Back to the Apartment

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A few hours had passed since Mai left before I heard yet another knock on the door. I got up from the bed, stretching, before I walked over and pulled the door open.

Standing there were Kazuki and Aimi. I noticed they were standing a few paces apart, and there was an unseen tension in the air. Both were wearing the same outfits from before, and Aimi had in her hand a hacking gun just like Tomi's.

"Hey, Ikeda-chan, you ready to go get your stuff?" Kazuki asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I am." I left the room, closing the door behind me. I left my skateboard there, but brought my gun, which was currently in my pocket.

"Let's try to be quick. I don't want to get into trouble." Aimi said, leading the way out. Kazuki and I followed, and I couldn't help but feel Aimi was being more curt than before.

Once we were out of the building, we stopped, and Kazuki turned to me. "Do you know which way it is?"

I thought for a moment, before pointing in the direction I originally came from. "That way."

Aimi nodded. "Alright, then let's-"

"Boo!" Aimi jumped a bit, then turned around to Tomi, who was standing behind her. I didn't even see him coming.

Before he could say anything, Aimi spoke. "No, you're not coming. We have it covered."

"Aw, c'mon Aimi!" Tomi whined. "It's so boring just staying back and waiting!"

"There's other things you can do. You aren't some freeloader like Kazuki, you're part of the Future Foundation so you have to do what you're told." Aimi scolded him, and Tomi only walked over to my side, resting an arm over my shoulders.

"I'm sure Kira's missed me though." He said with a small grin.

I didn't know how to respond to that, and my cheeks involuntarily grew warm. Seriously Akira, are you trying to embarrass yourself?

Aimi just glared at him. "No. You're staying here."

"It wouldn't be bad to have some backup...." Kazuki hesitantly pointed out.

"Don't side with him, Kazuki." Aimi said, "It's not your place to speak."

"Aimi, you're always so bossy." Tomi stated. "I know the way close to there, it'd be stupid to go just with someone who walked the route once."

Aimi let out a small sigh. "I hate the fact that you might be right... fine, I guess you can come, but don't mess around."

"Yes!" Tomi exclaimed, releasing me. "Then let's go!"

We all made our way back to where I first met Tomi with minimal problems. After that, I took the lead for the short way back to the apartment building. We went inside, going up the stairs to where I stayed- the third floor.

"It's been really quiet..." Aimi pointed out before I opened the door. "But don't get used to it. We can be attacked at any moment."

"Yeah..." I said, pushing open the door and walking into the small apartment. It was just as I had left it.

The others entered behind me, and Tomi frowned as soon as he walked in. "You really lived in this dump?"

"Uyeda." Aimi glared at him, before looking to me with a small smile. "Just grab everything you need, we'll wait for you."

I nodded, walking over to my bed and picking up a golden locket that lay under the pillow. I couldn't believe I had forgotten this before. I opened it, looking at the picture inside of Akio and I smiling together. Get yourself together, don't cry again now.

I closed the locket, putting it around my neck. I grabbed a backpack that lay in the corner, and threw in the very few clothes I had. I pulled out a box from under my bed, it was full of books, mainly the Harry Potter series. I started filling my bag with them, just fitting the seven books.

"You're really bringing all those? That's gonna be really heavy." Tomi pointed out.

"They were Akio's." I simply said, zipping up the bag.

Tomi continued, "Then there's even less of a reason to bring them, he's already-"

Kazuki cut him off by lightly elbowing him in the side. "Don't be so insensitive. It's fine if you bring them, Ikeda-chan."

"Thanks, Nozomi-san...." I stood up straight, putting on the backpack and almost falling over in the process. Maybe Tomi really is right....

"That's all?" Aimi asked, and I nodded. "Then let's head back."

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