Chapter 1.7 - Trial Intermission

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"Now, hold on a second," Hikari responds. "Wouldn't it have been more convenient for Hirohito to just write everyone's names first so that he wouldn't have to spend more time writing while in someone else's room?"

"It's not like Hirohito would know in advance whose rooms are gonna be empty at a certain time," responds Natsuki.

"Exactly our point. Everything's either filled or completely blank, without even a name on them. But the sixth page has your name on it and nothing else, which makes sense because Hirohito saw your room supposedly empty, but couldn't write the contents because by the time he entered your room, because the door was open with you hiding behind it, you quickly backstabbed him. Is that correct?"

"That's completely bullshit," replies Hikari. "There should've been blood in my dorm if that happened."

"You're the one on cleaning duty," argues Kodo. "But because Hirohito entered your room before dinner — we can assume this because we saw him around midday and didn't see him at dinner — you could've stashed his corpse somewhere in your room and transferred it to Phoebe's at nighttime. But, you still had a few hours to clean up your dormitory, and seven to clean the drag from your dorm to Phoebe's."

"Anyone here can grab a handkerchief or tissue and wipe off the blood, so why's it me?"

"Y'know, all of our pockets were emptied out when we got here," says Yuuki. "And if the killer used tissue, it wouldn't be sufficient enough."

"Exactly why the blood wasn't cleaned halfway!" Hikari points out.

"That is a good point..." says Ikeru.

"You know, the fire happened at around 12:00 midnight," argues Kodo. "Morning starts at 7 o'clock. You had seven hours to complete the murder, so if you were using toilet paper, why didn't ya finish it off?"

"Well, the blood wasn't cleaned the whole way!" Nitoru reminds.

"Wait, so why would Hikari only leave it cleaned halfway?" Phoebe asks.

"That's what I've been thinking about as well," I admit.

"See? Just admit it already! Even you, the Ultimate Forensic Psychologist, don't know the reason! I'm not the killer! Why does the usage of stupid toilet paper point to me, anyway?"

"You're the one in charge of cleaning, so you'll obviously have the easiest time cleaning," states Reiko in Takeshi's voice.

"Wait, I think I got it," I say. "Well, half of Hikari's query, anyway."

"I think I know it, too..." says Natsuki. "It's about the time the fire alarm went off, right?"

"That's right," I reply. "Hikari has access to a mop, while we don't. Others who didn't have a mop would've had to resort to toilet paper, but that would also mean the fire would've started later. We heard it at around 12:00 midnight, and 2 hours is a good enough time while using a mop. Also, we didn't see any bloody tissue anywhere."

"What about the drag?" questions Hikari. "What do you have to say about it?"

"I'd like to say that I have my suspicions about it," I answer. "Everyone here knows that Hikari's not the only owner of one of the back dorms; it's common sense, really. However, we'd also end up believing that the murder was done in one of the back dorms."

"Hayato! Didn't we clean up the facts about the murder's location already?" Yuuki shouts.

"Yes, but... Wait! I don't think the venue even matters anymore if Hikari is the culprit!"

"What?" several people react.

"Explain, Tachibana. I understand that the blood could be snaked from a front room such as yours..." says Katsumi. "Ah, wait. I believe I know what you mean now. The culprit would like us to think that the murder was done in the outer area of the dormitories, which is where you, Izumida, Fujisato, and others reside. However he may also get that that's how you, including many of us, would think of it. Thus, he'd want you to believe that it was indeed done in the inner area of the dormitories — where Aniyama, Daisho, and others are — and that's where we were in the first place. It's an infinite loop."

"So the culprit wanted us confused..." mumbles Riku. "That's just some predictable, classic strategy."

"You know, you might as well have cleaned it up 'till the end so that we'd all believe it was done in my dorm," says Phoebe. "Oh, wait. I suppose that after a nice shower for both us and the fire, the floor'd already be too slippery with all that soap, making it suspicious, yes?"

"And, speaking of fire, you did mention yourself in possession of matchboxes once or twice before, right, Hikari?" says Yuri.

"That's right. So although any of us could've started the fire with friction or from the kitchen, Hikari has the most convenient way of starting fires in his pocket: a full matchbook," says Yuuki.

