Wistful Wishes

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(Y/N Winchester's POV)


Our apartment building was extremely simple, brick covering the outside and simple white wallpaper covering the interior of the lobby. The stairways (I don't take the elevator) were different from the lobby; the wallpaper was simple wood board lining the wall, the carpet was a deeper red color with the occasional flecks of different colors, and the handrails were simple oak wood.

There were twelve floors, my apartment being on the very top floor. I vaguely remember Dean wanting an apartment on the second floor. He wanted to keep us close to the ground so escaping would be easy but high enough off the ground that no one could open one of the windows and crawl into the apartment.

Unfortunately, the only available apartment was on the twelfth floor, high and far away from the ground. Dean, as stubborn as he was, walked out and started looking for different apartments to live in that were the same price as the previous one.

Once Bobby and Sam found out, they began to reason with him and their argument was extremely convincing; there was no other apartment complex that cheap in NinjaGo City (and there was no way Bobby was letting them move) no one would think to look on the twelfth floor for them because they would think Dean would get them a room on the second floor (which he did try) so it made us safer than we would have been, and it was extremely close to Bobby, Sydney's Bar and Grill (Where the deals are so great, they're Supernatural!) and the mechanic's shop where Dean worked part-time.

After three days of arguing with Dean, he finally went back and got the apartment.

The first time I came to the apartment building, I panicked in the elevator. I remember feeling like the walls were closing in, like something was wrapping itself around my throat, the room getting smaller and the air getting thinner-

I learned that day what claustrophobia was. And panic attacks.

Finally coming to the top of the stair, I pushed open the stairway door and let it close softly behind me. The hallway leading towards the apartment wasn't much different from the stairway, the red carpet was continuing and the wooden panels were still lining the walls, the only difference was there were the dark red doors, odds on the left and evens on the right.

The carpet muted my footsteps as I walked, a feature Dean both loved and hated. But even without the carpet, I could still move as quietly as a shadow, which usually resulted in me scaring the crap out of Dean and Sam. The memory was bittersweet.

I silently counted the doors as I walked past.

1... 2... 3... 4...

The golden L8 lettering stood out on the apartment door, one of the first things Dean had me memorize so I would always know which room was ours. He was paranoid about me walking into someone else's apartment. My key jingled softly as I unlocked the door and I had only managed to pull my keys out by the time the door was pulled open.

Kalama stood in the entranceway, one hand gripping the doorknob tightly and the other placed on the door frame. Her lips were tight with stress and her violet eyes were shining with regret. Her ebony black hair was pulled up into a messy bun by her red scrunchie, which went nicely with the red flannel that was thrown over her black shirt. Coca Cola was stamped across the chest in a red print. The shirt was tucked in and her flannel came to a rest on the mid-thigh of her blue skinny jeans. Black fuzzy sock covered her feet.

Her style was different from mine. Dean's leather jacket covered part of my olive green t-shirt. I tucked the ends of my dark blue skinny jeans into my dark maroon combat boots, my shirt came to a stop just below the button of my jeans. My ebony black hair came to a stop below my shoulder blade, as would Kalama's if she actually wore it down.

"Hey," I began hesitantly, "Who's-?"

"Are you gonna stand there or are you gonna let your sister into her own home, ya' idjit?"

Ah, Uncle Bobby. Of course.

Kali blushed and stepped aside, holding the door open for me. "You know, you could have just told me that Uncle Bobby was here. You know I would have hauled ass to get back here." I said as I walked in, being mindful of the salt line as I shed my coat and dropped to my knee to untie my shoes.

"I know," she whispered softly, "I'm sorry."

My hands paused over my shoelaces. I knew she wasn't just talking about not telling me about Uncle Bobby, but for bringing Dean into the conversation, for mentioning the very person who keeps me awake at night, haunting my sleeping and waking hours. For mentioning the reason we lost both of our older brothers, and bringing up the reason I was the eldest sibling again.

