The Perfect Day [KazuMomo]

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For my precious daughter~

Momo couldn't stop smiling as she led Kazuki through the front door of her father's mansion. She closed the door behind her, and let out a small giggle at how her crush was looking around in awe. "You really live here...?" He asked.

"When I'm not living in the dorms, yeah." Momo replied. "It's much nicer than my mom's house."

"It's so... big." Kazuki muttered. "Is your dad home?"

Momo shook her head. "Nope~ he's out on a business trip right now."

The voice actress didn't even know how much time had passed by the time she was in her current position, as it was all just a blur of events leading to this moment. She was pressed up against the wall, Kazuki's gentle hands at her waist. He was leaning forward, and Momo found herself leaning in as well.

Just before their lips touched, Momo felt a hand on her shoulder as she snapped back to reality. Of course, it was only another one of her recurring dreams.

The pink haired girl lifted her head from her desk, opening her eyes to the empty classroom. She looked up to see Kazuki standing over her with a small smile on his face, and she immediately started blushing.

"Class is over, Momo, I guess you slept through it." He said, and she gave a small nod, standing up from her seat.

"What were you dreaming about? I heard you mutter my name." Kazuki asked, and Momo's blush deepened.

"N-nothing! I... um... can't remember!" Momo said quickly with a nervous laugh.

"Okay," Kazuki just accepted that with no questions, "Then let's get going."

The two walked out of the classroom together before leaving the building. Only once they had gotten outside did Momo remember her plan, but luckily for her, it was still going smoothly. Her friends had most certainly gotten this convenient alone time for her with Kazuki just like she had asked them to.

"Kazuki... there's something I need to tell you..." Momo said more quietly than she intended, stopping in her tracks. Now that it was really happening, she couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

"What's up?" Kazuki asked, turning to face her.

"Um... you see, I... I..." Momo took a deep breath. She couldn't let nerves stop her when she was so close. "I-I'm completely in love with you!"

Kazuki stared at her in shock for a few seconds, before his cheeks started slowly turning pink. "R-really?"

"Of course, really! I've loved you for so long now, I'm kinda surprised you didn't notice..." Momo muttered, looking down at the ground.

She heard footsteps coming closer, until a soft hand lifted up her chin. Kazuki was still blushing a quite a bit, but he was also smiling. "I'm so glad you feel the same..." He said quietly.

Momo couldn't help but smile widely, and she wrapped her arms around Kazuki's neck, standing up on her toes. He met her halfway.

This really was the best birthday ever.

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