"Well, if you truly believe that it was really a fire that started and not just some smoke in the kitchen, tell me why the door wasn't burnt, especially if you take into consideration it swings inside, not outside," Hikari argues.

"Are you darn stupid? There was ash on the floor! Of course a goddamn fire started!" Riku responds.

"Umm, just so you know, I as headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy don't want my precious school to burn down into rubble," notes Monokuma. "The door's a hundred percent fireproof! All of them! But next time, I don't want any students committing arson in this prestigious academy... Unless it's for killing!"

"That's it," says Takeshi. "I believe we're done here."

"There is one more argument I have to present," says Hikari. "Phoebe found a sewing needle in front of her door, however she claims it is not hers."

"Easy question to answer," Takeshi replies. "Right, Yuri?"

"Yep! Lent him my sewing kit so he could stitch up a rip in his suit, though I suppose the needle had other things to do, huh."

"Hey, how the hell did you know about that, Takeshi?" Hikari badgers.

"Well, I suppose you didn't see me taking care of my virtual E-Handbook pets outside while I was listening to your conversation, huh."

"Damn you, Takeshi! You're fucking stupid! The rooms are soundproof, so how the hell do you manage to hear our conversation?"

"That only applied for the dormitories, but we were never told for other rooms such as the Laundry room," Ikeru states.

"I believe you've forgotten that *I'm* the Ultimate Guitarist. We musicians have better sense of hearing compared to normies like Phoebe."

"You think I'm a normie? I'll kill you!" responds Phoebe, raising her clenched fist.

"Well, at least if Takeshi dies, we all know whodunnit," says Kudoko.

"Back to the topic," says Reiko in Katsumi's voice. "YOU DO HAVE A PRETTY LOUD VOICE, HIKARI!"

"Damn you..." Hikari says.

"Admit it already," says Yuuki.

"Well, back to our argument from a while ago, the blood didn't look like it was partially cleaned to you guys, did it?" asks Hikari.

"Again, you had 7 hours, and if you started — say, 10 o'clock — then it only took you a bit less than 2 hours to make the drag appear natural. And that makes sense, because you're the Ultimate Pyrotechnician — and I'd like to spill a dirty secret about you involving that," says Yuuki. "I would know because I'm the Ultimate Journalist, so let me say it: In your earlier years, you let a firecracker go out of control, and eventually, it killed someone just a few meters beside you. You saw the corpse that time, and there was blood. There's a corpse this time, and there's blood. You know what a natural blood puddle from a person you killed looks like."

"Wha— How'd you know that? I-I never killed anybody!"

"You killed my cousin's classmate, and I'm the Ultimate Journalist. Of course I'd know of such things. And, you killed Hirohito Demegawa himself."

"That's... Wrong! All wrong! Phoebe could've stolen someone else's bedsheet, ya know?"

"Nobody mentioned a thing about their bedsheets going missing while we were discussing it," refutes Kodo.

"Wait," says Katsumi. "If Demegawa just so happened to walk into Himura's room, then how'd he manage to prepare and stab him with a knife?"

"Perhaps because he was planning to kill someone else," says Phoebe. "No one here was asked if they could meet at Hikari's room, but if I'm wrong, speak up. Anyone."

"Hikari asked for a meeting with me scheduled before dinner yesterday, the time Hirohito was killed," I speak. "I tried entering his room last night, but by that time, his room was locked, and at the time I thought he'd simply forgotten and went to bed or something along those lines— but no, he was trying to hide Hirohito's corpse."

"So he was trying to kill... you, Hayato?" gasps Natsuki.

"I believe so. In fact I had already suspected it would be a murder attempt, but I decided to risk it."

"What's your motive for trying to murder our only hope, the Ultimate Forensic Psychologist?" Chikara interrogates. "Answer me now before I crack your empty skull in half and mash your brains into mush."

"You know, if his skull was empty, you wouldn't have brains to mash," replies Kudoko.

"I think it's because he really just wanted to escape, y'know? I mean, I do miss family as well," Reiko theorizes, speaking in Natsuki's voice.

"Fuck you," says Hikari. "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK - YOU! FUCK YOU ALL!"

