Kokichi Oma x SHSL Self Mutilator!Reader

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A/N before we start:

Sorry for not updating in a long time!!! I realize that these oneshots are really bad, and it's because I realized that I didn't wanna do V3 oneshots for every character. I just wanted to write Kokichi x Reader. I'm still gonna stick to my promise and keep it open as V3 oneshots, and I'm also gonna rewrite some of the oneshots I've already done.

Human! Keebo x Junko (REQUEST)
This is my top priority for rewriting. In fact, I'm expecting I might have it out within a week.

Korekiyo x Shy!Reader
This is my next priority. I've only seen up to the second class trial (although I have had some pretty major spoilers, and although lots of them currently make no sense to me I've seen them nonetheless), so I don't know a whole lot. However, after seeing WeebyNewz do her character analysis of Korekiyo, I realized that my interpretation was probably waaaaaaay off.

Things to know about THIS oneshot:
The reader is the Ultimate Self Mutilator. Their Ultimate Research Lab is available to them, and it's only past the first class trial. As the Ultimate Self Mutilator, the reader often gets themselves injured just for entertainment, and they question whether or not it's really a talent.

Now, we may proceed with the oneshot!

(Your POV, Second Person)
You woke up to the second day after Kaede's execution. You weren't particuarly friends with her, but Shuichi being the person closest to her really worried you. So, you wrote a note.

I know that Kaede's death is probably really difficult on you, but don't get all depressed about it. You may grieve, I understand that, but don't stay that way forever. You have to eventually move on with your life. Try your best to overcome her death, and do it for your sake. Don't do it for anybody else.

You slipped the note under the door to his dorm. Oh yeah, it's still nighttime. You usually woke up a few minutes before the announcement. As if on cue, the announcement started.

Ding dong bing bong!

You didn't even listen to the announcement, and just headed to the dining hall. Kirumi was preparing breakfast for everybody, and you smiled. You liked having Kirumi be so nice and doing this every morning. Angie walked in next, then Keebo, then Miu, Himiko, Shuichi, and the rest of the students filed in eventually. Kirumi served everyone breakfast, and you all ate your fair share.

You retreated to your Ultimate Research Lab, and you saw the many torture items that could be used for murder once again. You picked up a non-lethal poison you kept on a shelf, and read the label. It was the most dangerous poison you had that wasn't immediately lethal, although the label stated that if more than a teaspoon is taken that permanent damage may be fatal. You took a tiny sip of the liquid, and immediately your throat began to burn. You almost dropped the bottle in shock at the intensity of the pain but quickly recovered.

You could feel the burning liquid make its way to your stomach, and once it did you ran to the trash can as you puked. All of your breakfast and an unknown gel-like substance was in your puke. That was probably the poison after having some sort of chemical reaction, which would explain the burning sensation. Also the weird aftertaste you had that was similar to a few other substances.

Taking a knife specifically made to cut through human skin, you began carving into your arm. Kokichi Oma you carved, placing hearts around it. Maybe you didn't show it a whole lot, but you had a huge crush on him. The poison left in your stomach began to stop leaving such a burning feeling, but replaced it with nausea. Grinning madly, you decided to try some poison with lasting instant effects. You had taken it before, and you were in fact almost halfway through the bottle. You drank the liquid quickly.

Immediately, you felt even more sick than before. You read the labels of both bottles, realizing your mistake. If the two bottles contained anything that didn't mix, it could be fatal. You found completely different bases for the poisons, and yet they didn't seem to have things that didn't mix, although one contained some sodium and the other a little chlorine. So, you might get some salt in your stomach, which would explain why your stomach felt like it was exploding.

You threw up again, this time a sizzling liquid and you realized that it was the chemical reaction you had just realized was going to take place. So, the poisons had broken down. You were about to write Kokichi's name in your arm more, but suddenly somebody opened the door. It was Kokichi.

"Hey, what's up (Y/N)?" Kokichi cheerfully asked, bouncing up to your side.

"The ceiling," You flatly responded.

"Veeeeery funny," Kokichi sighed, "Anyways, what are you up to?"

"Practicing my talent!" You grinned, not realizing that the poison had coated your teeth in that gel substance.

"Uhh... why do your teeth look blue?" Kokichi asked in alarm.

