Ishimaru x Shy!Reader//Sleepover

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Requested by TheHallMonitor2006
(This takes place on Halloween)


"Hahahaha! Won again motherf**kers!" Iruma yelled, flaunting her victory everywhere.

"Nyehhhh. I would have beaten you with my magic but that would be too much hard work." Himiko groaned. "Let's do something else."

If we keep on playing monopoly Iruma will just win again. I wish Ouma was playing. Maybe he could destroy her annoying winning streak.

"I agree with Himiko! Let's find something else to do!" Tenko agreed almost immediately.

"Well? What should we do?" Tsumugi asked.

"Oh oh! Atua says we should tell spooky stories. Today is Halloween after all." Angie piped up.

"S-scary stories?" Tenko squeaked.

"Are you telling me Miss Little Akido Master is afraid of scary stories? Phht-hahahaha!" Iruma started laughing hysterically.

"W-what?! No!! It's just Himiko might get scared!" Tenko interjected.

"Nyeh. I'm not afraid of them." Himiko shrugged.

Ding Dong

"Oh more guests!" Tsumugi clapped her hands. "Y/N could you get them? I need to go to the bathroom real quick."

"Of course." I said.

I walked up to the door and peeked through the window.

That black hair...

Those red eyes....


I sweated nervously, gripping the door handle.

W-what's he doing here? He usually studies over the weekend!

I opened the door reluctantly.

"H-hey Ishimaru. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Y/N. Tsumugi invited me to the sleepover. I would usually be studying but I have nothing to study for. So I'm going to join you guys in your Halloween festivities!" He pumped his hand up.

"A-ah...okay." You opened the door to let him go in.

More and more people started to arrive.

So we got Ishimaru, Kaito, Saihara, Ouma,Kiibo, Kyoko,Aoi, and Maki. Geez why did she invite so many people a sleepover? What does she plan to do with us all, participate in a killing game? Pah! Yeah right!

"Alright everyone. It's time to tell spooky stories!" Tsumugi clapped her hands.

"S-Spooky stories? Count me out on this one. I'll just go to the bathroom or something." Kaito scuttled away.

"Kaito doesn't like the paranormal. He gets sick when he hears stuff like that." Saihara informed.

"Ok then. Who wants to go first?" Tsumugi looked around for volunteers.

"I guess I'll recite a spooky tale." Kyoko sighed.

"Could someone turn off the lights?" Tsumugi asked.

"Got it!" Aoi turned off the lights and the room instantly got spookier.

Everyone turned on their flashlights and turned to Kyoko.

She began telling her spooky tale, detailed as it was, it made it creepier.

I sat by Ishimaru. He obviously never heard a scary story before and cuddled up next to me, shivering.

Why is he clinging to me?! It's...not like I hate it though....

"And she got speared through the head!" As soon as kyoko yelled that, loud lightning crackled across the sky.


I realized immediately that I had instinctively grabbed onto Ishimaru, almost embracing him.

He seemed to have noticed too.

"G-get off her you degenerate male!" Tenko kicked him off me.

"T-Tenko no need to kick him!" Kiibo frantically said.

"Are you alright Ishimaru?!" I worriedly asked.

"H-Hey! That wasn't very nice!" And against the school rules!"

"We aren't IN the school dumb***." Iruma yelled.

"O-oh. Yeah. Forgot that." He slowly got up, rubbing his head.

The rest told their spooky stories. All scary, but not as horrifying as Kyoko's.

"Alright everyone! It's time for hide and seek!" Tsumugi stood up and held up a hat. "This will determine who is the seeker or the hider."

Everyone picked a slip out of the hat.

"Ha! Hider! Eat that suckers!" Iruma yelled.

"Could you be quieter?" Maki muttered.

"W-wha?!" Iruma shrunk back. "W-well what did you get?"

Maki disinterestedly looked at her slip of paper. "Hider."

"Me too!" Angie said. "Give thanks to Atua!"

"Uhhh no thanks." Aoi declined.

"Ishimaru is the seeker!" Tsumugi yelled.

"W-wha me?" Ishimaru looked confused.

"What's the confused look for sh*thead?" Iruma cocked her head.

"Uh...I..don't know how to play hide and seek." Ishimaru confessed.

"WHAT?!" Everyone looked at him in shock.

"You don't know how to play hide and seek? Hahaha! How pathetic!" Ouma snickered.

"H-hey! That's rude. Let's just explain the rules to him." I interjected.

"Agreed." Tsumugi nodded.

After explaining he rules, Ishimaru finally got it.

"So I have a question Ishimaru. How come you never learned how to play hide and seek?" Aoi questioned, snacking on a donut.

"Well...I spent my whole life studying. I never liked playing with other I usually just read." He shrugged.

"That's so sad." Tsumugi teared up.

"No time for sad. Isn't it time to play?" Maki bluntly said.

"Yes yes. Atua says it's time." Angie nodded.

"Alright then. Let's play already." Ouma whined.

Everyone hid in Tsumugi's huge house, each not wanting to get caught first.

"O-Ouma! What are you doing here! Get your own hiding place!" I hastily shooed him away from under the bed.

"Awwwww you are so mean Y/N...fine. I'll find another hiding spot since you are so rude." Ouma finally went away and I tried to stay as quite as I could.

My shallow breaths were making me want more air. I took a big gulp of air, hoping no one heard.

For a few minutes I was fine. I heard other people squeal and shout from the floor below me.

Tsumugi had her own twist to playing hide-and-seek. Once the Seeker finds hiders, then the hiders are stuck in the living room, like a big prison. Only other hiders could get them out. But if the seeker can find all the hiders and stick them all in the prison then they win.

