Gundham Tanaka X Reader {Ending 2}

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Class votes for (y/n) (l/n) guilty

_No POV_

"Correct. (y/n) (l/n) is the Murderer. But I still don't think Gundham and Hajime accepts this result. Uppp." Monokuma announced.
"Thank you all for believing in me!" (y/n) smiled.
Gundham was shocked. He though he was the killer after all. 
"I may need some explaining. Hajime. You were right half way through. He did fall. I watched him. When I asked who it was he answered Gundham. He was going to die anyways so I smashed his head so I killed him." she explained.

"It was too hard for me to confess until I panicked when everyone was thinking that Gundham was the murderer. I can read your minds." she continued.

Everyone just stood there in silence. (y/n) walked up to Gundham. 


Was the only thing heard. Gundham now had a red cheek. 
"Don't you dare forget our promise." (y/n) yelled.


"I promise I will not kill anyone. I swear." Gundham whispered.
"I know. I will not let you." (y/n) whispered back.


"So you did that for me? You blacked you wings for me?" he asked.
(y/n) just nodded. She smiled and pecked his lips. 
"I will meet you again in the demon world. Gundham the forbidden one!" she smiled as a single drop of tear fell out of her eye. 
Gundham was there either blushing or Monotone with a red mark. (y/n) slowly bowed. 

'I will miss you' Cham-P thought. 
'Don't go!' Jum-P yelled in his head.
'We'll miss you!' Sun-D waved.
Mega-G just sniffled.
(y/n) just waved. (y/n) just smiled for the last time in the Neo World.

"Sorry for disturbing but it's PUNISHMENT TIME!!" Monokuma yelled.

...(y/n) (l/n) is found Guilty...
...Punishment is starting...

Minds of Killing

(y/n) was standing on a foot path. She walked and was reading everyone mind. 
'I hate her!" or "Kill your self!" was the things she read. 
(y/n) was an urge of crying. But she didn't show it. Her face was simply Monotone. She saw her Liya and Kiri in the flying freely. The words of the people started to grow dark. They started to talk about knifes and drugs. Blood and scars. This was causing her head to hurt. She felt the pain. One of them started to think of her getting shot in the head. 

(y/n) closed her eyes. She waited for the pain. Not to show any pain in her face. She looked at the class. The remaining people. 
"I'm sorry..." was the last thing she said before her body collapsed. As if she just got hit by a bullet in the head. (y/n) (l/n), the Ultimate mind reader had died. 

Gundham from that point didn't murder anyone. He either stayed silent and didn't kill in the rest of the game. 

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