Prologue | Welcome to Hell (Pt. 1)

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The story starts with a woman blindfolded and tied to a chair. In front of her were 2 apples, one poisoned and the other one supposedly a normal apple.

In the room, behind a 2 way mirror was another woman holding what looked like a heart in her hand. She seemed to be controlling the other woman by whispering to the heart.

???: "Now, pick the apple to your right."

???: "N-No. . .I. . . won't. .."

???: "Do it! Now!"

The black haired woman tried to resist. However, the order was too strong as the woman picked the apple to her right and took a bite.

???: "How you like them apples?"

???: *Coughing* "Y-you. . .m-monster. . ."

???: "I'm not the one who killed someone dear to me and got caught. Now die!"

The other woman then took the heart and slowly crushed in in her hand. She watched as the black haired woman grabbed her chest in pain and suffered from the poison and the crushing of her heart. Eventually, the woman died a slow and painful death.

*Execution Complete*

???: "Now to check up on my little project."

???: "Ma'am, it's complete."

???: "Perfect, now send them to Hope's Peak High."

???: "Excuse me?"

???: "Send them to Hope's Peak High! They'll help me with my plan."

???: ". . .Okay, if you say so. . ."

. . .

. . .

Prologue: Welcome To Hell

. . .

. . .

I wake up with my head spinning, I look around the room but I see nothing but darkness. I couldn't remember how I got there or who I even was.

???: "Hello? Anyone in here?"

There was only silence as I carefully walked around the room to find a light. It was difficult since I kept bumping into what felt like desks and chairs.

???: 'Is this. . . A classroom? Strange. . .'


???: "Ow! Stupid human contraptions!"

???: 'huh?'

It sounded like there was another person in the room with me. I tried my best to look around the dark room, but all I could make out was a silhouette of what looked like an elven woman.

???: "Hello? I know there's someone there."

Suddenly, things got brighter and I was able to see the person in front of me.

???: "Why hello there aren't you an interesting human?"

???: "And aren't you an interesting. . .elf?"

Rayla: "So, what's your story? Are you a student. . .or?"

Douxie Casperan: "Oh, no, I'm not a student here. I'm the teacher's assistant. The name is Hisirdoux Casperan but you can just call me Douxie. Nice to meet you."

Hisirdoux Casperan: Former Ultimate Wizard

???: "Well, it's nice to meet you, Douxie. And question, if I may, I read about you in the student handbook and it says former ultimate wizard."

Douxie Casperan: "Well, like I said, I'm not exactly a student here. I took a job as a teacher's assistant and here I am."

???: "Interesting. . ."

Douxie Casperan: "And you are?"

Rayla: "Oh right, I should introduce myself too huh? You can call me Rayla."

Rayla: Ultimate ???

Douxie Casperan: "Rayla, that's a nuclear name."

Rayla: "Oh. . .thanks. I've never gotten that before."

Douxie Casperan: "So, what is your ultimate talent? Just out of curiosity."

Rayla: ". . ."

Douxie Casperan: "Rayla?"

Rayla: ". . .I. . . don't remember."

Douxie Casperan: "You don't remember your own talent? That's strange, I just remembered, you said something about a student handbook?"

Rayla: "Yeah, it should be in your pocket."

I reached in my coat pocket and just as she said, I pulled out a little tablet.

Douxie Casperan: "Huh?"

I opened it up and I had a list of all the students and their talents. I also noticed a message and this is what it read. . .

Attention Students,

Please report to the main gym at exactly 8 am for orientation. Do not, I repeat, do not be late.

I looked at the clock and realized that we were indeed, late to the orientation.

Douxie Casperan: "Fuzzbuckets! It's 8:02 were already late!"

Rayla: "Oh calm down, it's only two minutes. The gym's right around the corner, we'll get there soon."

Douxie Casperan: "I hope you're right."

Rayla and I made our way to the gym and when we arrived, there was a whole bunch of other students gathered around.

Douxie Casperan: "Uhh, hello?"

???: "Well look who finally showed up. We thought y'all died or something."

???: "They probably got lost, it is a big school you know."

???: "Whatever, can we just get this stupid thing over with already? I'm already bored."

???: "You don't like anything school related do you?"

???: "I've been seventeen for hundreds of years. Of course I'm going to be tired of school."

Douxie Casperan: "Bloody Belroths, that's a lot of people."

???: "Now, there's 16 of us to be exact."

???: "Do you always have to be so technical?"

???: "Just saying."

Rayla: "Maybe we should get to know them?"

Douxie Casperan: "Well, they are going to be our classmates for the next couple of months. So why not? But I don't even know where to start."

Rayla: "How about those them? They seem nice."

I looked over and saw a group of 4 people who looked relatively friendly.

Douxie Casperan: "Okay, let's start with them."

To be continued. . .

Tales Of Arcadia and The Dragon Prince belongs to DreamWorks

All rights reserved

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