Clusterfuck [Kazuki x Akio, Randomly Generated Ship]

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"Kazuki, can you find Akira and protect her for me?" Akio asked as he was about to be executed.

"Fuck no, you're staying around to find her yourself!" Kazuki exclaimed. He pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot Michio in the head.

"HOW COULD YOU?!?!!?" Monokuma exclaimed, running over to the body. "ONII-CHAN PLEASE! DONT LEAVE ME!!!!"

Jikkō looked at Kazuki, shocked. "How'd you know it was him?"

"I'm from the future." Kazuki replied. "I came to the past to save my bae."

"Bae? Who's your bae?" Akio asked, confused.

"You're my bae, bae." Kazuki said, kissing Akio. He quickly kissed back, and they made out for a while.

Monokuma fell over and stopped working as a blonde girl Satchiko's height ran in, tears running down her face.

"I-I hate you! All of you! Especially you, Kazuki Nozomi! How could you kill my husband/brother?!?!?" Mika yelled, hugging Michio's body.

Kazuki ignored this. "Since the mastermind's dead, can we go?"

Mika glared straight into his soul. "You think I'd just let you go after this? No way. EVERYONE IS GETTING EXECUTED IN A PIT OF MY FIERY RAGEEE!!!"

Looking around at everyone's terrified expressions, Kazuki spoke one simple word.


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