Dates and Obsessed Sisters

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It was starting to get late, and Michio had just finished up all the homework he had. He was about to grab his guitar and practice when his phone started ringing. He picked it up, saw that it was Satchiko calling.

"I NEED HELP THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" Michio winced, holding the phone away from his ear to avoid going deaf.

"What's the problem?" Michio asked pretty calmly, already knowing that Satchiko tended to overreact.

There was a pause on the other side. "What do you think I'd look better in? Red or blue?"

"Blue, it'd bring out your eyes." Michio replied, "But why are you calling me so late for fashion advice?"

"Um... well... reasons." Satchiko responded awkwardly.

Michio let out a small laugh. "Who is it?"

"No one! Um, I mean, I don't know what you're talking about!" Satchiko gave a nervous laugh. She was so obvious.

"Satchiko, you wouldn't be calling at this time asking what colour you should wear if you weren't going on a date." Michio pointed out. "So, who's the lucky guy or girl?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" Satchiko asked, "If Kato-chan found out she'd definitely write in the school paper about it."

"Of course I won't tell... but I wouldn't be surprised if Kato found out anyways." Michio replied.

"Hmm..." Satchiko was quiet for a moment. "It's Kaiya... she asked me out."

"Minami?" Michio thought for a moment before smiling. "It's about time. She's had an obvious crush on you since forever."

"It was so sweet when she confessed! She was so awkward and adorable!" Satchiko said with a small squeal. "A-anyways, I gotta get ready now!"

"Alright. Tell me how it went tomorrow." Michio responded.

"Yup! See ya Michio!" Satchiko said before hanging up.

Michio put down his phone, feeling happy for his friend. Satchiko had never seemed interested in dating, but it now looked like she just needed to find the right person. Kaiya and Satchiko... they really would make a cute couple.

"Michi~!" Michio heard his sister call as she barged into the room. I have to remember to lock the door.

Like usual, Mika dove in for a hug, but this time Michio slipped off his chair just in time to avoid her affection. She glared at him with a pout.

"Michi! Don't be so mean!" She complained.

"Your hugs cut off my air supply and I don't wanna die young." Michio reasoned with a shrug.

"Meanie." Mika huffed, crossing her arms. "I just wanna show you my love!"

Michio let out a small sigh, patting her on the head. "There ya go, love."

Mika giggled. "That's not good enough! I want a kiss!"

"No." Michio shook his head. "Will you ever understand that we're siblings?"

"But it's okay in the anime I watch, why can't it be okay in real life?" Mika asked, tilting her head innocently.

"Because real life is not anime and I'm not that desperate." Michio quickly responded. "I could list off many more reasons, but I really shouldn't have to."

"Come on Michi~!" Mika whined, tugging on Michio's arm. "One kiss? Just one? Please?"

"Why do you always manage to get your way?" Michio groaned, before leaning down and giving his sister a kiss on the forehead. Actions like this reminded him that he was an entire foot taller than her, and he couldn't help but laugh a bit. "There you go, shortie."

Mika's cheeks turned pink as she smiled up at him. "You're never gonna get the right spot, are you?"

Michio shook his head. "Nope, I'm your brother. That's gross."

"Y'know, I'm still gonna marry you one way or another." Mika said, sticking her nose up. "Oh, right, can sleep here tonight? I have a feeling that my roommate's gonna prank me in my sleep."

Michio gave her a confused look. "Why would she do that?"

The short girl shrugged. "I dunno, it's just something she does."

Michio narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you sure this isn't just one of your evil plans? You're well aware I only have one bed."

"I wouldn't lie to you, Michi~! I'm gonna be a good honest wife to you, so I'd never do that!" Mika replied, blinking up at him with her big watery brown eyes. "You'll let me sleep with you, right?"

Crap, she's doing the face.

Michio hesitantly nodded. "Fine. You can sleep here."

"Yay!" Mika exclaimed, finally giving her bone crushing hug to Michio.

No matter what, Mika always got her way.

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