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"Come on!" Toki hurriedly shouted to us, running towards where the voice came from. Along with everyone else, I quickly followed after her.

We turned a corner to see what looked like a teenage girl, not much older than me, surrounded by a circle of Monokumas. She was short, about Satchiko's height, and had long black hair done in a braid. She had red rectangular glasses on over her brown eyes, and wore a grey turtleneck, black plaid skirt, and knee-high white socks.

The girl looked terrified, her face wet with tears as she cowered defencelessly. As soon as she saw us, she called out. "H-help! Please!"

She didn't have to say it twice. As they were closest, Toki, Katashi, and Willow quickly shot at the Monokumas right as they noticed our presence. The three made quick work of the bears, as there weren't many of them.

"Are you alright, miss? Did they hurt you?" Katashi asked, and lowered his hacking gun, stepping over robot parts as he approached the girl.

The girl wiped her eyes before nodding. "N-no... I'm okay..." All of a sudden, she ran to Katashi, quickly hugging him. "Th-thank you so much for saving me! I-I could've... I could be...."

"It's okay, you're safe now..." Katashi responded, patting the girl's back in a comforting manner. They soon pulled apart, and Katashi offered the girl a sweet smile. "I'm Katashi Oshiro," He then turned to us, pointing each person out as he said their name. "That's Willow White, Kazuki Nozomi, Toki Abukara, Tomi Uyeda, Mai Akiyama, Satchiko Kobayashi, and Akira Ikeda. Don't worry if you can't remember right away, I know it's a lot to take in."

"O-okay... p-please don't be mad if I have to ask again... I'm n-not very good with names...." The black haired girl stuttered nervously.

"Of course not." Katashi replied. I didn't know how I was just now realizing how much of a sweetheart he was. "And what's your name?"

"U-um..." The girl fumbled with her sleeve anxiously. "Mi- um... M-Mimoto! Nise Mimoto!"

Toki narrowed her eye. "Let's just get out of this alleyway. Mimoto-kun, are you alone?"

"Y-yes... I've mostly just hidden inside, but..." Nise mumbled, trailing off.

"Then looks like you're coming with us." Toki continued. "Ikeda-chan, make sure she keeps up. You're responsible for her until we find a place to stay."

She chose me?! I was a bit surprised, seeing as I was the least experienced, but it made me feel important. I nodded with a small smile, "Okay..." I muttered as we all left the alleyway. Once out, I approached the nervous girl.

"Hey, I'm Akira Ikeda... looks like I have to watch you now, huh." I greeted her with a small smile.

Nise nodded slightly. "I-I'll try not to be much trouble..."

"Alright, let's split up to find a suitable house." Toki said to the group. "That means a working lock, secure windows, and minimal damage. Don't be loud or cause any destruction since we want to lay low. I'm talking to you, Tomi."

"Aw, c'mon Toki, trust me a bit!" Tomi complained.

Toki shook her head. "I know you well enough to know that's a bad idea. Anyways, Willow and Mai can go together, Katashi and Satchiko too, I'll go with Tomi, and Kazuki can join Ikeda and Mimoto. You can leave the complex and look at bigger places that would actually fit us all, as long as you keep these on hand."

Toki opened up her messenger bag, taking out a few walkie talkies. She gave one to one member of each group, Kazuki taking it for mine.

"Use channel two, and tell everyone if you find a good place. Keep track of your location." The girl adjusted her eyepatch, turning away from the group. "I'll see you all soon."

And so, we were off.

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