It hurt, but she was right.

I was never home. I was working long hours and sleeping in my truck just to avoid coming back into the apartment to face my younger siblings. The only time I ever really came home was to change clothes or to take a shower; I usually did those late into the night or early in the morning to avoid confrontation. I was throwing myself into work in an attempt to ignore the hole that threatened to consume me. I wasn't being the sibling that my family needed me to be.

I sigh and stood, placing a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, Kali. It's okay."

I won't deny that she hurt me, that what she said won't be bouncing around in my head until Christmas. But the pure relief that made her posture sag and banished the guilty look from her eyes made it worth it.

I don't think there's anything I wouldn't forgive my sister for.

I clapped the space in between her shoulder blade, "C'mon. I'll go talk to Uncle Bobby while you order take-outs."

"Actually," Kali said hesitantly, "We already bought stuff to make tacos. I just needed you home fast." I stared at her blankly before smacking the back of her head, "Douche bag"

"Asshat," she jabbed with a laugh.


I barely registered the sound when something crashed into my side. I stumbled into the wall, barely catching my balance in time to keep from falling to the ground. I glanced down to see the face of my baby brother, Luke, staring up at me with adoring green eyes. His hair was the same color as mine and Kali's, except it was shorter and wilder. His hair was thick like mine whereas Kali and our other sister, Quinn, had thinner hair, though it was still luscious and full.

His black lashes stood out against his pale skin as he stared at me with wide eyes. "I heard Kay calling you on the phone and then she said that you were going to be home for dinner! But then I wasn't sure if I heard her right because Xaiver Riddle was on and we learned about Rosa Parks! Did you know that Rosa Parks got yelled at by the mean people because she didn't do what she was told? But Rosa said that she was being yelled at because the color of her skin wasn't the same as ours and that's sooo meeaannnnn Y/N! And-"

"Whoa, sounds like you had a busy day," I said, wondering who the hell Rosa Parks was as Luke began pulling me to the living room by my hand. Kali placed a hand on my shoulder, "I'm going to go start dinner," she said before slipping away into the kitchen. I mentally started a countdown for when to take over. "Where's Quinn?" I questioned, looking for the other twin.

"She's watching Wild Kratts with Uncle Bobby. C'mon Y/N! It's a Fossa Palooza!"

He pulled hard, almost falling flat on his face and being the great big sister I am, I laughed.

Not giving him time to recover, I scooped him up and threw him over my shoulder, carrying him the rest of the way into the living room. Bobby was sitting on the couch, nursing his beer as Quinn explained to him what was happening on the TV and why they were looking for a Foosa. Our German-Sheperd, Bullet, laid with his head between his paws as he napped.

Quinn looked a lot like Kalama, with her thin ebony hair and her soft violet eyes. They weren't as dark as Kali's were, they were lighter, cooler, softer, whereas Kalama's were dark, expressive, and seemed to pierce my soul when she stared at me. Quinns hair was in a small bob and fell shortly before coming to a stop above her shoulders. It seemed messy, like someone was running their fingers through it. She proved my point by threading her fingers through her hair.

"What? Just cause Uncle Bobby's here, I don't get any hugs?" I smirked as I asked loudly.

Both of their gazes snapped away from the TV and Quinn broke out into the biggest grin I had ever seen. "Y/N!" She cheered and raced forward. I dropped down on one knee and held my free arm open and wrapped it around her tightly when she made it to me. She buried her face into my neck, which muffled her 'We missed you!'

Regret quickly stabbed at my chest before I pushed it away. "I missed you too," I smirked again, "work was so boring! I didn't have anyone to keep me company!" They both giggled, sounding like they did when they were three. And now they stood before me, seven years old, going on eight.

God, how the time flies...

Bobby raised an eyebrow at me expectantly before taking another sip of his beer.

I tossed the kids on the couch and they looked up at me expectantly, "Why don't you kids go grab the dustpan and the broom for when Kali breaks a plate."

