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Kaiya x Kaiya

Kaiya let out a sigh as she laid on her bed covered in cats. No matter what she tried, she just couldn't find the courage to confess to Satchiko. Maybe she wasn't good enough for her cheerful classmate.

"You don't need her. Be with me instead." Kaiya heard an all too familiar voice say.

"Who are you?" The cat lady asked. A cat was laying on her face so she couldn't see.

"Oh silly Kaiya, I'm you! And I will always love you." Kaiya just then realized she was talking to herself.

Yeah, Satchiko doesn't need a mentally unstable girlfriend. I'll stay with my cats.

Mika x Mai

Mika decided to do something smart for once and got the fuck away from her brother as he was going off on insane ramblings about despair. She loved Michio, but something was definitely wrong with him.

Not looking where she was going, Mika bumped into someone and got a face full of boob. Ah, the advantages of being short.

The girl gently pushed her away, and Mika found how her dark curls perfectly framed her face extremely attractive. I hope she's sane too, that'd be perfect.

"Hey, you're Michio's sister, right? I'm in his class!" Mai exclaimed with a smile.

Mika nodded. "Yep. You're really hot though so I'm gonna kidnap you now."

"Okay." Mai replied emotionlessly and let Mika take her away.

Mika x Yui (I accidentally started shipping this. Crap.)

It was a normal day at school, and Mika was having lunch with her close friend Yui. The reserve course students were seated right outside the school, but Mika noticed that Yui seemed to be bothered by something.

"Hey... Mika..." Yui started, twirling a strand of her dirty blonde hair. "There's something I need to tell you..."

"What is it?" Mika asked, tilting her head.

"I-I... well... I know you think I like your brother, but the truth is..." Yui trailed off for a moment before looking to the blonde. "I-I really like you! It's always been you!"

Mika just stared at her in shock for a moment. She really wasn't expecting this at all. "Yui... I... I don't..."

"I know... I know you're in love with him... I just needed to say it. I'm sorry if I made things awkward..." Yui replied, stealing one more glance at her best friend before standing up and walking away.

Koichi x Aimi

Aimi was bored one day so she decided to go talk to her ex's brother for some reason. She approached Koichi, doing a sexy hair flip.

"Oh, hey Aimi." Koichi greeted casually.

"Hey." Aimi replied. "I'm suddenly horny. I already fucked one Nozomi, why not the other?"

Koichi just shrugged. "That's fine by me."

And so they made love in the middle of the hallway.

Ryuji x Nise

Ryuji was doing whatever ten year olds do when Nise approached him.

"H-hey Ryuji, d-do you want to-" Nise was quickly cut off when Satchiko walked over.

"He's ten, Nise. You're not gonna do anything to my brother, okay~?" Satchiko said, stepping between them.

"Right..." Nise muttered.

Yukiko x Tomi

Yukiko ran over and glomped Tomi, squeezing him tight. "You're my new senpai Tomi! Be mine!"

"No thanks." Tomi replied before swiftly escaping her hold. "I really couldn't care less about you."

Yukiko pouted. "What? My sister must've taken your heart first... she always does...."

Tomi shook his head. "Nope, don't care about her either."

Yukiko tilted her head. "Then why don't you like me? Are you gay?"

"Not likely." Tomi replied. "I don't really care about anyone but Toki and she's like my sister."

"You're such a weirdo, you don't even care about your friends?" Yukiko asked, and Tomi just shrugged. "Why'd even like you... okay, bye, you're un-senpaied."

Yukiko then walked away and Tomi was relieved she left him alone.

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