"Oh, poisons," You shrugged, licking off the gel. It tasted like cleaning chemicals, but you swallowed anyways.

"Why do you practice your talent? Do you really wanna die that badly?" Kokichi sneered.

"I-It's not really a talent, but since I have it I may as well practice it!" You were getting insecure again. You weren't exactly proud of your talent, after all.

"Pffft, who would wanna practice cutting yourself? In this game you should be cutting others!" Kokichi smirked.

"You don't really want another murder to happen, do you?" You suddenly asked.

"What are you talking about? That would get booooooring," Kokichi looked sad and downcast.

"You constantly talk about murder. To me it sounds like you're lying like you're oh so good at and trying to convince yourself and others," You pointed out.

"Wh-?!" Kokichi was speechless, but quickly recovered, "Geez, that's a funny joke. You almost fooled me!"

He forced a laugh, but you could tell it was forced, "Is it that you don't trust us? Is that why you hide your true colors?" You asked in a gentle tone.

"Well, in a killing game, you're not supposed to trust anybody! Plus, if I trust somebody, they might want to kill even less, and that would be boring!" Kokichi was lying. It was becoming more and more obvious as you broke his shell, "You know, you're supposed to be the Ultimate Self Mutilator, not the Ultimate Jokester."

"My talent has nothing to do with this, please stop trying to avoid the subject. Look, Kokichi, there might be reason to distrust some, but not all. Not all of us are gonna try to kill somebody," You attempted to reason.

"Says the one who somehow doesn't kill themself," Kokichi made a snarky remark.

"Yes, that's a mystery how I'm not dead. But that's not the point! The point is, some suspicion is healthy but there's a point where it becomes unhealthy, and I think you've blurred that line," You suggested.

"Why do you even care who I consider suspicious? Are you plotting to murder me yourself?" Kokichi demanded.

"I only hurt myself, not others. And if I must show evidence to prove this, then here!" You rolled up your sleeve, showing your deep and recently clotted wound that read Kokichi Oma with many hearts around it. You rolled down your sleeve, "Dude, I care about you. I want you to have healthy relationships with everybody, and not this persona you've created to cast us away."

At that point, you saw a tear in Kokichi's eye. And another. Soon enough, he was bawling his eyes out and he hugged you closely. You hugged back, a little confused.

"Do you really care about me this much?" Kokichi asked through his tears.

"Of course," You confirmed, pulling him closer, "I thought you could detect a lie?"

There was a broken chuckle from Kokichi, and at that exact moment Shuichi entered your Ultimate Research Lab.

"What the-?!" Shuichi exclaimed once he saw you and Kokichi hugging, as well as the purple-haired boy crying.

Kokichi faced Shuichi, wiping a tear from his eye, "Shuichi! (Y/N) has tear gas!"

You chuckled. He was too scared to admit he was actually crying, but he had to be able to admit it, "Kokichi, you're lying."

"Why is he crying...?" Shuichi asked you.

"That's a story I'll let Kokichi decide whether or not to tell," You crossed your arms.

The next day was very interesting...

"Heeeey (Y/N), wait for meeee!" Kokichi called after you.

You heard said male running towards you rapidly, and he tackled you into a hug, "Gotcha!"

Then, he began to tickle you! "Ah!! Kokichi, stop it!" You squirmed in his grip, trying to get him to stop tickling you. You began laughing uncontrollably, still trying to get him to stop.

"You're laughing, that means you like it!" Kokichi teased, refusing to stop.

"Stop it!" You pleaded through laughter, almost unable to speak.

Himiko happened to walk in on this exchange, and then she smirked. She kicked Kokichi down in such a way that his lips collided with yours, causing you to gasp.

Kokich immediately got up, his cheeks dusted with red, and faced Himiko. You did the same.

"Himiko! What was that for?" Kokichi grumbled.

Himiko smiled, "You two are obviously in love, so I decided to speed up the process," Himiko continued walking to her destination, most likely the gym because she was preparing some magic show.

Kokichi turned to you once she was out of sight and earshot, "You know, that was fun," he smirked, pinning you to the wall.

Kokichi kissed you on the lips, and you kissed back.

From that day on, Kokichi definitely trusted you. And managed to trust a few others- kinda.
Word count: 1672

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