"I heard that, you asshat!"

"You were supposed to, douche bag!"

"Language," Luke and Quinn said in sync.

"Shut up, shit-birds," Kali and I shouted back.

The twins giggled before dashing down the bedroom hallway, heading towards the broom closet. I sighed, feeling an unknown weight settle off my shoulders as I flopped onto the couch. Uncle Bobby raised an eyebrow at my appearance before passing me a drink of my own, "You look rough kid."

I snorted. That's an understatement. "You're not looking' so great either Bobby. You're age must be catching up on you."

He smacked the back of my head with his cap, "Idjit."

I snickered and took another drink.

I could hear the kids rummaging through the hall closet, Kali defrosting the hamburger in the microwave, the neighbors doing their damn best to break their couch, (I did my best to tune them out) the rats crawling through the pipes on the fifth floor and the spiders crawling around in the lobby.

I remember the first time I attempted to talk. It had been about eight months after I met Sam and Dean. I remember the countless hours they had tried to get me to open up, to talk to them. It had taken a while, but they seemed to have excepted that I wasn't ready to talk in front of them. It wasn't until eight months after I met them that I showed them where I lived.

"Where are we going kid?"

Strangely enough, my younger self was excited to show them my life, how I lived, who my family was. I supposed it was my way of saying that I trusted them, with everything I had.

The hike through the woods felt like nothing to me. I made this hike every day, walking from NinjaGo City to my cave on the outskirts of the city. We had been hiking for the past two hours and I could tell it was starting to wear them down; Sam had sweat covering his face and was huffing and puffing for air, Dean wasn't much different.

I knew that I could make the journey easier for them, but I was hesitant to show them. They would ask questions and probably search my plate number. Plus, I hadn't driven the truck in a few years. I usually made the others sleep in there when it got too cold in the winter, which is when I would go out onto the streets and siphon gas out of the cars I came across.

I glanced back at Sam and Dean, who were still panting, and I dashed off towards the left. I heard the brothers shout after me, but I continued running until I stopped in front of the hiding place. As quickly as I could, I moved the tree branches away from the truck, allowing it to come into view.

"Kid what are you-"

Dean's words fell off into nothing as he stared at the truck that I had revealed. The paint was almost non-existent, F/N (I refuse to call him dad) had left the truck to waste in their front yard, never bothering to have it repainted or getting the rattling in the engine fixed. He only had it to where he could make his weekly trips to NinjaGo City, where he would pick up his cigarettes and booze.

It was pure luck that the thing was still running.

"Dean, wha-" Sam was panting when he came to a stop next to Dean, but I sure his silence wasn't from the lack of breath. They were stunned to silence, unsure of how to handle this new development. I didn't give them the time to figure out how as I jumped into the front seat, pulling the keys out of the cup holder and placing them in the ignition. The sound of the engine starting seemed to shake the brothers out of their shock and they leaped into the truck with me.

"Maybe you shouldn't-" Sam began but I was already driving before he could finish his statement. Sam gripped the 'oh shit' handle (as Dean called it) and Dean let loose a quick swear as the truck hit a bump. My tongue stuck out between my teeth as I maneuvered the truck through the trees. After another ten minutes of driving, I threw the truck into park and, to Sam and Dean's great relief, cut the engine

Sam threw himself out of the truck and Dean followed shortly after. I calmly exited the truck and stood there patiently as I wanted for them to collect themselves. "Where the hell are we, kid?" Dean questioned as he looked around. I stared at him for a moment before I pointed to the place I called home.

The entrance into the cave was originally small and narrow, but after a while, Kali and I made it taller and larger. Part of the entrance was concealed by plants that had grown after we placed them there.

I only waited a second before going inside.

Immediately, three heads snapped away from the fire and towards my direction. The twins gasped and threw themselves off the floor, running in my direction. It had been ages since I was home early since I usually only came home early on December 10 (which I would later learn was what you would call a birthday.)

