Where Is This?

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Wyatt Clark woke up with a gasp. His head hurt like someone had decided to go crazy with a bat on him. He yawned, attempting to stretch but stopping as soon as the collar of his dress shirt began to choke him.

Dress shirt? He glanced down.

He panicked.

He wasn't at home for some reason. Maybe he'd been drunk at a party or something, and someone brought him here. 

He sat up slowly in bed, noting the room he was in. The walls were blank red, with nothing but the bed he was laying on, two other rooms, and a small wooden desk with a chair. The room was dimly lit, which would have been romantic if he had known where he was. 

Wyatt felt like he was in prison. 

He ran his fingers along the wall, exploring around, when a small white square on the table caught his eye. A note?

Wyatt slowly unfolded it and skimmed over the text.

Dear Guest,

Please come to the dining hall when you wake up. The fun won't start without you.

Signed, G.D.B.

Wyatt frowned. He slowly crumpled the paper up and shoved it in his pocket, opening a closet before noticing heaven at its simplest.

Normal street clothes.

Wyatt let out a small and happy sigh in relief as he changed out of his tuxedo into a comfortable pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and a white t-shirt. 

Wyatt walked to the bedroom door, taking a deep breath before opening  it and heading out into the dimly lit hallways. He squinted slightly, hoping to find a light switch. In the end, he turned up with nothing. 

The host of the party was a billionaire, yet he couldn't pay for someone to turn the brightness up?

All of the doors, he noticed, were closed, except for a bright light shining out from an open pair of mahogany doors.

Using common sense, Wyatt walked towards the light, taking care to make sure that there was nothing on the floors to trip him.

When he went in, he was taken aback at what he saw, holding his arms up to shield his eyes from the suddenly blinding light. 

"Oh, look, there's another one," someone said in a bored tone.

Wyatt took a step back. 

He saw fifteen other people, all dressed in nearly identical clothes as him, a frown on their faces as they stared Wyatt down from the long dinner table.

Clearly, they were in a bad mood. 

"Oh, don't mind him," a girl said, rolling her eyes.

"Who are you?" Wyatt scratched the back of his head in confusion as he scanned the faces down the table. 

"I never reveal myself to strangers."

"Look at this guy, he's so confused," another person said.

"So are you, liar, I can feel it," another person contradicted.


Wyatt sat down in a daze. "Where is this?"

"It's Belmont's Manse."

"I... I was supposed to go to a party here." Wyatt stammered, looking around. "Did I pass out or something from a fever?"

"Oh, look, everyone's here!" someone shouted in excitement. 

Wyatt and the other fifteen people  jumped back as someone dropped down from the ceiling and landed the dining table.

The impact caused plates to clatter together and cups to spill different types of drinks over the food. Someone yelled out a string of curse words.

The person on the table had winced when an ice cold pitcher of water spilled all over the leg of his fancy pants, but had soon laughed.


The person looked up into the party guests' eyes. They all gasped.

His right eye was red, glinting menacingly at them. Wyatt shuddered under the gaze of this man. His other eye was a silvery gray, which showed complete happiness and innocence. He wore a white dress shirt, with a tuxedo jacket that was half-black and half-white. The black side was on his left with the red eye, the white side of his jacket was on the right. The knot of his tie was red, while the part around his neck was white. The bottom was black, with a menacing red eye in the middle. He wore a grin that could only be described as insane.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" he did a twirl on his heel, a bowl of soup spilling onto someone's lap. "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to my mansion! I hope you're having a fine evening, because I sure as hell am! You've all showed up and that never happens when I invite people over to my house!" The man smiled and clapped happily, his eager nature resembling that of a child at a birthday party. 

Wyatt finally came out of his stupor. "Who... who are you?"

"Oh no! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm sorry, I tend to get flustered and I forget things when I'm excited. Silly me! Silly Dagger! Oops, I just told you my name!" the person started to giggle uncontrollably at his own joke. 

A person snorted in the background. "This is a joke. I came to this dinner to make ties with a rich family, not to hang out with someone with mental problems. I'm going home."

Dagger stopped laughing at once. He glared at the person who had said those words —a teenager with black hair and bright blue eyes. Dagger bent down, his gaze shifting down to the person's eye level. "I'd be careful about what you say and don't say in this manse. I run it and I'm in control here." He curled his mouth into a small, amused smile. "Besides, there's no escape anyway!"

"Wait... what!?" a girl with hot pink highlights in her hair said, standing up suddenly. "What do you mean I can't leave? It's cold and dreary and I hate the atmosphere in here!"

Dagger stood once more, the unnatural smile growing on his face. "The doors are locked! They're locked so you can't get out! Don't even try to jump from the windows, either! Every window also has a machine gun within two feet of it! You'll get an extra breather if you try and escape! Or actually...you won't be breathing at all! Ahahahahaha!"

"What...what about food? We'll all starve to death!" another person protested in panic. 

"Oh, that's trivial. Don't worry! Your food supply will never run out, so you can just live in this mansion for the rest of your lives!"

