I know you're a genius and everything but you really lack common sense

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"So since your other half is missing and Liz ,who was my partner is gone, i guess we're partners now..." muttered Michelle leading him to a table where, there was normally a chess board. Today it was arranged with a colourful assortment of flashcards, each for a different subject.

"Yeah okay, we can do that."

"It wasn't a question. Look, I know you're a genius and everything but you really lack common sense."

"Wait, genius? I thought I was a loser?" This time Peter was genuinely confused.

"They're not mutually exclusive." She stated simply, and began shuffling some neon pink flashcards, making a clear end to the topic. "According to the statistics you've been doing worst at literature which, by the way, is my favourite subject." 

And as if that was enough said about that she began firing the questions at him. If he couldn't think of an answer quick enough- too bad. Maybe it was the lack of practice, or maybe it was because he kept getting distracted by her eyes but he ended up doing pretty terribly. But her eyes. She got this sort of glint in her eye whenever she was focused and they looked much more amber than brown, like a warm sunset.

After about 20 minutes of the same gruelling routine she suddenly got up cupped her hands together and yelled, "SNACK BREAK! YOU LOSERS GET 10 MINUTES OFF." And without a backwards glance at Peter, who frankly looked extremely shell shocked, she made her way to her backpack. Peter just sort of followed behind not really controlling his body.

He stared at her as she pulled out a flask and a mug that read I don't like people and then in smaller font why are you still reading? That's it. As she began to pour some tea into her mug she felt his gaze on her and raised her eyebrows in a curious manner.

"You know most people would just bring a granola bar or something?" he said, though he already felt anxious questioning her.

"What about me says most people?" she replied, taking a slow sip from her mug. "So, Petey, I was thinking.. I'm going to tutor you." Peter knew she was serious- she had an uneasy face that she very rarely wore.

"Wait what?"

"Yes. No offence dude, but you suck. Like really bad." Peter could feel the blood rushing to his face, sure it was true, but it still stung being called out like that especially by Michelle.

Wait. No it didn't matter who it was by- especially not by Michelle. Does that make any sense? Oh crap she's still talking. And so she was; when Peter rejoined the conversation it sounded somewhat like this.
"-and we're really counting on you this year, you really are our kind of secret weapon so we need to keep you, how should I phrase this, well oiled? Yeah okay. So, I'm going to come round yours after school."

Realising that it was a statement more than a question he merely asked,"Don't you need my address."

"I've already got it." The horror must have shown on his face because she quickly followed with,"Dude, chill, I got it off of Ned." And with a quick smirk she had yelled at everyone to get back to practicing.


Peter couldn't focus on anything other than Michelle. Not because he liked thinking about her, though he did feel a warm fuzz whenever he would. No, he thought about her because his mind wouldn't let him do otherwise. She was coming over to his house. Sure it was only a study date- wait no date sounded weird, a study hang- but it still meant her entering his bedroom. And if that wasn't worth his attention, then the point at which trains A and B meet certainly wasn't either.

As soon as school was out he rushed out a quick goodbye to Ned, whom he hadn't managed to tell about the study hang, and made his way back to his apartment. Michelle hadn't specified how soon she'd be coming so he had to be prepared.

The apartment felt unusually quiet as he entered that afternoon. On the table was a note that read Working Late. Just microwave some lasagna. Love you x Aunt May well at least she couldn't embarrass him in front of MJ.

Speaking of which, he began to collect anything and everything remotely embarrassing and found a closet to hide it in like some kind of 'secrets closet'. Just as he was about done the doorbell rang and he rushed to open it, stopping a good way away so she couldn't hear his footsteps and think he was too eager.

Standing at the door was MJ and he couldn't help but think about how pretty she looked... as a friend. Okay Peter you got this just don't sya anything weird. "The two of us alone at last," he said smirking.

Goddamn it you had one job Parker.

A/N- oml we're at 2k now and that's super crazyy. You guys are all so supportive i feel so loved and I honestly don't understand cause this is a kinda really crappy book. Y'all have no idea how many time I almost wrote Tom instead of Peter smh. Anywho expect a lot of fluff and second hand  embarrassment in the next chapter. Till then.
Ily all xx

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