Britt's Reunited With Wyatt Weaver (Danger).

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In June of 2020, Britt was at war or starting a war with Big Swole. And Wyatt was at war with MJF. It's been years since these two have seen each other. But in a last minute change of their matches. Swole would be teaming with MJF against Wyatt and Britt.
Britt went to Wyatt's locker room to get introductions over with.
She knocked once,
Wyatt: Come in. Britt walked in.
Britt: Hi, I'm Britt Baker. She extended her hand and when Wyatt turned around after getting his jacket on.
Wyatt: Britt?
Britt: Weaver? Wyatt smiled as Britt leapt into his arms.

Britt/Wyatt: Oh my god. They chuckled.

Wyatt: Some things never change. Do they?

Britt: Apparently not.

Wyatt: I heard about your breakup with Adam Cole.

Britt: I'm over it.  But I'm kind of jealous of Tay Conti right now.
Wyatt: Why? 
Britt: She's dating a guy she met in Brazil years ago. Calls himself the Bronco.

Wyatt: I've heard of him.

Britt: Well they seem to be making up for lost time
Wyatt: What do you mean by that?
Britt: They're all over each other every chance they get.

Wyatt: Their in love. I'm pretty sure that if we were an item we'd be doing the same thing.

They looked to the monitor and saw Tay and Anna distract the ref while Lance Archer walked right into a Tornado Branding Iron. Daniel went for the cover as Tay pulled on Jake Roberts ankle making him go face first into the apron. A three count later, Daniel won against Lance Archer. Daniel was passed knuckle dusters in the shape of a bronco and it started glowing red. Then Daniel slammed it into Lance's back and after a moment or two. Daniel pulled it off and a brand was visible on Archer's back near the shoulder. Lance was out cold from the Tornado Branding Iron. When he made it to the stage he laughed along with Tay and Anna as he left Lance Archer still unconscious in the ring.

Back in Wyatt's locker room,
Wyatt: He's extremely intense and lives by his own rules.
Britt: You think that's why she loves him?
Wyatt laughed as he shrugged.
Wyatt: I wouldn't doubt it. Then a tech came in.
Tech: We're ready for you two. Rebels already in the gorilla waiting for you guys.
Wyatt: Thank you. The tech left the room.

Britt: Well let's go Weaver. They headed to the gorilla

On the way to the gorilla, they heard moaning and pounding coming from Daniel's and Tay Conti's locker room.

Britt: Sounds like Conti and her boyfriend are really going to town on each other.
Wyatt: Your telling me. Wyatt grinned.

They continued to the gorilla and were met by Rebel.
Rebel: Hey guys.
Britt: Hey Rebel.
Rebel: This your partner.
Britt: Yeah, Wyatt, this is Tanea.
Wyatt: Nice to meet you Tanea. He extended his hand.
Rebel: Nice to meet you. She grinned as she shook his hand.
When Britt's theme came over the speakers she and Rebel headed out to the ring. When Wyatt's theme hit and he made his way to the ring to the loudest pop of the night.

Then MJF made his entrance with Wardlow not far behind him. Once he was in the ring. It was Swole's turn. Once all four competitors were in the ring. The trash talking began.

When the bell rang all hell broke loose at once.
Swole immediately went after Britt and MJF was mauled by Wyatt. The ref spent a good chunk of time trying to restore order in the match could officially begin with two competitors in the ring.

Soon it was MJF with swole on the apron. And Wyatt with Britt on the apron
MJF tagged Swole in making Britt come into the ring. Wyatt then tagged in Britt.

35 minutes into the match, Swole and Britt have been fighting non stop. Every time Swole went to tag MJF. He hopped down off the apron. When she went to tag him in. He hopped off the apron and found Wardlow unconscious. He looked behind him and found 'The Bronco'. He quickly got on the apron and Swole tagged him in and when Britt distracted the ref. Swole knocked MJF off the apron and to the floor. Daniel picked him up and performed The Tornado Branding Iron then tossed MJF in the ring. Britt got on the apron and Wyatt picked him up and performed Taste of Danger. Then went for the cover and got the three count. 

When they got backstage, after a visit to the trainers office, Wyatt and Britt thanked Daniel for his help.

Daniel: No problem guys.

Tay: Well, we better get going. Dani and I are planning on going to his home for a few days in Miami.

Daniel chuckled,
Daniel: Yeah the only horse ranch in Miami. On the outskirts of Miami.

Tay: I'm excited though. She kissed his cheek.

Wyatt whispers: I wonder why? Britt elbowed him in the ribs.

Britt: Well see you guys next week. Daniel and Tay left them alone.
Britt: Well I'm sore and tired so why don't you come over to my place for lunch? Britt asked as she handed him a piece of paper that had her number on it .

Wyatt: You got it, Britt. He grinned as he kissed her cheek. And gave her a blank card with his number on it.

Britt: See you tomorrow. Britt grinned as she and Tanea went to their locker room, packed up their arena bags and headed to their home. While Wyatt went to his locker room, packed his arena bag and headed home, made dinner for himself, went straight to bed and fell asleep, dreaming about Britt and the possibilities his lunch with Britt will bring.

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