They made happy and excited noises, one of the only things they could do since they didn't know how to talk. They quickly pulled away and started signing as fast as they could, "What are you doing home so early? Did something happen?"

I stepped back and signed back, "I have a surprise for you all. But I need you to trust me." Kali raised her hands, probably to question what I meant by that when sunlight suddenly filled the cave and then left just as quickly.

Sam and Dean had entered the cave.

Kali and the twins moved back as quickly as they dared, staring at the brothers fearfully. I signed as quickly as I could, trying to get my message out before they completely panicked. "It's okay! It's okay! This is Sam and Dean! I met them about eight silver cycles ago. Don't worry, they are trustworthy. They've been helping me get things for us so we don't have to steal. They're okay, they're brothers."

That seemed to seal the deal for all of them because their fearful gazes fell away to curious ones. "Um, kid?" Dean questioned after he overcame his shock, "Who are these kids?"

I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what would happen next.


Everything stopped. Kali and the twins stared at me like I was holding an active grenade. I walked over to them before placing a hand on Kali's head. "Ka-Kalam-ma," I stutter before placing my hands on either of the twins. I gently patted Luke's head, "Lu-uke," then gently patted Quinn's, "Q-Quinn."

I pointed to myself, "Y/N," then grabbed my siblings and pulled them close. Dean and Sam seemed to get what I was saying, but I made sure that I was vocal about it. "Sib-bilings-s. Fami-ily."

Later I learned that to Kali, Luke, and Quinn, it sounded like I was shouting at the top of my lungs at them.

For Sam and Dean, they barely heard me.

Apparently, my family has more sensitive hearing than most, so it was a struggle to find out if I was speaking loud enough for everyone with normal hearing or not.

"Y/N!" Luke cried as he ran towards the window, "Look! It's snowing!"

I glanced out to see snow drifting down and hitting the glass. The weather wasn't usually bipolar in NinjaGo City, but this past January has been filled with rapidly changing weather. It was snowing now but not even an hour ago, there was sunshine, around the time when I was helping that boy.

My brain seemed to short circuit when my thoughts circled back to the boy I had helped. I faltered from raising my beer to my lips when the memory of his green eye had me halting in my tracks. How they had shone with mirth even though he was clearly in pain. How his lips turned up in a half-smile when he saw how his attempts to flirt had me rolling my eyes in faux annoyance. How his nose scrunched up ever so slightly with his smile.

My face was rapidly turning red and I had to get away from Bobby before he questioned why the hell I looked like a tomato.

Making some half-bull excuse about taking over before Kali broke something (which was actually a believable lie, poor execution) and practically shoving Kalama out of the kitchen, I was finally alone.

I wordlessly splashed water on my face and closed my eyes. My heart was pounding in my chest and the sound of meat poping in the background filled my ears. I'm sick, I thought with a sudden moment of clarity, I gotta be sick, what else could this be?

My moment of clarity suddenly vanished when I recalled a memory from years ago. Sam had been working at a grocery store and one of his co-workers confessed that they liked him. Sam had turned them down and told Dean when he came home looking embarrassed and guilty. Dean had rolled his eyes and stated how Sam never knew how to handle people when they had crushes on him.

'Makes total sense,' Dean would snark as he sipped his beer, 'You can console a grieving widow and make a vamp shit their pants out of fear, but you can't even talk to a girl who likes you. Good going, Sammy.'

The blush on my face vanished as I mentally compared my symptoms to the ones s Sam said people had when they had a crush. I groaned quietly and buried my face in my hands. No no no, I thought rapidly, I do not have a crush and I do not have a crush on a stranger! No!

But even as I swore to myself that I wasn't, deep down, I knew I was. I was developing a crush for a man I didn't even know and probably would never see again. I sighed, rubbing my eyes. I was being ridiculous. This was just a silly crush I'd get over soon, and I'd forget all about the green-eyed boy.

