Hajime x Reader x Fuyuhiko

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Requested by komahina_is_the_shit
\\Killing game|-|angst fanfic//

(In this fanfic, you replace Peko's role as Fuyuhiko's protector.)

{Flashback to before the killing game}

"Fuyuhiko...please. Talk to me." You pleaded. But the light haired teen's melancholy expression did not change. He was broken, inside and out.

"Nothing you will say will change what happened Y/N." Fuyuhiko spat. "Don't try to make me feel better. No matter what, whoever did this will pay. I can promise everyone that."

You grimaced. His emotions were getting the better of him. Before long, he was going to be hunting down the killer and getting his revenge.

That can't happen. I won't let it. I'm his protector. I might not be protecting him from someone. But I'm protecting him from an empty heart.

"Fuyuhiko. The death of your sister was not your fault. Whoever did this will get their karma. I promise. Please try to smile. I know this is hard and you want to kill the person who did this. But it won't help. All it will do is make your heart empty and cold."

Fuyuhiko stayed silent.

You sighed heavily. "Fuyuhiko. I care about you a lot. I don't like or want to see my master like this. I'm sure your sister wouldn't want to see your depressed state either. So please, try not to burden yourself too much."

His resolve seemed to weaken, his muffled sobs finally coming out. "I-I'll try."

You put a warm hand on his seemingly cold shoulder. "Thank you."

He weakly smiled at you as his tears rolled down his pink cheeks. He laid his forehead on your shoulder as he let all his emotions out.

"I-I think I realize something. I...I think I love you Y/N."

{Present Day}

"I love you Y/N!" Akane yelled out as she took your offering and stuffed it in her mouth. "You're the best!" She mumbled, her mouth crammed with chicken.

"Uh thanks...I guess?" You said, bemused.

It was just another day in the life of the killing game. Surprisingly, everything was pretty peaceful since the first trial. No deaths.

"Y/N. Everyone is partying on the beach. You should join." Chiaki suggested.

"I think I'll pass. Ill just sit here and watch." You shrugged, giving her a polite smile.

She nodded as she ran back to the others who were having a water fight.

"Hey Y/N." Hajime sat next to you, holding two smoothies in his hands.

"Hey Hajime."

"Want one?" He held out the colorful smoothie to you. 🍹

"..Why not. Thanks." You clinked your glass with his before sipping it through the straw, watching everyone having a good time.

"You know, you always stay out of celebrations like this. How come?" Hajime asked.

You looked longingly at the beach as you answered. "I just... feel we shouldn't be partying. We should be trying to stop this killing game. Celebrating like this should happen after we win this killing game."

Hajime nodded understandingly. "I know but....I think you should loosen up a little. There's nothing we can do right now. Plus, maybe partying like this will ignite inspiration and hope inside us."

You thought about what he said then smiled in appreciation. "Thanks Hajime. I really needed that. But I'll join in next time. For now, I'll just hang out with you right here."

"That sounds great." His cheeks turned a little pink as he said that, taking a sip of his drink. "You know...Y/N..I think you're really cool."

Your cheeks grew hot at his sudden compliment. "Uh...um..thanks!" You took a sip of your drink to ease the awkward tension.

He bashfully touched your hand. "This is really embarrassing but...I think I like you."


"What the h*ll is wrong with you?" Fuyuhiko slammed you up against the wall. "Why haven't you been talking to me?"

"Fuyuhiko please. Let go."

"Just answer me! It's been two days and all you've done is avoid conversation as much as you can!" He growled.

You sighed. What he said was true. You were avoiding him.

"Please...tell me what's wrong." His expression looked more pleading, more passionate.

You gulped. "Look Fuyuhiko. When you confessed to me the other day, my heart raced and I felt the same way-"

"Then what's the problem?"

"I was getting to that. You see, I do love you. But when I took the oath to become your protector, I had to promise I would not have any romantic relations with you. It's even in my contract. You know this Fuyuhiko. It's what every protector must promise to their master."

Fuyuhiko loosened his grip and looked at you with pain in his eyes. "I don't care. I love you Y/N. I always will."

"I'm sorry Fuyuhiko. I took an oath. You know I don't break my promises. I love you too Fuyuhiko but we can never be together." You put a soothing hand on his shoulder.

Tears formed in his eyes as he ripped away from your touch and ran away.

(Present time)

"You w-what?!" You exclaimed, blushing like a storm.

"I-like you Y/N. A lot..actually." Hajime confessed. "You're mysterious but kind to others. I didn't think I would ever feel these emotions in this kind of situation but I've been proved wrong."

"I-I guess so?" You didn't know what to say. You were shocked nonetheless.

"D-D-Do you like me as well?" Hajime stuttered. "It's okay if you don't."

You thought about the question. Hajime was nice and stepped up during trials. He proved to be smart and caring. He made sure you were fitting in well and getting along with others. "I....I guess I do like you."

"Really?" He exclaimed, giving you a big hug.

"Ah-I-uh. Yes. I really like you Hajime." You chuckled, returning his warm embrace.

He pecked you on the lips and you chuckled, kissing him more passionately.

After the make-out session you both looked into each other's eyes while holding the other's warm hands.

"Um. I'm sorry to break this moment up but I need to talk to Y/N for a moment." Fuyuhiko appeared out of nowhere and grabbed your hand.

"Um okay." Hajime seemed confused but nodded firmly.

Fuyuhiko nodded back and pulled you away from your lover.

He looked frustrated in a way. You wondered what was wrong.

