."

Beside the corpse, I see a nail on the floor, which fits Phoebe's testimony, and a large pile of wood ash. I pick a sample up.

So this is where the fire started...

"Why is it that a lot of us, such as Ikeru, Takeshi and I are visibly wet from the sprinklers, meanwhile other people such as Katsumi and Hikari are completely dry?" asks Reiko in Chikara's voice.

"I often sleep with my head tucked under the blanket," Katsumi admits.

"Same," says Natsuki. They high-five.

"Seeing as I'm the Ultimate Pyrotechnician, I know what comes right after a fire alarm," says Hikari. "The sprinklers shoot! But of course, I don't want to get wet, so I went to my bathroom and ran to the gym as soon as it ended."

There isn't much else to investigate left. Unless looking into a girl's bathroom is relevant, I may as well try interrogating others, starting with the dorm owner.

"Hey, Phoebe—"

"Gee, I'm surprised you were last one to try question me. I'm not the killer."

"I know you're not the killer; in fact, I believe that the killer is trying to frame you. Is there something you witnessed?"

"Well, you know about the fire last night, right? I witnessed the killer dragging the body here, but he — or she — was wearing a bloody bedsheet on, so I couldn't tell who it was. After the sprinklers went off, I tried chasing the killer, but he or she had a knife, and I'm better off safe than sorry, so I backed off. I investigated it for a little bit, which is why you see a bit of drag from there to there," she states, pointing to an area close the door, then to the corpse. "I found the same things I assume you did. I also checked my doorstep, and found this, though I'm not sure if it's relevant to the case." She handed me a sewing needle. "Then I pried out the nail, opened the door, screamed, and you guys came."

Either Phoebe felt the need to throw away a part of her sewing kit, or the killer was female... But if the killer is indeed female, then why would she need to bring a part of her sewing kit?

"May I check your sewing kit? Give me my tool kit back as well."

Phoebe handed me both kits. Her sewing kit was complete, meaning the killer must be a girl, or someone really perverted.

"Thank you," I say, handing it back. "Why'd you nail the chair to the floor? Why not just nail it to the wall?"

"Monokuma wouldn't allow that," Phoebe answers. "He stopped me before I could."

I check again around the corpse. Besides the nail, ash, blood, and wet floor, there isn't much else...

...Except for the fact that the blood splatter seems interesting.

The blood made it look as if the corpse was dragged from one of the inner dorms. The ones you'd take the longest time to walk through to if you pass mine, like Natsuki's.

"Hey, guys..." says Kodo coming back. "Bad news! There's another missing knife from the kitchen!"

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