"We'll go crazy!" A guy in a black jacket argued. 

"Well..." Dagger contemplated for a minute, his red eye glittering. "There is one way to get out of this place."

Wyatt didn't like the way Dagger's grin widened.

"You wanna escape? Simple! All you have to do," his silver eye flashed red for a short moment, "Is to kill one of the fifteen people who are with you, and not get caught."

A collective gasp of shock rang throughout the room, the guests going deadly silent. 

Dagger smiled as he started to pace across the table. "There's a trial for every murder committed. Be careful, children, you can only kill two people at once. We wouldn't want to have a massacre, now would we? Anyway, we will always hold a trial to examine the clues and determine whodunit. If you guess correctly, only the murderer will die! Painfully, by the way. If you don't guess the person correctly, then all of you, except the murderer, will suffer a very harsh execution! Doesn't this sound fun? Ahahahaha!"

No one dared to speak. Finally, the youngest girl slowly whispered, "We... we have to kill someone?"

"And not get caught," Dagger added nonchalantly. 

The girl burst into tears, pushing herself out of her seat and running to the nearby corner, her purple hair covering her tear-stained face. 

"And they thought I was crazy," Dagger muttered as he watched her run. He scanned the rest of the guests. "I chose you guys, because you have the magic no other does! You're a rare specimen! The black sheep among a sea of white ones! You all, as you know, have a rare skill! I like to call you the Ultimates. Now, introduction over. I hope you guys live long enough! I always enjoy a good show and I hope you'll prove me correct!" With that final omen, he disappeared in a flash of purple and black light.

Wyatt heard the girl still sobbing and noticed the man with the black jacket from earlier stand up, placing his hand on the small of her back. "There... there... I'll protect you. I promise you won't be murdered by these people."

"Who said we had to murder?" someone asked bluntly. "Can't we just work like civilized people and solve this mystery and escape together?"

"That's a better plan that what the host wanted us to do. In that case, we should get to know each other better," a girl with black hair and brown eyes said.

Everyone gathered into a circle, standing close to one another as they looked around at the other unfamiliar faces. There was an awkward silence until someone finally cleared their throat. 

"I guess I'll start. I'm Cody, Ultimate Shapeshifter," a boy with messy black hair, blue eyes, a thin face, and a long trench coat said.

"H... Harmony, Ultimate Healer," the girl who'd been crying stuttered. Her purple hair fell to her shoulders, where she wore a glinting blue amulet around her neck.

"Griffin. Ultimate Deceiver," a guy with spiky black hair and blue eyes said. He wore multiple rings on his left hand, and a knuckleduster in the other, with a leather jacket to accentuate the gangster looks he had.

"Star, Ultimate Detective," the girl with long, black hair and pink highlights said. She wore a unique glittering band on her arm. 

"Erik, Ultimate Assassin," the shortest person said. He had brown hair and deep purple eyes. He yawned and stretched in exhaustion before unwrapping a lollipop, shirt riding up to reveal a small scar on his hip. Despite the childish looks he had, there was an intelligent look in his eyes that unsettled Wyatt. 

"Crimson, Ultimate  Actor," a girl with brown eyes, long black hair, and a spiked bracelet said.

"Damien... Ultimate Hitman," a tall boy with brown hair covering his left eye stammered. He wore a black cloak that covered his arms, and a long, claw type weapon that extended from his arm and had three blades attached to it.

The group collectively shifted away once he said his profession. 

"Kiara, Ultimate Writer," a girl said rather coldly, her icy blue eyes almost lighting up in contrast with her blond hair.

"Amanda, Ultimate Ninja," a girl said in a thick Japanese accent, her fingers resting lightly on a belt stocked with swords.

"Sophie, Ultimate Explosives Expert," a girl with silver hair and an eye patch on her left eye said. She wore a blue headband on her neck.

"Isabell, Ultimate Archer," a girl said. Her hair was long and black, and she had a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to her body. 

"Torch, Ultimate Fire Eater," a boy with short black hair and a scar running down his right eye said.

"Wyatt, Ultimate Luck," Wyatt said quietly.

"Cassie, Ultimate Knife Thrower," a girl said, her short brown hair highlighted with green and a belt strapped to her side with different sizes of knives.

"Thane, Ultimate Voodoo Magician," the man with black hair and red eyes said, folding his arms in a challenging manner. 

"Chase," the last person said. "Ultimate Prophet." His blue eyes glanced at all of them as he rolled a crystal ball around his fingers like a marble. His brown hair was styled oddly, resembling that of a failed pompadour. 

Wyatt didn't feel safe with the fact that around half of them had a magic associated with killing. 

There was a stifling silence once more, Harmony sniffling once again. 

"We should explore," Sophie said to break the silence, "there might be some good stuff around here."

All of them agreed, and the sixteen of them headed out of the dining room and into the rest of the mansion.

None of them had realized the person standing on the chandelier above the wrecked dining table, his red and silver eye glittering before he silently laughed to himself. 

"Utter fools."

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