"I do not tolerate swearing," Yuuki responds.

"Let me summarize the whole thing," I say. "You'll have to accept it, Hikari."

"Continue," says Kodo.

"We'll begin with Hirohito entering my room a few days ago," I state. "I noticed he had his notebook with him. Though I thought he was taking down notes on what I was saying, he was actually taking a look at my room, noting down details. That's when he spying on us and invading our privacy so that he could prevent a murder from happening. Skip to about a day later. The culprit asked me after dinner if I could visit his room before dinner the following day, and though I doubted at first, thinking it'd be a murder attempt, I agreed anyway. Boy was I lucky, because the following day, I spent my whole time trying to get to know others better, much to the point that I almost forgot about my meeting with the culprit. But, by the time I could enter his room, it was already locked. That's because some time before, our culprit did a sneak attack on Hirohito using a knife, who had thought his room was empty, and due to the attack happening so suddenly, he must've mistaken Hirohito for me, who he had really intended to kill."

"Seems fine," says Yuuki.

"Locked in a room with a corpse?!" gasps Yuri.

"Kinda stupid of Hikari to let the room look empty. If Hayato remembered, then he would've seen and thought you weren't there," says Takeshi.

"Exactly," agrees Reiko in Ikeru's voice.

"Then, at nighttime, the culprit was ready to pin the murder on Phoebe. He looted Phoebe's room key from Hirohito, who had already searched Phoebe's room previously. Then, he dragged the corpse from his room to Phoebe's, and proceeded to clean up some of the blood. Because of an old experience he had, our culprit was able to disguise the blood in such a way that it'd look natural, and not cleaned up by mop, thanks to and old experience of his. The culprit then put a bedsheet on, and opened Phoebe's door using her key, which Hirohito stole before breakfast on our second day here. He proceeded to light a matchbox from his pocket in order to burn down a chair which was nailed down in front, thus prohibiting the killer from entering. That also set a the fire alarm off, and the sprinkler systems on, and in the short span of time Phoebe had to get out of bed and rush to the door, the culprit dragged the corpse into her dorm, ran back to his dorm to hide the bedsheet, and went to the gym once the sprinklers were done with their jobs. Unfortunately, while inside Phoebe's dorm, the culprit accidentally dropped a sewing needle given to him by Yuri so that he could patch a hole in his suit, which led us to think the culprit may've been a girl — though unfortunately, we discovered it was only a red herring. Speaking of Yuri, she also accidentally dropped a knife in front of Phoebe's dorm, allowing for a good decoy weapon the killer could use," I continue. "Our culprit is has always been a late comer to breakfast and dinner, but today, he was one of the first to the gym. And thus, that further proves the culprit is you, Hikari Himura, the Ultimate Pyrotechnician!"

"Alright, alright, detective boy! I'll admit it," confesses Hikari. "Well, really, I didn't wanna kill Hirohito but—"

"You did intend on killing Hayato," says Yuuki. "Why so keen on killing the one most capable of solving murder incidents?"

"I wanted to go home," Hikari answers. "I wanna go home. I wanna see the night sky again. And... Why I wanted to kill Hayato, frame Phoebe? I... Someone here's gotta feel the same thing, right? So... If Hayato was dead, it'd be easier for us to escape, and—"

"Silence," says Katsumi. "That is enough, defendant Himura."


"Well, I kinda feel the same way too, y'know," says Reiko in Yuri's voice. "I miss my family too, but I don't wanna kill anybody, either. We've all made friends here, r-right? And... I don't wanna say goodbye to them so soon..."

"But then again, you can lie for the first time and have a guilty conscience, and lie a second time, only to soon become a pathological liar," says Yuuki. "Remember, this is his second time killing someone."

"Do we proceed to voting time?" asks Ikeru.

"Did somebody say 'voting time'?" responds Monokuma enthusiastically. "Then it's voting time! Please cast your vote using the panel below!"

I reluctantly tap on Hikari's portrait.

"Guys! Remember... H-Hayato's the culprit, alright?" says Hikari, trembling.

"I'm not falling for that one," says Yuri.

"All votes in?" asks Monokuma. "Good! Now let us see the results!"

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