Exploration and New Information

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Once I left the room, Nise quickly approached me with a nervous expression.

"D-do you wanna... look around together?" She asked.

I gave a small nod. "Sure, let's go."

We made our way down one of the hallways, and still, everything was grey. I hoped Tomi would find a way out soon, since I was already getting sick of it. We entered another room, this one still grey, but with a few tables and chairs.

"I-is this supposed to be... a dining room?" Nise asked, approaching one of the white wooden tables.

I shrugged. "Maybe... there's not much here."

Nise nodded, letting out a small sigh and pushing up her glasses. "I-I hope we aren't stuck here long..." She said quietly. "I-it's pretty scary...."

"Yeah, but we can get through this!" I replied, trying to sound supportive, but I couldn't help my voice from shaking. "I mean, we have Uyeda-kun. He wasn't around during the last game, this one could end fast."

"I... I dunno. I-I wanna trust him, but..." Nise trailed off, then quietly muttered, "This is all wrong, it wasn't supposed to be like this...."

I remembered her saying something like that earlier too, and it seemed a little odd. I shook my head, deciding to brush it off. Nise was too much of a nervous wreck to hurt anyone, even if there was something up.

"Hey, we're gonna get out of here together, 'kay?" I said with a small smile, and Nise returned it.

"Y-yeah... thanks, Akira...."


A while later, everyone had gathered in the main room again. We were all seated on the couches, and everyone looked to Toki. She really was a natural leader.

"So, we have this room, the bedrooms, a dining room, a smaller living room, and what looks like a storage room. Nobody found anything else?" Toki asked, looking around at everyone.

"Nope, that's it." Kimiko said from where she sat with Yukiko.

"What about food?" Reiko spoke up with a worried expression. "I couldn't find any anywhere. I have a child to feed!"

"That is concerning..." Toki muttered, before looking up at a security camera in the corner of the room. "Chou, do you have an explanation for this?"

The tv screen turned on, revealing Chou just like last time. She had a dangerous smile on her face as she let out a small giggle. "I said I'd make life uncomfortable as possible, right?"

"We kind of need food to survive though." Tomi pointed out with a casual shrug.

Chou nodded. "Yup, that's why I'm giving ya one meal a day! That should be enough."

"That isn't enough! Are you blind? I have a baby!" Reiko exclaimed, holding Daiki close.

"You got boobs though." Chou stated.

"I need to be healthy to produce enough milk." Reiko said, glaring at Chou.

"Well, whatever." Chou just shrugged. "That's how it's gotta be!"

"Why are you doing this?" Yukiko quietly asked with a scared expression.

"I'm not gonna just tell ya everything!" Chou said with a light laugh. "Well, have fun killing each other!"

And with that, the screen turned off.

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