Fem!Reader x Hajime Hinata 💕

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(Requested by @outlookgal360

I'm doing the one-shots slightly out of order, sorry about that

Y/N-Could be read as your name or just Y/N if you're like my brother

Since this is danganronpa, you need an ultimate. So in this story, Y/N is the Ultimate Weather Forecaster)

"It's gonna rain," Y/N announced, staring up at the sky. A bored expression on her face as she did so. Those who bothered to acknowledge her words looked from their places at the breakfast table. Most looked skeptical, quite ironic as Y/N had never been wrong in the past. Her weather predictions came with a 99.8% accuracy rating. But by now she was used to the skepticism, after all, when your justification for how you know it's going to rain is just "I can feel it in my bones" most people don't believe you. But that's just how it was. Science wasn't a factor most of the time, waiting around for a prediction about the weather when she could just take a wild guess and be right most of the time.

"Rain?" Ibuki called, joining Y/N by the window. One hand cupped over her eyes as she attempted to stare at the blazing sun. Its light shining down right into her eyes as she squinted. Her mouth slightly opened as she stared at the morning star. "R-A-I-N! Rain?" She chanted, though the ending of her sentence was a question no doubt. "Looks like a whole lotta sun! It's hurting my eyes!" She said, continuing to look into the sky.

"You should probably stop looking at the sun then," Hajime said, though as Y/N turned her attention to him, he looked a little off. It was similar to the look he'd given when he'd first heard her make a prediction. After all, a tropical paradise wasn't supposed to be cloudy and dark in the middle of the day, however, within the first week there Y/N was the go-to for weather predictions. Every day at least one person would go and ask for the forecast for one reason or another. After all, she hadn't been wrong yet. And probably wouldn't be for the rest of her life if she was being honest. The only times she was wrong was once way back when her talents first started to develop back in childhood. But then again, it was just because snow had turned to sleet. And while very similar, they were not quite the same.

"I doubt it, looks like it's going to be a nice day. Think you're finally wrong?" Mahiru asked, though her smile was more amused than actual skepticism.

Hajime sunk back in his seat. Letting out a long breath. He seemed completely convinced that Y/N was right. "...Is it just gonna drizzle, or?" Hajime asked, and Y/N just continued to stare out the window.

"...It's a thunderstorm...probably heavy rain." She replied, stretching slightly as she got up. "What time?" Hajime asked, which caught Y/N's attention. He seemed invested in the details about the rain. And that was almost understandable given this is supposed to be a tropical paradise, so having a thunderstorm occur seemed near impossible. Swiping her tongue across her thumb, Y/N stuck her hand out the window.

"Everyone knows that you're just bullshitting us, now what are you doing? Testing the winds?" Hiyoko said, leaning back against the table. Her non-intimidating face twisted into a cruel sneer. Which Y/N hardly bothered giving more than a passing glance as she looked back outside. She didn't have time to entertain her the same way Mahiru did. Nor did she even have the patience to attempt it. "I wouldn't doubt her abilities one bit. People don't become ultimates for no reason after all." Komaeda said...ironic considering how often he went off about how he was so pathetic compared to them because he didn't have a talent...at least how he put it. Komaeda was a hard one to figure out. "...At about 18:30." Y/N eventually said, withdrawing her hand.

"Yeah right, what time is it now?" Hiyoko asked, glaring over at the forecaster by the window.

"Find a clock," Y/N replied, making her way towards the staircase. "I have things I need to keep from getting wet."

"Hey! I'm not done talking to you!" Hiyoko protested though Y/N paid her no mind. "I'm telling you, your prediction is gonna be nothing but crap!"

"Then you can hold a metal pole and jump in the ocean; take responsibility for yourself. I'm not your mom." Y/N said, walking down the stairs. As she said, she had things to do other than entertain Hiyoko for god knows how long. Though she was followed, Hajime called after her once she was outside the Hotel Restaurant. Sweat beading at his temples once he caught up. Waiting in the doorway, he seemed nervous. About what, she had no idea.

