Chapter 2, of 2: A very complicated reunion.

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'...Welp. Fuck, oh damn it. Oh not him..'


"K-kokichi... Kokichi? There's no way."

"Oh, mate, what are you doing here?"

"Uh- Hey dad-"

'If your wondering how I got into this mess. Well. Once I was awake from that panic attack. I walked into the scene to see Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo having a moment, a very dramatic moment, after that. I let Shuichi stay at my house, and let him sleep there, then, now today, I went to eat breakfast, take a shower, and then do the normal stuff, I also planned to see Tommy when he went to Phil's house. Then, I went to see Phil and Tommy. Only to see my dad talking to him, while Tommy was distracted with something, and then Dad saw me. This isn't going to end well. Damn it.'

(Location: Technoblade and Philza Minecrafts house.)

*Talk to Wilbur, Phil, Ghostbur and Tommy?* *Yes* *No*

"Um... Hey dad. Uh-"

' Tommy then sees me. When he realized that I was there. He had a 'Oh f*ck, oh sh*t, oh goddamn it.' face at me. Then Wilbur met my eyes after years of not seeing each other.'

"...Are you even alive?".

"Dad i-"

"I thought you were dead for years, I mourned for you, H-how-! Damn, H-how the hell are you-"

"Dad. I was revived also, by dream, he used the revive book on me."

'Dad turned to me. With a face a b*t h would show. And I gave a worried/smiling face. Oh no.'

"Oh. By dream. Oh- This is great-"

"Dad, what are you saying?!"

"Oh.. You don't know. Dream's my hero! He saved me!"

'H-hero?! No. Dream's not a hero of this goddamn story, I take a huge sigh. And look at him straight in the eyes.'

"Dad. What are you saying?!"

"W-what are you saying?! Of course dream's my hero. He saved me from limbo! Dreams my hero!"

"Dad. What limbo?"

"Ouma. I was stuck in limbo for so long, 13 years son! I was there watching the train ride on the train track everyday like an nightmare, then he was there! He saved me."

"Dad. No. Dream's not a hero dad."

"No... Dreams my hero! Wait. Do you even agree with me?"


"I am your father. I thought you would agree with me?"

'With a heavy heart. I started telling my own father about his mistakes.'

"Dad... Dreams creepy as hell. How do you think that?! And dad. Don't you know what he did to Tommy?! He manipulated the poor boy while he was in exile. And don't you yell at me for being like this. You made me worry so much while I was in that stupid killing game."

'I pause for a bit. Then I continued.'

"You know what. You weren't there for me and Floris much because of the stupid war. I was in Japan with him for a while, while you were in your stupid wars, while I was focking only 15. It affected me."

"Son. I-"

"And Phil.."

'I look at Phil with my face in serious mode, And tears started making in my eyes.'

"You know what phil. The government made my father like like this. You know what phil, the government took away the loving father I had, and I lost him, he became an insane man. An insane mentality unstable one. I lost him. Phil. He's not the same anymore.. The dictatorship. This stupid president thing made my dad like this, the visions make it worse, and it was.. It was all true. Damn it.."

'I just broke. I just broke. I broke down in tears. I cried. I cried because I lost him, I then have a panic attack, with Tommy trying to calm me down. But then, I pass out. All I heard was screaming.'






'I wake up in Phil's house. While wilbur was there worried about my condition, rambling about it so much..'

"Phil, what if he hates me now after all this time- Is he even ok. Is he-"

"...Uhm. Hey, dad.."

'Dad immediately looked at me, and gave me a huge hug. While Phil smiled and went out of the room. Tommy then went in a gave me a hug as well. And it was tight, ouch.'

"U-um. Dad. Tommy-"

"O-oh. Sorry."

'Dad does let go. And gives another one. I hug back. Of course I cried, and he cried, while Tommy left the room for our privacy. After a few minutes.. We had a conversation.'


'Dad was daydreaming about if he hates me or not. I could tell from his face...'

"Dad, Dad.. Dad! What's wrong?"


"Son... I'm sorry."

"Huh? Sorry about what dad?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for involving you and Fundy into this mess. I-I'll try to fix everything. I promise, I try to be the best father. I promise, and you can hate me whenever you want to."


"I know I know. You can hate me, I know you now hate me. But please. I'm sorry, just.."

"Dad.. Thats enough."

'Dad stands up from his chair. And was going to leave the room.'

"I know you won't forgive me for what I did.."


"...Father. I forgave you years ago."

*End of Flashback.*

'Dad then hugged me and then said that he was moving in with Phil. Meaning he'll be neighbors with Ranboo. I am not sure if he will be able to hear about to the whole thing with Ranboo and Tubbo's marriage. He'll be shocked for sure. But I'll wait for his response and reaction. For now. This is the result for now. I'm just hoping for the best for my dad and his future. I'm hoping to let him see Fundy soon. With my dad talking about our childhood together, of course. Then, for the past few days, Me and Shuichi had a talk, turns out he has a daughter now, who was 3 years old, named Sakura, she was a sunshine filled kid, she lost her mother after complications during the birth, and Shuichi raised her. What a chad, a great chad. And then, after Shuichi left, Las navadas came into play, I am gonna visit to protect Tommy if he's gonna get hurt. But.. Who knows. I go to bed looking at the night sky from my window.'

"Nothing bad will happen. Will it? Nah, I must be joking."

'I slip into the blankets, and I fall asleep from my bed into another vision. And then, a normal dream. I slept peaceful. Nothing bads gonna happen tomorrow? Right, nah. I don't think so.'


'Wilbur. Who's this?"

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(Edit: Wow.. I literally realized that I did something.. I don't know, predict future lore that wilbur would start to ask for forgiveness-)

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