Living in a World of Despair

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It was a bright, sunny morning, birds were chirping outside, and everything seemed peaceful. However, right now, I was only focused on one thing.

My stupid hair.

It just wouldn't obey me, no matter what I did. Every day was a struggle. Most girls wanted their hair to look nice, but all I was asking for was for the one piece of hair at the top to stay down.

As I wrestled with my hair, I glared into the mirror in front of me, narrowing my hazel eyes at the shiny surface. It wasn't long before I gave up, like usual. The brown mass on my head would just do what it wanted no matter what I did.

I straightened up, stretching my arms above my head. I would have to go outside again today to find food, like usual.

Looking around the apartment I was staying in, I wondered how I could stand living here. Clothes were thrown everywhere, there was a strange smell in the air, and my only furniture was a bed, a few chairs just placed around the room, and the full body mirror. If my brother were here, he definitely would have lectured me about taking proper care of myself.

I approached one of the chairs, picking up the black leather jacket hanging off the back. It used to be my brother's, but I now wore it every day. I slipped it on, then grabbed the pistol that was laying on the same chair. My parents always hid a gun in case we'd need it for self defence. I used to be against it, but thinking back I was somewhat thankful, as it was what I was now using to survive.

"Okay! Let's get going!" I said to myself, walking towards the door. I stopped, letting out a small laugh. "Talking to myself already... have I really been alone long enough for that? I mean it has been a few months." I gritted my teeth, pinching my arm. "Get yourself together, Akira!"

I put the gun in the pocket of my jeans, picking up the skateboard that was leaning on the wall by the door. I took in a deep breath, heading out the door. Just another day in a world of despair....


I rode my skateboard down an empty street, on high alert for anything approaching. Not only were there those robotic bears to worry about, but there was also the people who had fallen to despair.

It was quiet for a while, until out of nowhere one of the bears I was worried about jumped out from an alleyway, heading straight for me. I quickly pulled out my gun, placed a foot on the ground to brace myself, and shot the bear in the head right before it got close enough to touch me.

My heart was racing, and I let out a small sigh of relief. That was way too close for comfort.

Turns out my relief came too soon, as all around me many of the monochromatic bears began emerging from the shadows of the city. My eyes widened, seeing more of them in one place than I had ever seen before. "Shit...."

I was definitely done for.

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