Chapter 1 of 2: Prisonment, out now, here we are,

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"Good morning dear new world.. Oh well."

'I was now awake, I get up, and look at Dream and Tommy talking to each other, and I had nothing to do. I just ate some potatos of some kind. I should talk to Tommy, again, and he was calling dream ugly. Eh, I should talk to him.'

(Location: Dream's prison cell.)

*Talk to Tommy?* *Yes* *No*

"Hey Tommy, how are you?"

'He then turns to me, and stops talking to dream.'

"I'm good Ouma, I'm just pissed at the green bastard for killing me and then reviving."

"Yeah yeah I know, you know, I kinda agree with you in some point."

'Yeah.. Apparently dream was kind of a jerk in my opinion, who else, Dream did kill him. Maybe I could ask how old he is, I don't know that much about Tommy, but he seems friendly? Yeah..'

"Um.. Tommy, how old are you? You look like your 18?"

"Nah Ouma, I'm sixteen, I'm really sixteen.."

'Wait. Sixteen?! How the hell did he face that death of his if he's only sixteen?! How the hell?!-'

"W-wait. Sixteen. Oh don't tell me, are your not joking?! This is serious?!"

"Yeah.. Um, I'm actually sixteen years old.."

'I was stunned. I realize that.. A sixteen year old was beaten to death. Damn that's dark, but.. Seems dream did worse, i'm not gonna ask.. Fine, lets ask.'

"So I'm nineteen, makes sense.. Wait.  Did dream do worse?"


'Oh no. I looked at him in a worried face. Dream did something bad, and I'm gonna find out what the hell it is.'

"Tommy, you can talk to me. I trust you. Please."

"...Fine. He manipulated me while I was in exile..."

'Wait. EXILED?! How in the world did he get exiled, But did he say, wait. Oh my god, He manipulated him. Oh my god.'

"Tommy, please tell me your joking. Exile is no joke. Did he really-"

'He nods his head. I knew it. Dreams an asshole in everything he does. And look at the poor boy. Why..?'

"Why were you exiled anyway.."

"I.. I accidentally burnt down George's house to the ground with ranboo. My best friend, who was the president, exiled me by dreams command.."

'Huh.. Did he say. Oh god.. I immediately thought of myself in that situation. I would be abused worse than him, and would believe in every word he would say to me...'

"Are you, you know, not exiled?"

"Mhm, yep- I was given back my citizenship, but.. I do go to therapy."

'Hm.. Let's see, maybe a disk addiction made this happened.'

"Let me guess. Maybe an disk addiction was the case for alot fo wars and shit went down. Is that correct Tommy?"

"...I- How did you-"

'I just roll my eyes on him. And made him have a confused face.'

"H-hey?! Don't do that to me."

"Just theorizing, Whatever. I think you had a war about this. Wait. If it was true then-. Oh f- I'm so sorry-"

"Nah, it's fine. I have gotten very used to this."

'Suddenly, Tommy stopped talking to me, and started an conversation with dream.'

'Oh well. There goes him.'

'Tommy started talking about Moana all of the sudden. Like damn. And dream does say no. And then Tommy wants to get out of the prison. And more stuff happened. But I mostly forgotten about what the hell happened. And then.. Tommy started yelling. And he grabbed me. We went to the water part of the prison. And... We teleported. Tommy then told him that he let him die. Of course.. He's right after all, then the man started telling him about his death, and now. Drama happens, Tommy apparently yells at dream, and then, the other masked man looks at me.'

"...Tommy, who's he?"

"Sam, dream revived him. Including the man with me, guess what. He's the man who was in danganronpa. What joy."


"Did dream do this."

"Mhm. Yeah I don't want talk about it."

"Well. I'm Awesamdude, but call me Sam. Nice to meet you

'After that short introduction. We then were going to go to the surface. While waiting, Tommy talked to Sam about not protecting him, and more things happened. And then.. After a few minutes of doing stuff, we were finally on the entrance.'

"...Sam, please let us fucking out."

'And then.. After a few seconds. The doors open. And then, Tommy started telling about how he's back. And Tommy then tells him that it's Sam's fault that he died. And I just watch by eating a potato, again. After a few minutes later after all of the ranting, Tommy grabbed all of his things from the same locker. Then he talked about.. A hotel? Tommy then grabs my hand.. And then. We're free.'

"Tommy, are you alright?"

"..Mhm. Let's get the fuck out of here."

"So everyone thinks I'm dead."

"Oh damn. That's how I was in danganronpa, but now. Look at this."

"Yeah, let's just. Go outside."

'And after the first time in years... I'm outside. I haven't been outside after monokuma locked us out of the world, I do a small smile, it's pleasing to see the outside for once. Then, I noticed that Tommy has gotten statues of himself. Damn, then he tells me that this was supposed to be his last visit. That was it. But yeah. The green bastard killed him.'

'Then. A voice from the back said something, then him and Tommy started talking, and a conversation starts again with the two.'

"-Tubbo, look at me, look at me-"

'And then. The Other man tells him. He's married. But wait, was that.. Tubbo? Is that his.. best friend that, wait, is he the one who.. Exiled him?! And then, he has an conversation with a man named Jack. Who runs his hotel apparently. A very dramatic conversation about his death. Well. I just ate some cake while the long conversation. Again, I just watch.'

'While the 16th year old talked with Jack. I just did a face with confusion, then, we both come to Tommy's house to see another man in it. Where, his name is Connor. Confused and all, I walk away from there, kill some sheep, get some wood, return to both of them, which means that Connor didn't leave.'

'While Tommy was talking to himself. Another man, which was named Ranboo, who was apparently half enderman, talked to Tommy for a bit, after that weird conversation we had with him, we then walked for a while, then. A man in diamond armor, started saying that he shouldn't wear a costume from a deceased, and then, they were in a comfortable reunion. What joy, I smile, I tell Tommy I'm leaving, and so, I go back to grab some wood, I axed some trees, build a small house, made some torches for mining soon, Made a chest, create my axe and pickaxe, put all of my items in it, I then make a bed, and then I apparently fall asleep, the for the past few weeks, more things happened. I met my father's ghost, reunited with Fundy, had a conversation with tubbo, and is now friends with Ranboo. I haven't seen Phil and techno yet. But, as I close my window, I look up.'

"Well... Another day, another life. Goodnight to all of you."

'And then, I went to my bed, and I feel asleep.'


"Kokichi Ouma's alive?"

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