Chapter 1

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Adam was dusting off the Chiaki Nanami statue, he then turned and see Junko smirking with Mukuro and Ace standing behind her.

Adam:" Hello, how can you inconvenience me today," Adam said rubbing the statue's cheek.

Junko:" Do you remember how we met?"

Adam:" Junko, you know I don't remember anything, I'm trying to regain my memory, so I don't want to play any of your games," Adam said polishing the statue.

Junko:" The day we met changed my life forever, the day you rejected me for my fat, stupid, ugly sister of mine"

Mukuro:" Fat, stupid, ugly, that's me in a nutshell," Mukuro said smiling.

Ace:" I'm thankful for that day," Ace said, Junko, Adam, and Mukuro looked at Ace before he awkwardly smiled.

Ace:" I-i didn't m-mean it that way s-sis...I-i just meant that...uh...I-i can still have my chance with you," Ace said with a blush, he then covered his face from embarrassment.

Junko:" I so totally, do not understand why Muk and Ace suddenly fell in love with me"

Adam:" You abuse them"

Junko:" I don't not! Tell em Ace and Muk!" Junko said slapping the back of both Ace's and Mukuro's heads, Adam shook head his and continued to polished everything on the statue.

Junko:" I know a deep dark secret about you...Would you like me to say it"

Adam:" Go ahead, I guarantee Ace and Mukuro already know it," Adam said looking at Junko, Junko then whispered to Ace and Mukuro.

Ace:" Ew..."

Mukuro:" I-i know...H-he smelled my panties before," Mukuro said blushing slowly rubbing her legs together.

Adam;" Mukuro's sweet sweet women's hood aroma is absolutely intoxicating, I couldn't stop smelling her dirty underwear~," Adam said with a perverted look on his face, he then shook his head.

Adam:" But I love the womanly scent of my princess, even more, ~ I'd die if I couldn't smell my princess's lewd scent~," Adam said as he was breathing heavily while hugging himself.

Adam:" Ahhh~ I need her lewd intoxicating scent! Excuse me, I must attend to my princesses laundry" Adam said with jumping off of the statue, he stopped by Junko and turned to look at her.

Adam:" There's nothing you can do that I can get me to fall in love with you, it's not my fault that Mukuro is just way better," Adam said walking away, he then turned to look at Junko, Ace and Mukuro.

Adam:" I've failed to stop you once, I won't hesitate to end you or Ace," Adam said taking a quick look at Ace, then back at Junko.

Adam:" Despair is nothing compared to Hope," Adam said walking away, Ace and Mukuro slowly backed away from Junko, as she was completely angry.

Ace:" Don't talk to Junko like that y-you Freak!" Ace yelled, Adam stopped and turned to look at then, Ace began to awkwardly laugh.

Ace:" Mukuro said that I didn't say anything"

Adam:" Mukuro, come here"

Mukuro:" I-i didn't say A-anything..." Mukuro said walking towards Adam, she was hesitant with each step, remembering what had happened on that day they met.

~ On the day they met ~

Junko:" Izuru Kamakura!" Junko said smiling, Ace looked at her as he finished snapping a guard's neck, Mukuro had also finished slashing another guard's neck.

Junko:" What was that? You both realize you're malking more work for yourselves. Morons. God help the both of you if I get blood on these boots"

Mukuro:" Oh! Sorry, Junko! I'll clean it up." Mukuro said looking back at Junko, Junko then stepped over the bodies.

Junko:" Damn right. Both of you make it look like they decide this job was over their pay-grade. Worry about it later though. We're on a schedule." Junko said walking away from the dead bodies.

Ace:" Wh--? We're supposed to do that all by ourselves?" Ace said looking at Junko, as she was walking down the hall.

Junko:" 'S what we call a "You problem" We've been through this, you dumbasses, grunt-work is the both of your guy's domain." She said walking away.

Mukuro:" Oh. Okay. You're right, of course." Mukuro said as both Ace and Mukuro followed Junko, Junko then started humming as they came to a sealed-off door, Mukuro then looked at a device on the door and looked back at Junko.

