Fuyuhiko X !?short Reader {Rivals Love}

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_(y/n)'s POV_

I was now kicking some Ultimate in the stomach. Making him or her squirt blood. Neon pink blood made my face smile. A group of delinquents. That was what we are. Group of 4 inculcating me.

"Hey! I need at least 50 dollars tonight. I know ya have it." Kane demanded.
He's the tallest one her. He is the second strongest.
"Ok. Now leave me alone!" the person shouted.
She dropped the money as if it was something disgusting.
"Now SLUT. Shoo off." Maia shouted.
I raised my hand and shushed him.

I slowly walked over to the person who was scared. I maybe a leader of this group but I do have a kind heart.
"I'm (y/n). The leader of this group. I'm very sorry for the pain we have caused but this is the only ways for us to survive. I'm sorry. Please take this as a gift." I said as I handed a little key chain.
A puppy key chain. She took it and looked at me.
"Show us this object. If we recognise you we will set you free without harm." I said.

That person stood up and limped out the corridor. I looked at the shadow disappear. Maia, the second tallest person who has two eye colour eyes. Left is red and right is white. She got into a car accident and lost her eye colour, spoke up from the silence.
"We get to eat a lot today.(y/n) is so kind." Maia said.
The conversation stopped when we heard a gun shot behind us. There was a boy in a suit. With a gun in his hand a girl with grey platted hair with red eyes.

Well fuck. It's the Kuzuruyu clan.
"Show us your fucking boss you bastards. We fucking need to talk. We've come to beat the shit out of you Black crow." he yelled.
I hesitated and took a step out of the shade. I look like a 9 years old puss in boots. The guy laughed.
"I told you to show me your fucking boss not a baby face bitch." he laughed.
I took out my pistol and aimed at him. The girl released this and took a step in front of the 'master.'

"I'm (y/n) (l/n) the leader of the Black Crow." I shout.
He flinched. I raised my hand and flung it to the left. All the members came out the shadows and ran out to the left exit.
"Such a fucking small person. I will take you to the police. At least to get the shit ton of ransom." he sighed.
Before any of the man can move I took out my pocket knife and ran straight forward towards the boss's throat. I can run faster than sound. Mach 40. Impressive you may think.

I pounces on the boss and put my knife against his neck. All of them took a step back.
"Young master!" the girl gasped.
All the people still ran towards me. I didn't want to kill him. So I defeated the people who tried to capture me. Which was exactly 7 men and a girl. Putting them unconscious. I pulled on on the girl buy it's hair.

"It's a trade Mr Kazuruyu-san. I'll give your little hit man but you need to release all of the others." I demand.
He shrug. As if he knew nothing.
"What 'others'? he asked.
I placed a gun at the girls head.
"OK. OK. Mens. Let them go." the boy demanded.
My other crews went behind me shivering. I carried the lady in bridle style and placed her in front of the male. He was about 5 centimetre taller than me.

When I placed the girl down he placed a gun at my head.
"Don't you think 1 live for 3 is even brat?" he asks.
I took out my pocket knife and cut his gun in half. He still doesn't know.
"1 life or 2 life that doesn't matter. It matters  how many hostages you have. A life is still the same as million lives." I said and walked back to my crew.
He was surprised when he loosen the grip of his gun. It broke in half and landed on the ground. Slowly both side retreated.


We brought dinner for 3 people. That was all I could afford and also 4 chewing gums.
"Hey? Aren't ya hungry? asked Maia.
"No. I don't have an appetite." I replied.
"Well you better eat." Syo said.
Syo was the oldest in this group. 19 years old.
I just smiled as they ate.

When I saw them all go to sleep I went to the park. I sat on the bench and looked at the sky. It was a bit cloudy but I could still see the stars. I stared at it for a while then took a chewing gum and started to chew it. Slowly. My stomach was grubbing.

_Fuyuhiko's POV_

I slowly retreated from the scene I was the last ones there with Peko. I was waiting for Peko to wake up. She finally woke up with a yawn and stood beside my side. I walked slowly towards home. I walked pass a park. Seeing a (h/c) hair girl sitting on top of the slide. She wore ripped clothes and skirt. Her hair was messy but not too messy like homo's.

She was talking to herself. She was crying and hitting her stomach. I slowly crept under the slide without her noticing. I was eavesdropping on the conversation.
"Shut up stomach *sniff. I could only afford 3 so shut up. *sniff Just to protect my friends. I vowed to the stars remember. My only true friend and family member." she cried.
Only true friend and family member. How about her group?

