Filled With Despair

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"Time...?" Michio questioned, and couldn't help feeling nervous.

Junko frowned, tilting her head. "You forgot? I thought you were better than that, Zetami-kun. Oh well, guess not." She shrugged, then seemed to think for a moment. "Or maybe I just didn't tell you. Whatever, doesn't matter now!"

Tomi was looking over Junko suspiciously. "Have you seen our classmate? That's what we're here for."

"Possibly~" Junko said with a small giggle. "But who cares, my main focus is Zetami... but looks like you'll be joining us, Tomi Uyeda."

"Is this a torture chamber?" Tomi asked all too casually.

Junko just grinned, and behind the boys doors slammed shut. "You could say that~."

Michio felt an unfamiliar sense of fear crawling up his spine at her words, and the feeling of entrapment. Junko was a frail looking girl, he knew he could probably overpower her if it came to that, but still, she felt dangerous.

"Finally, some excitement around here!" Tomi exclaimed, and Michio glared at him. Is he really excited over this?

"You a masochist or something? I literally said I'm going to torture you." Junko slowly shook her head. "Freak. Oh well, it's all the same to me!" She snapped her fingers, and from behind her, out of the darkness stepped two figures.

Michio took a step back, looking at Orochi who had a large grin on his face. He didn't seem like himself, Michio could already tell by just looking at him.

The ultimate engineer stood on one side of Junko, and on her other side was a girl about Orochi's height that resembled him. She had the same dirty blonde hair, down and wavy with a light green headband that matched her eyes. She had on a nice beige knitted sweater and jeans, and shared the same expression as Orochi.

"Sato-kun...? What're you doing here?" Michio asked, only to receive no answer.

"Like my little guinea pigs?" Junko asked with a chilling smile. "They were pretty easy to break, they're so useless it was almost a waste." She smiled even wider. "Having all my effort end in no reward brings me such sweet despair~!"

"Uyeda, let's get out of here..." Michio's voice shook as he took yet another step back, hitting the door behind them.

Tomi just shook his head. "I'm good at escaping but I'm not a god. It's too dark to see any exit besides the door."

"Trapping the ultimate escape artist? I feel so accomplished!" Junko laughed a bit.

"You're amazing, Enoshima-sama..." The girl beside her muttered, only to be kicked in the back of the knee, causing her to fall onto the ground.

"Your voice is annoying, shut it." Junko demanded, and the girl only nodded, still smiling.

Junko then looked back to the boys. "Take care of these two while I check if Mitarai has it ready. We're gonna have so much fun together~!" She laughed, turning around to head back into the darkness, which Michio assumed led to another room.

Orochi and the girl came closer to them, and with each step Michio became more terrified. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew it wasn't good.

"What're you gonna do to us?" Tomi asked, tilting his head. "I mean, like what's the purpose of the torture?"

"To fill you with wonderful despair~." Orochi said, laughing a bit. "Enoshima-sama showed it to Eiko and I, and it's amazing!"

"You're gonna love it!" The girl Michio assumed was Eiko spoke. "Eventually, at least."

"You're crazy..." Michio muttered, staring wide eyed at them.

Eiko stepped closer to him, and ran a hand down his chest. "We just see the truth, Zetami-kun. Soon you'll be just like me and my brother." She gave him a smile that sent chills through his whole body. "I can't wait for you to join us~."

As Michio felt his gut clenching, Tomi was still completely calm. He only shrugged, and said the one thing Michio would agree with him on.

"Looks like we're fucked."

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