But even as I thought the words, I didn't know if it was some silly crush I'd get over.

Maybe it was something else...

It doesn't matter, I thought again, We wouldn't last anyway.

"Y/N?" Kali questioned from the doorway, "You alright?"

"Fine. Just fine." My voice was sharp and we both wince after the words left my mouth. "Sorry," I said, my voice much softer. "It's just... been a long day. A long couple of months."

She nodded sympathetically and spoke softly as well, "You can take a rain check tonight if you need to. I'll keep Bobby and the kids off your back." I shook my head, "No, I'll just... I'll take the day off tomorrow. Maybe I could take the kids to the park or something."

The shock on her face saddened me, but it was completely deserved. I hadn't been home as much as I should have been for the past few months. It wasn't excusable, and I wouldn't excuse it.

But that didn't mean I wouldn't try to make up for it.


All of the soft emotions from earlier vanished and I sent her an unfeeling look, "Really?"

She didn't even bother to hid her grin, "Well, I mean, you have been acting like you've lost that stick that's been up your ass-"

As fast as lightning I stacked across the room and trapped her in a headlock, giving her a noogie. "Stick up my ass," I questioned, "I'll show you-"

It quickly turned into an all-out wrestling match. Sometimes I would end up on top and sometimes Kali would be. At some point we rolled through the hall and landed in the living room, Bullet was awake and watching us wrestle and the twins were on the couch cheering us on and urging one of us to win.

Something cold splashed against my skin and I yelped, leaping away from Kali and staring at Uncle Bobby in disbelief as he set an empty glass of water on the coffee table, "Are you idjits gonna continue rolling around on the floor or can we actually eat now?"

"Be my guest, Old Man," I said teasingly, still panting for breath. The twins grinned at each other and raced towards the kitchen, Kali chasing after them to make sure they didn't make a mess. Bullet padded along quietly, making sure the floor was clean of any food.

Bobby held out a hand for me, "Get up you idjit," his gruff voice did well to hide the fondness, "Let's go eat."

I grinned and slapped my hand in his, "Thanks, Bobby."

Dinner went without a hitch, no food spilled on the floor (Much to Bullet's disappointment), no holes in the wall, and no broken plates. It was almost too good to be true.

And it was.

Just as Kali hustled the kids off to get them ready for bed and I had finished putting away the dishes and cleaning up, Bobby placed a file in front of me on the table. Suspicion already started to build in my chest as I stared at the folder, "What's this?"

"Just open it."

I hesitantly opened it to see the picture of a young boy paperclipped to the corner of the report. I glared at Bobby, "I told you I was done."

"Never said you had to take it. Just read, you idjit."

Mentally swearing him out, I picked up the file with shaky hands.


NAME: Pond, Jacob

AGE: 14 years


DESCRIPTION: Brown hair, blue eyes, five foot, four inches, a small scar under his left eye from glass cutting his face, was last seen wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants.

REASON FOR CALL: Mother called at 07:38 a.m., stating how her son wasn't in his room and she has no idea where he went. 911 operator said she had to wait 24 hours before he could be reported missing to which she explained the security feed from the night before was cut to static. Two officers were sent to investigate the scene, and returned with an evidence bag full of a yellow-white powder. Substance has not yet been identified.

SUBMITIED AT 17:03 p.m. 

I let the report fall back onto the table and I let loose a frustrated sign, "Just this morning?"

He nodded, taking another sip of his beer, "The stuff wasn't sulfur, woulda said it in the report if it was."

I signed, rubbing up and down my face, "Bobby, maybe this kid does drugs and ran because he was almost caught or something. Maybe his mom threatened to send him to rehab and he took off."

Bobby sent me an unfeeling look, "Can you honestly tell me you believe that?"

No. "Yes."