Slowly the rain started to fall. The girl still sat there eating her gum. Slowly and slowly.
Peko brought me three umbrellas. I climbed behind her and shelter her from the rain. She looked at me with red and puffy eyes.
"What are you here for now Mr. Kuzuruyu. I really don't want to harm anyone." she muttered.
"Fuyuhiko. Call me that. I came to have a talk. I heard your conversation and I have many questions to ask." I said.

She wiped all the water with her sleeve and took the umbrella. She smiled. She looked really cute. When she battled she only had a monotone face with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair swaying in the air.
We went down from the slide and sat at a bench which had a roof.

"So, what do you mean by you don't have true friends or family?" I asked.
"My parents died when I was very young and the others you saw betrayed me a long ago. They were only using me to live. They did no work. They did nothing but fighting. I heard them talk once. They just planned me to use me as a chess piece. The probably sent in information about me because they wanted me to get arrested and collect the ransom." she explained.
"Why didn't you let them get captured?"
"Because as I said I vowed to the stars that I will protect them." she cried.

Slowly tears fell out of her eyes.
"That isn't protecting (y/n). All you want to get is accepted. They need to get punished. They betrayed you giving fake friendship. Are you stupid?!" I yelled as I stood up.
"Then, who am I suppose to trust? I can't trust them I can't have a conversation with the stars? I have no friends and family. Who am I suppose to....trust...." she sobbed.

She started to cry. Really cry. When she cried in my chest I blushed. I like this girl I think. I want her beside me at all times like Peko. I want her.
"Trust me. I want you at my place as a orphan." I said.
"....thank....you.." was all she muttered before she fell in my arms.
She fell asleep.

Peko popped in from no where.
"Your face is happier than before young master. You seem to fancy Miss (y/n)." Peko teased.
"Peko. Let's take her home. We will put her in Hopes Peak Academy with us. Another member." I said ignoring the comment.
Peko nodded. I carried her home and placed her on the bed. When I about to leave her hand pulled me back in bed. Her arms were around my waist. I hesitated and fell asleep beside the girl.

_No POV_

'I definitely ship this!!' Peko thought as she put a blanket over the two lovebirds.

_N_E_X_T_ _D_A_Y_

(y/n) walked back to her 'home' with Fuyuhiko and Peko beside her. When Syo saw them she started to yell.
It was as if she wanted someones attention.
(y/n) waved at them. But Maia shouted back with concern.
"Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu! Aren't you not getting the ransom?" she asked.
"You wanted her ransom right~?" Kane cooed.

Tears appeared in (y/n)'s eyes. They hated her so much now she realised it.
"She isn't (y/n) (l/n) you bitches. She's (y/n) Kuzuruyu my future wife!" he shouted back.
Tears from (y/n)'s eyes stopped. Syo looked at (y/n) very surprisingly. Then (y/n) kissed him in the cheek by jumping then blushed. So did Fuuyuhiko. The Black crow clicked there tongue in annoyance.

_Time skip_

"Nice to meet you! I'm (y/n) (l/n). I'm the Ultimate Proficiency. Nice to meet you all." (y/n) greeted.
She was in a class with Fuyuhiko and Peko. She sit on the other side from Fuyuhiko at the back. She was now a bit taller than Fuyuhiko now because Saeko made a 'little potion that will make her bone stronger and bigger. She was now about 1 centimetre higher than Fuyuhiko.

After class two met up.
"How the fuck did you get taller than me?" Fuyuhiko asked.
"Seiko - senpai made it. It was a bit too effective." (y/n) replied.
Fuyuhiko pulled (y/n)'s collar and kissed her lips passionately. It wasn't sexual. When they ran out of air they parted. Saliva connecting them both.
"I love you. Ya know that?" he asks.
"I love ya too baby face shorty." (y/n) said and kissed Fuyuhiko on the forehead.
"Stop calling me F*CKING BABY FACE AND SHORTY!!"


"OMG!! Don't they look cute?" Chise asked the class.
"They are made for each other!" Nekomaru added while holding back Ishimaru.
"That is against the 23 rule of PA! Let me go!" yelled Isimaru.
The class laughed. Maiharu was taking pictures. Teruteru was doing THAT. Akane smiled. Mikan was smiling with a little key chain on her nurse clothes. A little puppy key chain from the Leader of black crow... ... 

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