"Y/N. What was that?" Fuyuhiko glared at you suspiciously.

"He confessed his feelings for me. Why? Is this a problem?" You inquired, brushing back some of your hair.

"Ye-I mean no, no. It's uh not a problem. A-anyway I urgently need to speak with you."

"Okay. What is it?"

"So I finished the Twilight Syndrome Murder game thing last night." Fuyuhiko confessed.

"What? But I thought we agreed we wouldn't touch it!" You exclaimed.

"I know but..I couldn't help it. Anyway when I finished the game I got these." He held out a handful of pictures.

"H-Hey that's..Mahiru."

His expression dimmed. "These pictures...they show my sister. Other than that..they show Mahiru trying to cover up the crime that her friend committed.

"Do...you remember any of this?" You asked.

"....No. I don't. But these pictures don't lie. My sister....is dead. Because of them." He growled, crumpling up the pictures in a ball.


"I have a plan to get my revenge."

"B-But Master-"

"No buts. You are under a contract and you will do whatever I say."

You stopped and nodded your head, realizing that it was useless to object. "Yes Fuyuhiko."

"Good. Tomorrow we will take action."


"Is something wrong Y/N?" Hajime came up to you with a frown.

"I'm trying to find Fuyuhiko. He's missing. Have you seen him anywhere?" You darted your head in all directions.

"Uh no. But I will gladly help you find him.

"Thank you. That means a lot." You smiled.

"Anytime." He nodded.

You searched everywhere. Around the school, around the town, anywhere he could possibly be. But he could not be found. It was time to give up.

"I'm sorry we couldn't find him. I genuinely hope he's okay." Hajime sighed.

You longingly looked at the buildings from afar. "Me too."

Hajime turned towards you and brushed stray hairs from your face. "Don't worry about it too much okay?"

"A-Alright." You blushed.

"What the h*ll do you think you're doing?" A voice came from behind them.

"F-Fuyuhiko! I'm so happy that we-"

"What are you doing Hajime? Are you trying to steal her/him away from me?" Fuyuhiko spat.

"She's not yours Fuyuhiko. No one should own anyone else. She is not obligated to date you." Hajime retorted calmly.

"Why you-"

"Stop it!" You snapped, pushing the two men away from each other. "What's gotten into you two? What the heck are you even fighting about?"

They both looked at you with puzzled faces. "Isn't it obvious? It's you."


"Yeah. It isn't just Fuyuhiko that likes you. I like you as well." Hajime stated.

Why am I learning this right now? Am I that dense?

"Y/N please. Pick me. I'll make you happy. I promise." Fuyuhiko pleaded.

"B-but I can't..remember?"

"I can soil the contract or we can date in secret. There's ways around that."

"Even so...your father wants you to marry someone-"

"I don't f*cking care if he wants me to marry someone higher-up. That person isn't you. A person who has been there for me since we were children."

That's right....we have been together for a long time...

"Can we discuss this later? My head hurts." You complained.

They both hesitantly agreed, walking you home in silence.

Who am I going to pick?


You winced as you looked at Mahiru. Her cold dead body gave you shivers up your spine. "I'm sorry Mahiru. But I had to do it. But I wished it hadn't ended up like this." You whispered, turning back around to Fuyuhiko.

"Master...why are you red?"

Fuyuhiko looked surprised and then covered his face. "N-no reason."

You shrugged, putting back your clothes on. You had to take them off to make sure you didn't get any blood on you.

"Fuyuhiko...why did we have to do this? She seemed like a nice girl."

"She killed my sister." He blatantly replied. "I think that's reason enough.

You sighed.


"I want to be with you Fuyuhiko." You confessed as you kissed his lips.

You felt him freeze but then kiss you back, positioning a hand behind your neck as you held his waist.

It felt like time was going so slow as you moved your lips together in synchronization. It felt like sparks were flying every time you felt his tongue intertwine with yours.

Your make-out session quickly ended however when a knock came from the door.

You both jumped and scrambled to get yourselves together.

"Can I come in?" His father asked.

"Uh yes." Fuyuhiko cleared his threat. The door opened and you quickly moved to a seat. His father widened his eyes at your appearance but said nothing, probably because you were his protector.

"Fuyuhiko. I would like to speak to you." He glanced to where you were sitting. "Alone." His son agreed, glancing at you.

The door shut and you sighed.

That was close.

But yet you smiled. You had chosen who your heart belonged to. You couldn't be happier.


"Y/N L/N is the blackened!" Monokuma announced with vigor. "You are all correct!

Even though everyone had gotten the truth, no one looked happy. They had all grown some kind of bond with you. They didn't want to lose their friend.

Hajime looked the worse however. He didn't want to accept that you were the blackened. Even voting for himself because he didn't want you to die.

"Y/N. I'm sorry." Fuyuhiko whispered.

But it was too late.
After you had said your goodbyes it was time for your execution.

"Alrighty! It's time for Y/N L/N and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu the Ultimate Swordswoman to get their punishment.

-//*||{Execution time START}||*\\-

You cut through the Monokuma's with your blade. You were determined to survive.

But suddenly,

You saw Fuyuhiko get hit with your sword.


Not him.

You immediately landed on your knees, taking his body into your hands. "I'm so sorry!"

As you felt the sharp object run through your body, you shouted out your lover's name. One final time.

Whose name would you call out?
Yay! I finally finished a request!!!
One more then I will open up the requests again!!
Hope you enjoy and have a great day!

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