Saihara x Mute!Reader x Ouma

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Requested by scorpiet Also her/his backstory is completely made up.

You stood in a room. It was a dark room with silk drapery over the windows and lavish gray furniture.

My childhood house.

You turned around, looking at a little girl, with h/c hair and bright e/c eyes.

It's me..

Your miniature self looked scared, tears forming in her eyes and she looked at the opening door.


Your father looked mad, veins showing on his red face.

He cursed at your childlike figure, telling her how horrible of a daughter she was, and how she would never be like her older sister.

Your adolescent tears didn't stop him from taking a belt and lashing you.

No stop!! No!

You tried to move from your spot but you couldn't, like your feet were glued to the floor.

Blood. Scars. Memories.

You jerked up from bed, panting.

Another nightmare. Again.

You slowly flipped the warm blanket away from your cold and tired body.

Why is it the same nightmare over and over again?

"Hey Y/N." Saihara walked in, smiling.

You waved to him and gave him a weak smile back.

"Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

You picked up your marker board and marker and wrote: I had a bad dream..

"I'm so sorry. Is it the same one as the others?"

You: Yes. It is always the same. Every night.

Saihara sighed and sat down beside you.

"Y/N, I want to let you know that I may not know your past...but I think you are a beautiful person and I love you."

You: Why do you confess everyday?

"So maybe one day, you will say yes and stop having these nightmares...and dream of me." He quietly spoke, blushing all the while.

You blushed and hugged him.

Thanks Saihara. I wish I could tell you but I don't think you want to know what I have been through.

"I understand it's not your thing but could you please join us for breakfast? Kirumi is cooking!"

Your placid face turned into a bright smile as you nodded.

"Great! Come on!" He grabbed your hand and walked down the hall, towards the cafeteria.

As you arrived, Ouma waved to you. "Y/N! I can't believe you came down here!"

You nodded and smiled.

I don't want to wallow in this despair anymore. I want to be friends.

"Hey Ouma."

"Hey Saihara."

You didn't understand the tension that you always felt between them. They are nice to each other sure..but it's like the mood could change by the snap of a twig.

"Saihara! Y/N!" Kirumi gasped. "Glad to see you joining us! I have prepared a breakfast of pancakes, waffles, French toast, eggs, bacon, and of course tea."

"Thanks Kirumi. We look forward too it." Saihara nodded to Kirumi as she bowed back.

Saihara was sweet to say those things back in the room and I do feel a flutter in my chest when I'm around him but...

"Oh woah Y/N!" You realized you were about to trip when...

"Whew. Good thing I caught you." Ouma gave you a toothy grin.

You blushed, looking into his beautiful eyes.

But there's Ouma. He looks out for me too. He really cares for me, even though he doesn't say it.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Ouma gave a teasing smirk as he realized you were looking into his eyes.

Oh great..he noticed.

You nodded and slowly put your legs down.

You gave Ouma a bow of gratitude.

Ouma smiled. "You are welcome. I always want to help you."

You blushed and turned you head around.

Kirumi waved to you and directed you to sit in a chair at the table.

You nodded and complied, sitting in the comfortable chair.

"Hey Y/N. Glad you came out here?" Saihara sat next to you, giving you a donut. Your eyes brightened as you took it from him and took a bite.

That tastes really good!

You nodded happily, this was going well. Better than you hoped.

Ouma pulled out a chair and sat next to you, smiling happily.

You noticed that Korekiyo, Maki, and Yumeno were not at the table while the others were.

"Here Y/N." Saihara has a spoonful of egg and gestured for you to "ah"

You opened your mouth and he shoved the delicious egg on your tongue.

Wow Kirumi is a blessing.

"Aww I want to do that too!" Ouma grabbed his spoon and shoved it into your mouth.

You thought it was going to be yummy, but your tastebuds quickly noticed that it was spicy. Very SPICY.


You waved at your tongue and panted.

"What the heck was in that spoon Ouma?"

"Oops. I thought it was ketchup and eggs but I guess it was hot sauce and eggs. Read the thing wrong."

"Wow Ouma..smooth." Tenko glared at him while Saihara gave you water to drink.

You panted and drank more until every drop was gone from the glass.

You leaned back in your chair, your tongue exhuasted.

"Ouma! Check your labels next time! You could've hurt Y/N!"

"From hot sauce? As if."

"She's extra sensitive to spicy things. I would know because we are childhood friends!"

"Oh the childhood friend card? You are really pulling that card now? Like you pull it to persuade her to accept your feelings?"

Saihara's face was red.

"W-what? W-well at least I'm not always acting like a pretty boy all the time!"

"At least I'm trying here!"

"Well- Y/N?"

Your eyes were watering.

You had to get away from this mess.

You ran to the bathroom, not caring about their shouts of protest.

You ran towards the girls bathroom. You opened the door and leaned against the sink.

Why do they pressure me like this? I'm not even worth fighting over.

You were shedding your tears as you heard the stall behind you open.

You felt a knife pressed to your kneck.

"Sorry hun, I will get back to my sister. No matter what." Korekiyo whispered.

Everything went dark.

(Korekiyo accidentally went into the girl's bathroom and when he realized that Y/N entered, he saw an opportunity to KILL)


"No...Noooooo!" Ouma pounded his fists into the table, tears streaming down his face.

Saihara was more calm, but his whole body was shaking, and he was sobbing.

"Who could do this?" Tenko whispered.

"I don't know...but I WILL find out."

I love you Y/N. I won't let you go unavenged.

Next is Saihara x Kaede!

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