"Are...Are you sure it's gonna be a storm today?"

Y/N stared back at him a moment, before nodding. "Yeah, a thunderstorm."

"...How sure?"

That caused her to crack a smile, placing a hand on her hips as she pressed a thumb against her chest. "99.8%, baby." She said she was confident in her abilities, after all, she was never wrong in her professional career, and didn't plan on being wrong ever again.

But that just made Hajime wilt more, and he nodded. Turning tail, he began to walk off. "Thank you Y/N...I'll be seeing you later." She nodded, though as she turned to walk away herself, she heard what sounded like plastic hitting dirt. At first, she was tempted to just ignore it, but in good conscience, she couldn't. Tilting her head to look over her shoulder, something akin to a Tamagotchi fell to the floor. It looked familiar...Right, the pet mini-game where you had to walk around and raise an Usagi...Pulling out her own, Y/N compared them...whoever owned this was doing leagues better than she was. Y/N had gotten every animal except Usagi...Monokuma coins were so hard to find and she didn't want to waste all her gifts on the damn thing. All she knew was that she had to walk around to raise the things, as well as clean after them. Which was annoying, after all, not everyone liked wandering around an island.

When she turned around there was no one there, so logically she guessed it was Hajime's...But Hajime seemed like a capable man...Besides, Y/N had things to do...she was busy. If he came looking for it she'd give it to him. If he didn't, she'd give it to him before she went to bed. Right now she was more worried about making sure she didn't leave anything that could be ruined by the rain outside. She didn't have it in her head that she didn't leave anything outside, but she was never too careful when it came to things like the weather. There was no winning a war against nature itself. Time slipped by, and by the time she'd surveyed the entire island for anything she may have left behind, it was already close to the time she predicted that it'd start raining.

"Hey dry spell, it still doesn't look like it's gonna rain." Y/N sighed, her voice was getting annoying. "Don't you have better things to do? Cry about it if you're going to throw a temper tantrum."

Hiyoko looked indignant at that, stomping right up to Y/N with her lips pulled into a deep scowl.

"You! You think you're so-"

Y/N put her hand up, checking the time on her e-Handbook. Before she tucked it away again, water began to fall once she raised her hand.

"Rain...Right on schedule."

Hiyoko looked angered beyond words, though Y/N paid her no mind. Brushing past her, she kept her eyes forward. She needed to return that stupid Tamagotchi thing to Hajime...Maybe even ask how he managed to raise an Usagi properly while also being in good relationships with the rest of the people on the island. But as the rain poured, she wished she decided to work her way into a circle rather than trying to one-shot everything. As the rain was coming down heavy, and soaking into her skin. It was loud, and Y/N didn't even look at the first flash of lightning, or react as the first crack of thunder clapped across the sky. Feeling as though it shook the very ground. Child's play to Y/N, but still an annoyance when you didn't want to be wet to the bone and have your clothes stick to your skin.

That's how people got sick.

She returned to the cottages, it was hard to find Hajime's cottage, so really, it wasn't very fun looking for the nameplates in the pouring rain. But that could be ignored, she wouldn't be able to rest easy thinking about how she had to return the damn thing. So, she grinned and bore it.

"Hajime! Hajime Hinata! I've got something for you!" She called, knocking against the door loudly. No reply, but there was no way that Hajime wasn't there, out of instinct, Y/N tried the doorknob. Her heart sank deep into her chest as it opened. It was loud...and dark...and nobody would hear anything if someone was...

She pretty much threw the door open. "Hajime!" She shouted, nothing...silence...and it was so dark inside. Shutting the door, she didn't want to get his floor all wet...if he wasn't here then he'd be pissed if she made a mess. Reaching for the light switch, she flipped it. Nothing...The storm must've caused a blackout.

Though there was something else, between the rain and the thunder, a warble of something. Words that someone was hardly able to produce.

