I work better with tea

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"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, for your sake and mine," replied Michelle, eyebrows raised. She walked into the apartment, observing her surroundings, not judging just observing. With a quick sigh of relief he followed her inside too, he suddenly felt extremely conscious of how small it was. She, it seemed, couldn't care less as she sauntered into his room.

"Oh umm yeah so, do you want anything to drink?" he asked stumbling after her, though as soon as the words left his mouth he already knew the answer.

"Do you have a kettle?" She asked simply.

"Oh umm yeah it's in the kitchen- because that's where kettles are. Where else would it be?" He gathered from her expression that she did notice how strange he was acting and he wasn't even sure why. He sat down on his bed as MJ made her way to the kitchen, after a little while and a lot of clinking and clanking she re-entered the room now with a cup of tea and the same mug as before.

"I work better with tea," she explained. As she sat down, taking of her backpack and unloading the books inside. When he thought she had finished, she pulled out a few more- it was like some Mary Poppins bag. "Okay so, we'll start with literature cause you suck at that."

"Yeah I know, no need to repeat it again," said Peter flushing.

"I know, it's just fun seeing you so flushed," this only caused him to become more red to her amusement.

The next 20 or so minutes involved Michelle passionately explaining all the basics of literature, and Peter noddding his head at, what he hoped, was the right time. She was halfway through explaining the importance of Animal Farm, when she paused for a second and put down her tea, from which she had been taking consistent sips.

She just sat there blinking and muttering something under her breath while Peter just awkwardly wavered between asking what was wrong and leaving her alone. Finally he sucked a deep breath and went for it.

"Umm MJ? Are you okay?"

"Yes Peter, cause this is what I look like and this is what I do when I'm okay," she replied shortly and after seeing his confused look she continued, "No I'm not okay you bozo! One of my contacts just fell out, I just got new ones so I'm still getting used to them."

"Wait, you have contacts?"

"No I'm joking," she said with a face that clearly showed that she wasn't joking.

"But you don't seem like the type of person who'd wear contacts," he said, as soon as he said it he realised how douche-like that sounded.

"What there has to be a reason behind me doing something to my face? What if I just like the way they look, huh?" She challenged. After seeing his terrified expression she snorted."I'm just kidding, loser, if you must know I used to wear glasses but they kept getting broken at school," she said her voice softer than it usually was, and even though she didn't elaborate on it further the sadness in her eyes showed that the glasses breaking hadn't been accidents. He wasn't used to seeing this vulnerable side of her but before he could say anything her usual annoyed yet nonchalant expression was back.

"Wait, I think I see it on the floor, I'll just grab it for you," he said, crouching down on all floors to the part of the carpet near his bed. When he was crouched he noticed his web fillers under the bed. He must have forgotten to put them away. Sweet Cole Sprouse what was he going to do now! Just play it cool Peter. "I got it!" He exclaimed a little too enthusiastically, smiling brightly at her. In return she just raised her eyebrows and silently took the lens. While she left to go to the bathroom to fix her lens he attempted to scout the room for any other unwanted giveaways. When he was sure he was all clear, he made his way to the bed. Or at least tried to. There seemed to have been a spare lego piece on the floor and he tripped backwards only to land sprawled on the bed.

It was at this moment that Michelle decided to enter the room and upon entering she saw Peter laying horizontally on the bed, chin resting on palm in an attempt to look natural. This facade was dropped however when he noticed the thing in her hands.

His mask.

A/N- guess who's the worst author of all time? Me. Im so sorry. I said i was back and I thought i was okay and then shit happened and i was scared but everything should be okay. If any of y'all are still reading thanks for sticking! I'm not completely happy with their interactions this chapter but it was more a build up for the next one which I PROMISE will be soon.
Also 8k reads?? I'm so lucky to have you guys reading this!!
Anyways ily all xx

Ps. I'm looking for some good spideychelle fics to read so hit me up with suggestions.

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