I heard footsteps and I shrunk back, trying to blend in with the darkness. It was the color of my soul after all.

I didn't know if the seeker went away so I idiotically sneaked out from under the bed and stood up.

"Haha! Got you!" Ishimaru jumped at me, both of us toppling over the bed.

Once Ishimaru realized his mistake he quickly panicked and turned beet red.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N! I'm so sorry! I'm a horrible person! I didn't mean to I promise! I-I-"

"It's alright Ishimaru." I looked at his teary eyes. I reached my hand up and gently wiped the tears away.

"Y-Y/N?" He shivered at my touch.

"It's alright. Even you make mistakes." I smiled warmly.

"T-thanks Y/N. You are really nice." He hugged me.

"U-uh of course." I blushed.

Calm down heart. It's just how Ishimaru acts. He doesn't like you. Or at least...I hope that's not true.

"Y/N. Your face is red. Are you alright? Did I do something?"

"W-wh-no..of course not. It's just that I really like you is all." As soon as I said that, I ran.

I ran into the living room. I saw Ouma,Tenko,Yumeno, Aoi,Angie, and Iruma.

"Y/N! Did you get caught too?" Tenko waved.

"Y-yeah..I did."

"Well I guess we just have to wait until someone gets us out." Aoi bit down on a jelly donut.

"How did you get caught Ouma?" I sat down by him.

"Oh ya know. Because someone wouldn't share their hiding spot." Ouma waved nonchalantly. "Kekeke."

"H-hey! I know you would give us away If you stayed."


"I told you Saihara! If you gotta sneeze then don't!" Kaito lectured.

"How does that make any sense?!" Saihara and Kaito walked into the room, obviously caught.

"Who's left?" Yumeno asked.

"Uh Maki,Kiibo,Kyoko,and Tsumugi." I listed off the people who weren't here.

"Scratch that. I got caught." Kiibo walked in, sulking.

"My money is on Maki." Kaito bragged. "She's gonna beat all your butts."

"What if someone doesn't have a butt?" Ouma looked at Kiibo.

"W-wha?! I'll have you know that I do have a butt! Wait-that's not the issue!" Kiibo waved his hands around in a frenzy.

"Darn it. I thought for sure that I wasn't going to get caught." Tsumugi stepped in the room.

"You too Tsumugi?" Yumeno groaned.

"Ugh I can't believe we are all being caught by that degenerate male!" Tenko grumbled. "I don't like betting, but I do believe that Kyoko is going to win."

"Nuh uh. It's gonna be Maki!" Kaito smirked. "I just know it."

The room heard footsteps approaching.

"O my gosh?! who is it?!" Tsumugi leaned forward, excited to see who the caught was.

"My hiding strategy has failed. I believe that means Maki won." Kyoko said as she appeared in the room.

"Yeah..I can't find her anywhere." Ishimaru appeared and I tensed up.

Uh oh. Maybe I can just avoid him the rest of the night.

"Alright! Now we are going I play truth or dare!" Tsumugi giggled.

"Finally!" Ouma groaned.

They all sat crisscrossed on the floor, looking at each other.

Ishimaru looked at you.

Ahhhhhhhhh! Don't look at me! Pleaseeeeeee!

"Alright, Ouma how about you start?"

"Okie dokie!" Ouma made an innocent look. "Um..Ishimaru. Truth or dare?"


"Who do you like?"

Everyone looked at Ishimaru. Could the strict Ishimaru be in the love with someone?


"Well? Just spit it out already!" Iruma yelled.

" Y/N." Ishimaru blushed.


"I won't ever let you have her you degenerate male!" Tenko growled.

He..likes me?! I can't believe it..
I'm happy but a little shocked.

"Could we just get on with the game?" Ishimaru frowned. " Ouma. Truth or dare."

"Dare." He said nonchalantly.

"Alright. I dare you to eat all of Ali's donuts."

"W-what?!" Aoi yelled.

"Oh got it!" Ouma raced out of the room, Aoi too.

Once they got back, Ouma looked at me.

"Truth or dare Y/N."


"..I dare you to kiss Ishimaru."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh~" Iruma smirked. "This is finally getting interesting."

"No! You don't have to do it Y/N! I can totally understand if you don't want to kiss him." Tenko said.

"No. Atua says once you agreed for a date, you cannot go back." Angie said.

"Agreed. You can't just chicken out. Kiss him Y/N!" Kaito nodded.

The whole room started chanting kiss him.

"I...I-" Ishimaru stuttered.


I kissed him, our lips becoming one. A spark ignited between us. We wanted to have each other. To be with each other.

Once I pulled away, Ishimaru looked at me with passion. He loved me. I loved him.

"Ewwww why is it getting sentimental? I thought they were gonna fu-"

"Don't say such horrible things!" Kiibo covered her mouth.

"Ishimaru? Are you okay?"

"I'm great. Today I found out that my crush likes me back. Why would I not be okay?"

I blushed.

When everyone was trying to cover Iruma's mouth, we kissed again, this time with more love.

"I love you Ishimaru. Even if you are a strict hall monitor. You should let your guard down a little more. Have some fun instead of studying so much."

"I love you Y/N. Even if you are a weirdo. But you are my weirdo."

I smiled.

The rest of the night we changed into our pajamas and partied, played monopoly, watched movies, and karaoked to our favorite songs.

It was a great night.

I'm glad Ishimaru came.

If he didn't, we probably wouldn't have started dating.

But that is a story for another time.

Next is Fem!Reader x Gundam

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