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I woke up on the floor in a dark room. What is this place. W-why am I here? What is this place? Why is it so dark? I had many questions. I guided myself against a wall and tried to find a light switch. I finally found one. God this room was big. I turned on the light to find myself in an announcement room of a school. I found a note in my vest pocket of my uniform. " meet in the announcement room at 6:00 sharp"
I found a clock on a wall. It read 5:50 well I was already here so I sat down in one of the chairs. Maybe I could just be calm about this. It's not like I'm gonna  be here forever. I was bored so I checked the clock. 5:59. Everyone would be here any minute. If there was an everyone. I heard the sound of a door opening. I looked over and saw a bunch of people about my age in the door. They came in. I say there was about 15 other people in the room. For a school like place there sure is very little people. They all looked confused but sat down anyway. A dark haired boy sat next to me and spoke.
" hey, did you by any chance wake up in a school room."
I was shocked on how he knew.
" H-How did you-"
He interrupted me mid sentence.
" Cause I did to "
" Wh-What? Is that the same for everyone else to?"
" I don't know. They didn't speak to me."
A bunch of conversations started once everyone got a little settled in. Soon enough a teddy bear that was half white half black with a red eye on the black side and a black oval shaped eye on the white. I was shocked at this thing appearing out of nowhere. The teddy bear spoke. IT SPOKE!
" Yeah, Yeah. You're all scared at the fact I'm a talking bear."
Some girl started talking. I couldn't see her sense I was in the front of the room.
" hey. Who's controlling you?"
" That's a question not to be answered little one. Now then, let me explain why you're all here."
Finally. An explanation on why we're all here.
" you might have noticed the windows have iron plates on them."
We all looked around. He was right. All the windows had big iron plates covering them. They looked bolted in tightly so it would be no use in trying to take them off.
" The reason they're there is cause you can't leave this place."
We all gasped.
" The way you're gonna have to escape this place is to graduate!"
A guy with a deep-ish voice yelled at the bear.
" Woah there kid. I was about to say that. The way you graduate is....Da dada daaaaa! Good old murder!"
We all gasped again and I even heard two people crying.
" Now then, after that's cleared up. I'll give you some time to settle in, explore, and meet each other."
The bear disappeared in front of us. Was that a prank. Maybe tomorrow everything will be gone. Well, I better go meet everyone like the bear said.
I walked up to the boy that talked to me  at the announcement room. He spoke first even though* I *walked up to *him*.
" Oh, hey. You came to introduce yourself? Am I right?"
How dose he keep guessing these things. Hey, I wonder if he has an ultimate talent like I do.
" Y-yeah. I did. I'm Oriki Saki."
" Oriki..."
I heard him talk to himself when I spoke my name.
" Is my name weird or something?"
" No no! I just feel like I've heard it somewhere before."
Oh no. Is he gonna figure it out. I might just say I can't remember my ultimate if it comes up.
" Heh, I'll ignore it. I'm Katsuki Kage. Ultimate athlete "
So he was the ultimate athlete. That explains his blue jersey and black shorts. This boy has a good sense of style. Blue and black. Awesome!
" Hey are you ok? You seem deep into thought over there."
That snapped me out of my thinking.
" H-Huh? Oh. Yeah I'm ok."
" I've been trying to ask you this and I'll ask once more. What's your ultimate talent?"
" O-oh. That. I-I don't really remember it."
" Oh. That's to bad. I bet once you remember your ultimate is gonna be awesome."
The thing is I did have an ultimate. Maybe I could fake remembering and make up an ultimate.
" well. I'm gonna go say hi to the other students. See ya."
" bye."
He walked off to go talk to the others. I should to. We're gonna basically be stuck here forever cause none of us wanna kill...right?
I met the other students and faked not remembering my ultimate. And the students had pretty good ultimates.
( here's a list)
Oriki saki: Ultimate???
Katsuki Kage: Ultimate athlete
Tango guru: Ultimate chef
Ara hatsune: ultimate idol
Rin hatsune: ultimate idol
Sora aishi : ultimate fighter
Haru dake: ultimate swimmer
Yuno wari: ultimate artist
Hina crystal: ultimate gardener
Aoi yara: ultimate designer
Yuta tari: ultimate runner
Maki Kurosawa: Ultimate liar
Kanna doki: ultimate writer
Yuri poka: ultimate musician
Jataro umi: ultimate vet
I was kinda tired but explored the area a bit more. I saw a door I never seen yet. Maybe that bear forgot to lock this one! It could be an exit! I opened the door and saw a bright light. Yes! But when I went outside there was a huge wall surrounding the school. I got fresh air but it was late. I went inside and found a sign that read " dorms: upstairs " I walked upstairs and saw a bunch of doors with pixelated pictures of the students. I found mine in the far left in the corner. I found a key on the doorknob and tried to open the door with it. * click* the door opened. I walked inside and found a room that you would most likely find in a nice hotel. I took off my vest shoes and socks and fell asleep.

( Ok, I edited this cause I made a mistake in the ultimates. Sorry cause it would've been confusing in Chapter 1 )

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