Mukuro:" Um. This is a retinal scanner. It's not gonna open with a card." Mukuro said, Junko them smiled as she was eating.

Junko:" No problem. I've got just the thing. One of the trustees was nice enough to let me borrow it for a while. Didn't even have to debase myself to get it! The Lolita aesthetic doesn't mean I'm easy." Junko said smirking, she then used the eye the trustee's eye to open the door with a smirk, she then watched as the door opened.

Junko:" Open sesame," Junko said, as she, Mukuro, and Ace walked into the room, both Ace and Mukuro started looking around until they say it... They saw him...

Junko:" Kamakura! Shut up! It's really you!" Junko said with a glow in her eye, Ace looked at her and frowned before looking at the man named Kamakura, they saw that he was looking down at the floor staying silent.

Junko:" OMG~! This is awesome!" She said with a smile, no reaction from Kamakura whatsoever.

Junko:" Kamakura, Kamakura! Yas, queen! Gah! I'm such a huge fan! Not to sound all stalker-y, but can I get a hug?" Junko asked looking at Kamakura with the biggest smile ever, however, he still didn't give a reaction.

Mukuro:" Uh, Junko? Seems like he might be a little dangerous." Mukuro said looking at Junko, Ace however stood silent looking at Kamakura with hatred in his eyes.

Junko:" Yeah! I know! Duh! Dangerously kickass! Dangerously gorgeous~!"

Ace:" That's not what she meant." Ace said, Junko turned to look at both Ace and Mukuro with a glare.

Junko:" Fat, stupid, ugly people need to shut up!"

Mukuro:" Fat? Stupid? Ugly? That's me in a nutshell!" Mukuro said, Ace then looked back at Kamakura staying silent haven't even more hatred for Kamakura.

Junko:" anyway--" Junko said walking closer to Kamakura, she then stopped a few inches away from him.

Junko:" Kamakura, good sir, pleasure to meet'cha. I'm Junko Enoshima from the 78th class. This may sound weird, but you've been on my mind a lot lately. The muckety-mucks have you squirrelled away in here like a third-world quarantine baby. So not your style, pretty boy. I mean, look at this! You're virtually oozing with potential! So, like say...Heh. Death could come for you like a thief in the night, leaving the world awash in Despair!" Junko said yelling while she was about to stab Kamakura, he then kicked her to the floor.

Mukuro:" Junko!"

Ace:" You son of a--" Ace watched as Kamakura had slapped Mukuro against the wall, he then quickly punched Ace into the face and tripped him, Ace's eyes had widened as Kamakura had slammed his head against the floor.

Adam:" This is boring. You do realize that nothing you do had any meaning." Kamakura said, Junko then began to laugh before he had stepped on her.

Junko:" I knew you were a fellow nihilist! This is marvelous! I've reached an all-time low! But the thing is, Kamakura darling, no one person should claim a monopoly on Despair. It belongs to everyone!"

Adam:" Despair? From a logical perspective, there seems no emotion less essential."

Junko:" Logical perspective! You crack me up! All right then, explain how I come to be in this position. What's your Vulcan gestalt say about that?"

Adam:" Junko Enoshima. Your capacity for cold, hard reasoning puts you at least twelve steps ahead in any situation. And yet, here you are, knowing full well there's no way you can win." Kamakura said looking down at Junko.

Junko:" Aw, you really don't get it. Guess when it comes to cold, hard reasoning, not all roads lead to Rome. You see, Despair is the Great Unknown. A girl can only be this smart for so long before ennui sets in." Junko said while Ace and Mukuro were struggling to get up.

Junko:" That's the curse of bein' bright. Everyone goes on and on about "hope," but what they really mean is "status quo." Ah, but Despair is a big old mystery box. There's nothing like it to get the blood pumping, the synapses firing, the senses tingling. It straight-up shatters the status quo and paves the way for chaos." Junko said looking up at Adam with lust for Despair.