"H...Here...I'm right here..."

Y/N's gaze shifted, nearly glossing over the mass in the corner of the room. The shaking, teenage boy-sized mass.

"...Hajime? What are you doing-Oh! I'm not here to...kill you. If that's what you're thinking...but I guess the whole...breaking and entering would give off that impression-"

"I know you're not...I-I just-"

As another clap of thunder shook the sky, lightning momentarily shined through the window. Dread, fear, terror, all flashed across Hajime's face as the thunder met his eardrums. And his entire frame shook and continued to shake as the rain cracked against the glass.

Y/N sighed, astraphobia. She'd encountered many with it in her time as a weather forecaster, and that would explain why Hajime always made it a habit to check the weather. Still, Y/N took a seat beside him, her back against the wall as he shook.

"...You know...thunder can't hurt you? Lightning can, but thunder is just all noise."

"I-I know, and that's the problem! I-It has no reason to be so loud or to s-shake the ground so bad. Or...or...or...there's just no reason for it."

He sighed, going back to burying his face in his knees. Y/N sighed, there was a reason. A scientific reason. Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of the air surrounding the path of lightning. But she didn't say that, explaining what thunder was wouldn't make it any less scary. To Hajime at least.

"Here, give me your hand," Y/N said, offering her hand. Hajime hesitantly laced their fingers, after all, he didn't know what she was getting at. But as the next thunder strike came, he squeezed her hand tightly. Inhaling sharply at the noise. But Y/N just squeezed his hand back.

"You're gonna be ok. Just squeeze my hand, and breathe. It's just a noise...it can't hurt you. And the storm will pass."


Another flash, and this time Hajime braced himself. As soon as the crash came he flinched, his breathing getting erratic. Y/N placed her free hand against his chest.

"Breathe, slow. In. Out. One, two. One, two."

Y/N said, he inhaled slowly, shakily. Letting out another sigh, his shoulders still trembling as he breathed.

"There you go...just breathe. Ok?" Y/N said, giving a small smile. He seemed to calm down for just a moment until another crack of thunder came again. This one was louder than the former. And he bolted forward, his arms wrapped around Y/N's waist as he shook.

"S-Sorry. Sorry. I-I can't...C-Can't let go..."

Y/N's hands were up, hovering slightly over his shoulders as he apologized over and over. This felt strange, Hajime wasn't usually like this. He was level-headed, he was stubborn, he was calm...He was holding onto her for dear life, his entire body shaking as he attempted to calm down.

"It's ok," Y/N began, hesitantly wrapping her arms around his neck, "it's ok. You're alright. I'm here."

She said, his breathing erratic. Y/N could feel his heart beating hard against her skin, it felt off. He was terrified, he was a mess...And he attempted to cool off.

"Just breathe for me Hajime, I'm right here. You'll be ok."

Hajime breathed shakily, and Y/N sighed.

"Psst, hey, listen."

She said, and while Hajime didn't pick up his head, he nodded. Y/N waited until the next lightning strike, she began to count.

"One, two, three, four, five-"

A crack of lightning and Y/N squeezed Hajime as he flinched.

"1.6 Kilometers away..."

Hajime whimpered at that, tilting his head back as he stared up at her. Before the lightning came once more, and the counting began again.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten-"

Another crash and Hajime jolted once more.

"W-What are you doing?"

Y/N smiled. "3.2 Kilometers away. The storm is passing...It'll be over soon, just hold out a little for me Hajime. Alright?"

Hajime nodded, swallowing thickly as he shakily began to release her.

"Count with me Hajime."

The counting went on and on, it took a good few minutes, but it worked. Though, he still had a death grip on her hand. He was scared. And even in the silence, he was worried that the thunder would come back.

"S-Stay. Stay the night!"

Hajime called, and Y/N's eyes widened a tad. Hajime however paused for a moment, before clearing his throat.

"If it's not an issue...please stay the night."

Y/N smiled before she nodded.

"Of course."

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