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Everyone stood in the main room after the trial, no one knowing what to say. Mai was a sobbing mess, clinging to Kazuki yet weakly punching his chest at the same time.

"W-why didn't you... l-let me save her...?! W-Willow... W-Willow didn't d-deserve that! S-she didn't, she didn't!" Mai exclaimed through her tears, and Kazuki silently wrapped his arms around her.

"I can't believe it... Willow... why her? W-we've been through s-so much together..." Satchiko muttered from where she stood close to me. "After all that... she's g-gone?"

I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there, looking around at all the despairing expressions. I didn't know Willow very well, but she was one of the survivors, so of course her death would effect them all more deeply. She had lived through one killing game only to be picked off in another.

I felt a hand slip into mine, and glanced over to meet Nise's gaze. "C-can we go...?" She whispered, and I could immediately tell she was awkward with this. I didn't blame her, I was glad for an excuse to leave the room as well.

I simply nodded, and led the shorter girl down the main hallway, deciding to go into the smaller living room area. With Nise I sat on a couch, and she hesitantly separated her hand from mine. After a moment of silence, she spoke.

"Th-that was horrible... I f-feel so bad for Akiyama..." She muttered. "I can o-only imagine h-how it would feel if I lost him."

I nodded again, letting out a small sigh. "I know, it was hard to watch..." I paused for a moment, taking in what she said. "Wait, him? Didn't you say you were alone when we found you?"

"O-oh, yeah, we got separated..." Nise replied, fidgeting with her grey sleeve. "I-I know he's coming back f-for me though... he's going to save me from th-this place."

"Is he... your boyfriend?" I tilted my head.

Nise shrugged. "S-something like that."

Before I could say any more, Chou's voice emerged from the speakers as she made yet another announcement.

"I know everyone's all depressed by now, but there's a new area opening up from the main room! So go check it out if ya wanna." Chou stated.

"Should we go?" I asked, looking to the black haired girl.

Nise nodded a bit, standing up. "Yeah..."

Together, we walked back to the main room. Almost everyone had left by now, only Aimi and Katashi remaining. I noticed that across from the second hallway, on the right side of the room, another hallway had opened.

"Ikeda, Mimoto, you two going to see the new area?" Aimi asked as she saw us.

"Yeah, we are." I responded.

"Then I'll join you." Aimi stood up, then looked back at Katashi. "You coming?"

"I'll join later..." Katashi muttered.

Nise, Aimi, and I went into the newly opened hallway, walking a bit before reaching the first door. I stepped inside, and looked around the large room. There were four beds in a row with white sheets, up against the back wall. On the wall across, there were many shelves filled with different medical supplies.

"Looks like an infirmary." Aimi commented, walking around the room. "I'm pretty surprised Chou would put this in, I didn't think that evil bitch would do anything for our sake. I wouldn't trust the medicine here."

"She's not all bad." I spoke without thinking, then quickly added. "I-I mean, I don't know, I wouldn't know, but um... she could have some good in her..."

"Right..." Aimi narrowed her eyes. "Well, don't trust her. I shouldn't have to tell you why."

"I know..." I let out a small sigh. I have to be more careful.

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