Junko:" Think about it. When a single assassin's bullet can plunge humanity into a world war, none of us are as far from the abyss as we'd like to tell ourselves. Embrace that simple fact, and voila! You're in for a ride of your life! Look at me! Every nerve ending is at eleven! Despair did that! Come on, pumpkin pie. Some part of you has to understand" Junko said looking up at Kamakura.

Adam:" ... " Kamakura stayed silent looking down at Junko.

Junko:" They call you the world's Hope, Izuru Kamakura. And who am I to say you're not the savior? Therein lies the rub. Hope only gets us as far as what we think we want. Safety, tranquillity, boredom. C'mon. Nirvana looks great on paper, but for someone with your intelligence, 's more like Purgatory. You're better than that." Junko finished, Ace sat up as the alarm started blaring.

Mukuro:" They know we're here!"

Ace:" Junko, we have to make a break for it, now!" Ace said holding his bloody head.

Junko:" You're a God among insects, Kamakura! Of course, you're bored! The world's an ant farm! Embrace Despair and we'll shatter the glass together! I am your salvation! It's fate! We were meant to be together! We were destined to walk hand-in-hand! Tell me you don't feel it! Tell me you don't want us to happen!" Junko yelled before Kamakura stepped on her head knocking her out.

Ace:" J-Junko!" Ace yelled out, Ace and Mukuro ran over to her as Kamakura had sat back on the bed looking at them, they both picked up Junko's body and began running away.

~ a few days later ~

Junko slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room seeing both Ace and Mukuro.

Mukuro:" Oh, darn. You're not in a coma." Mukuro said with a soft smile, Ace looked at Mukuro and then back to Junko.

Ace:" No worries. We're in the school infirmary. 'S okay, we covered for you. I told 'em you fell down the stairs. 'Course they bought it. You're an accident waiting to happen in those heels."

Junko:" What happened to him?"

~ small flashback ~

Ace:" J-Junko! No!" Ace said crawling over to Junko, standing above them was Kamakura.

Adam:" When she wakes up, give her a message for me. I'll be waiting. Here." Kamakura said looking down at them.

~ End of the small flashback ~

Ace:" We're not in trouble at all, so I don't think he's told, anyone. We probably wouldn't be in here if he had" Ace said looking at Junko.

Junko:" Uh-oh! I better hurry!" Junko said with a blush, Ace frowned again.

Junko:" A lady doesn't keep a gentleman in suspense!" Junko said as she continued to blush.

Mukuro:" There's something about that guy. He rubs me the wrong way."

Junko:" Yeah? Well, snub-nosed, flat-chested perverts only good for killing folks rub me the wrong way, so there!"

Mukuro:" Wait, no! That didn't come out how I wanted." Mukuro said, Ace and Mukuro saw Junko getting up while putting her boots in.

Ace:" Junko, what are you doing? They said you need rest. You shouldn't be up yet." Ace said a bit concerned.

Junko:" Aww. Relax. I can't remember the last time someone gave me such a thrashing. Totes invigorating! Being one-upped actually has me on Cloud Nine!"

Ace:" Oh yeah, before leaving, Mukuro totally made out with him"

Junko:" WHAT?!" Junko said pulling out a knife.

~ End of the day they met ~

Mukuro walked up to Adam, she looked into his red eyes, she then was reminded of that time they made out with each other, Adam raised her hand which made a flinch, he then caressed her cheek and grabbed her hand.

Adam:" You deserve better, the opportunity of hope! Is rising for you! Come along follow me" Adam said walking away with Mukuro.

Mukuro:" U-uh, Junko! Ace! Help?" She said looking back at them, Adam stopped for a moment, he then continued to walk away with her.

Adam:" If they cared, they'd stop me by now, isn't that right my love?" Adam said without looking at Mukuro, she looked at him with a blush, before he proceeded to drag her away.

Ace:" that's the same face he gave her before they made out, he even played with her tongue, with his tongue," Ace said turning to look at Junko, Junko then kicked Ace and began to walk in the other direction.

Ace:" I'll never betray you! Big sister!!" Ace said immediately running after Junko.

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