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How could he have been so stupid? He should've known better. The answer had stared at him from the start. Or at least, it should've become apparent once he talked to Mahdi. Why did he trust him blindly? But the moment Maalik had called his mother and asked about Mahi's love interest, he knew Mahdi was delusional. He made up an elaborate lie about his sister without any reason. And then, Rustam's warning came to mind and he realized it was a phrase he had read in a children's story Mahdi gave him once.

Childhood memories often fade with time because we never think about them. Maalik had also forgotten a huge part of his childhood. Mahdi was his father's friend and a regular visitor to their house. Maalik used to like spending time with him, listening to his stories, and playing with him were some of his fondest childhood and early teenage memories. But then things changed. He was growing up and spending time with someone his father's age no longer held any charm. Who knew Mahdi would take it so personally?

He hoped he wasn't too late and Jahan was safe because knowing what he knew now, he understood the danger she faced. Maalik tried calling her, but her phone was either off or there were no signals. Maybe she was still with Reshma. Although, Mahdi knew about their visit and could reach her there. The man was unhinged to have killed Maalik's sister and his best friend because of his fixation on Maalik. he not only killed them but staged their bodies to make it look like an animal attack. What kind of a cruel person would do that?

"Have you seen Jahan?" Maalik said, his voice tinged with urgency, as he approached the clerk at the front desk of her hotel.

The clerk glanced up, concern flickering in his eyes as he said, "Miss Jahan went out for a walk. But that was hours ago. I haven't seen her since then."

Maalik's brows furrowed with worry at the news. "What about Mahdi?" he pressed.

"It's his day off, so he hasn't been around. Is there anything I can help you with?" The clerk's tone was apologetic.

"No, no," Maalik said absentmindedly. "Please call me if you see either of them."

He rushed out. Jahan could be anywhere and he had no way of finding out the whereabouts of Mahdi. The only thing he could do was to talk to the two detectives trying to solve Meena's murder. They took his claim seriously and admitted that their investigation also pointed in Mahdi's direction. That did little to ease Maalik's mind. He wouldn't breathe easy until he found Jahan and knew she was safe.

She had become important to him in the short period they had known each other. And the thought of losing her was something he didn't even want to contemplate.

He was still at the police station when the call came. Mahdi had been arrested and now it was up to the police to prove his crimes. Feeling relieved, Maalik returned to the hotel only to discover that Jahan still hadn't. Dread filled his heart as he knew he must confront his fears to find her. Only one other person had shown interest in her and only one place Maalik could think of where he could keep her without anyone the wiser.


Jahan opened her eyes to find Rustam and Reshma staring at her prone form. "Where am I?" she asked hoarsely.

"You're safe, dear," Reshma said. "I sent Rustam to bring you here since you weren't listening to my warnings."

She sat up and leaned on the wall. The place was sparsely furnished, and she had a hunch it was Reshma's cabin.

Once she regained semblance of reality, she glared at Rustam. "Your Aunt might be ill but what is wrong with you? How can you kidnap me like that?" She was furious. Who did he think he was?

"You don't understand, Jahan." He looked ashamed but also determined. "The danger is real. That man is insane. He has already killed two women because Maalik loved them. You might not believe us, but my Aunt can see the future. She told Mahi about her death and who the murderer would be. But she hadn't believed my Aunt, and look what happened."

"You're both insane," she shouted. Her brain wasn't cooperating and she was having trouble keeping up with them. What were they even talking about? And that was when she heard him.

Maalik was outside shouting her name. She shouted back and the hell broke loose.


Maalik didn't remember much of what followed. All he knew was that Jahan was safe and Mahdi was behind bars. Rustam left Chitral in the middle of the night. He must have feared being charged with kidnapping. Reshma was in the hospital, receiving the help she needed. Sadly, Mahdi was the only one aware of her condition but he never felt the need to help her or tell her relatives. Everyone else just thought she was deliberately mysterious.

They still didn't know how Reshma knew about the killer, but if Mahdi was her friend he might have let slip something. Or he might have told her everything assuming she wouldn't remember because of her mental health. Whichever was the case, she was trying to help them.

Rustam was the real mystery. If the guy thought his Aunt could see into the future, he was just as delusional as Mahdi. But they might never know what motivated his actions. Both when he found them camping and toward the end when he kidnapped Jahan. Maalik might have figured out the truth sooner if Rustam hadn't dramatized his Aunt's abilities and confused him. How absurd that he considered something supernatural was happening around them. But grief mixed with fear could make you believe the oddest things. At least, the truth was revealed in the end. Now, his sister and Meena could rest in peace.

"What are you doing?" Jahan's voice brought him back to reality. There was a playful lilt in her tone.

He looked up and a soft smile graced his lips. "I'm writing about our adventures." His gaze met hers with warmth.

Jahan chuckled, a musical sound that filled the room. "What adventures? More like our disasters," she said, her eyes sparkling with fond amusement.

It had been a few years since they put the sordid incident behind them. They stayed in touch after leaving Chitral, And soon, their friendship grew into love.

"You can call them whatever you want, but you must admit, it gave you the perfect idea for your first travel log."

"That much is true. And it had also given me you."

In that moment, as they sat together, Maalik knew their bond would only grow stronger with time. And he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the journey that had brought them together. As he looked into Jahan's eyes, he also knew that no matter where life took them next, they would face every dangerous twist together, hand in hand.

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