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All eyes turned to the TV screen as a girl appeared on it. She had platinum blonde hair with red streaks in high pigtails. She had on a white shirt with a red heart in the middle, and a brown jacket. Her golden eyes seemed to stare into my soul.

"I was gonna wait for everyone to get here, but you people take forever~!" The girl whined. "Those girls still aren't here, and they've been awake for like, ten minutes!"

"Who are you?" Toki asked, glaring at the screen. "Why are we here?"

"The name's Chou! Surname classified." The blonde replied with a grin. "And you're all here so I can have my own fun! Zetami-senpai's game was so long and boring, mine'll be much more entertaining!"

"W-wait, you mean..." Mai stuttered, moving closer to Willow. "No... not again!"

"It'll be very different from before, don't you worry!" Chou said with a giggle. "Michio thinks I can't create good despair... oh, he will regret his words... When I'm done here, he'll surely be sorry!"

"You know him?" Kazuki asked, but before Chou could respond, a strawberry blonde girl entered the room.

Her wavy hair was up in a ponytail, bangs swept to the side. She was a teenager, with bright blue eyes, and I couldn't help but notice how much she and Satchiko looked alike. She had on a white short sleeved button up shirt, a light pink skirt, grey knee high cat socks, black flats, and a black choker around her neck.

"Yukiko!" Satchiko exclaimed, running to the girl and quickly hugging her. "I-I'm so glad you're okay... I was so worried!"

Yukiko pushed her off, puffing out her cheeks. "C'mon, of course I'm okay, I can take care of myself, I'm fifteen!" She paused for a moment, looking Satchiko over. "Satchi... are you okay though? You seem... different. What happened to your face?"

"I-I'll tell you later..." Satchiko muttered, looking at the floor.

"Yuki~!" I looked in the direction of the new high pitched voice, watching as a red haired girl ran into the room, immediately heading to Yukiko and hugging her from behind. Her long red hair reached just past her shoulders, and she had brown eyes and freckles. She wore a black leather vest, white jeans, brown boots, brown fingerless gloves, and a black choker that matched Yukiko's.

"Yuki, you can't just run off like that! What if we got separated?" The redhead pouted.

"Finally, you're here! I was just about to start without you!" Chou exclaimed, and all attention turned back to her. "Okie dokie, now I'm gonna explain everything the best I can!"

"It's about time." I heard Aimi mutter.

"Basically, I got all the survivors of the 79th class gathered here, even their teacher! The rest of you were related to someone in that class, and if they aren't here, they're dead!" Chou laughed a bit at the horrified expressions on some people's faces. "The only one not related to someone is Aimi Hoshiko, but you dated Nozomi so there's a connection to the class!"

"I guess Ichiko's dead..." The red haired girl sighed. "I'm not surprised, she was kinda pathetic."

"No no no, you're supposed to be depressed! Your cousin died, show some emotion!" Chou whined, looking down. "I'm already failing at despair, this really sucks!"

"Th-they aren't really all dead... are they?" Itsuki asked, his expression appearing entirely broken. "Jirou wouldn't... he wouldn't leave me...."

"That's more like it!" Chou said, appearing happy once more. "Yup, your big brother is dead and gone! Mercilessly stabbed through the heart!"

Itsuki buried his face in his hands, and I felt a wave of sympathy for him. I knew how terrible it felt, but at least I had people to comfort me when I found out about Akio, and not some psycho laughing at me.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Chou said, doing her best serious expression. "You're all gonna kill each other, and if you do, you can leave!"

"And why do you think we'd do that?" Aimi asked, glaring at the screen. "We have the ultimate escape artist on our side. We'll get out sooner or later."

"Nuh uh, you didn't lemme finish!" Chou crossed her arms. "I think I did a pretty good job making this place escape-proof, so it'll at least take him a while! And I have a little rule that'll help me out." A smirk formed on the girl's face before she continued. "If no one dies within a week, I get to randomly select someone to personally murder. This doesn't just count for the first time either, no matter what, every week someone will die."

"You have to be kidding..." Kazuki said, staring up at Chou in shock. "You're insane...."

"How rude, I just get bored quick! I said this game would be more exciting than Michio's!" Chou exclaimed. "Oh! Oh! I got even more motivation! Guess what it is? You're gonna love it!"

"Just spit it out already." Toki growled.

Chou ignored her hostility. "Okay, here it is! If you kill someone and get away with it, I won't kill everyone else. Then things could end too soon. Instead, I'll choose someone random to kill that's not the murderer, and whoever the killer is can choose someone to take with them and get outa here! Of course, if you're caught you'll be executed, but think of the rewards!"

"So we'll definitely be able to take someone out of here with us... you're not joking?" Willow asked.

Chou nodded with a giggle. "Of course! But I'm gonna make your lives hell here, I can't have ya wanting to stay!" She paused for a moment, and when no one spoke, she continued. "Oh yeah, I got cameras everywhere, don't break 'em. Chou signing out!" As soon as she finished speaking, the screen went black.

We're screwed.

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