Bobby looked at me in disbelief before scoffing, standing up, "I'm not saying you have to go out and interrogate the mother, hell, I'm not even saying you have to hunt the damn thing! But I need you to help me find out what it is, before it hurts other people."

With those encouraging words left in the air, Bobby left.

I wordlessly locked the door before setting back down, looking at the file once again and I couldn't pull my gaze away from the one and only Ryan Jacobs. I don't know how long I stared at him, nor do I know when his eyes changed from blue to green, his hair red to blond, or how it wasn't even Ryan Jacobs I was looking at anymore, it was-

"You got all that, Y/N?"

I rolled my eyes playfully at my older brother, "Don't worry, Dean. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." He glared at me, clearly not likely my nonchalant attitude, "I'm serious, Y/N. I don't want you getting hurt." 

While I understood and respected that, it didn't mean he had to ask if I had the plan every two minutes

Seemingly sensing the tension building between us, Sam placed a hand on Dean's shoulder, "Relax Dean. It's just a couple of werewolves, she'll be fine."

Dean grumbled something incoherent under his breath as he stocked off, grabbing something from Baby's truck. I smiled gratefully, "Thanks for believing in me, Sam." He returned my smile and ruffled my hair, "No problem, Y/N." A gun was placed in my hand and Dean stared at the abandoned warehouse that loomed in front of us.

"Alright, so what's the plan," Sam questioned. "Don't die," Dean said simply before marching in.

Yes, that's what Dean has been asking me every two minutes.

 Sam and I looked at each other before following after him. Our nerves were high as we walked in the doorway, our guns hanging at our sides as they waited to be used.

We crouched next to Dean who was hiding behind some crates. He pressed a finger to his lips and pointed across the room. A girl was tied to a chair, her head resting against her chest in her unconscious state.

Dean grabbed my arm and sent me a pointed stare. 'What for my signal,' it seemed to say. Dean and Sam scanned the room before nodding towards me. My gun was low at my side as I ran over to the girl. I shook her shoulder and slapped her cheeks lightly.

 Her eyes opened slowly and she stared at me and my gun in horror. She started pulling at the restraints and thrashing around. I pulled the duck tape off her mouth, "Shh! Be quiet, they could still be here." She didn't stop, if anything she got louder.

"Shut her up, Y/N!" Dean hissed at me as the sound of footsteps came closer to the room. "I'm trying," I hissed back, just as venomously, "She won't listen!" I grabbed my silver pocket knife out of my pocket, cutting the zip ties around her wrist.

The flat of the blade pressed lightly into her skin. The girl flinched as her skin started to sizzle. My eyes widened and I pulled back, "Trap... Guys! It's a Trap!" The girl broke the zip ties restraining her legs and pounced on me, ready to sink her teeth into my neck.

My knife clattered to the ground and the girl's hand was wrapped tightly around my throat. "Y/N!" Dean yelled and more werewolves ran into the room. Gunshots rang out. Shouts from both werewolves and hunters were the only thing I could hear.

My fingertips brushed over the knife and I slammed the hilt of it against her temple. Her eyes glazed over and became unfocused before she slumped over into a heap on the ground. I glanced over at Sam and Dean. Their breathing was ragged but they seemed unharmed.

"Are you guys okay," I walked back over to them. My breathing was just as ragged as theirs. "Damn Werewolves," Dean mumbled as he wiped the blood off his knife. Sam placed his gun back into his jeans, "So what, they just feast on people just to lure us out here?"

"Seems like it," Dean mumbled.

"But why," I questioned and gestured around us, " Vast majority of the pack is dead, they used one of their own as bait, but they gained nothing from it. What's the point?"

They sent me an incredulous look.

"Um, Y/N, I hate to break it to you," Dean sassed, "But werewolves aren't really that smart. They probably thought they could get the jump on us."

"That plan backfired," Sam mumbled.

"That's for damn sure," Dean agreed.

"I guess," I relented. I couldn't shake the feeling something was going to go wrong. As though he sensed my anxiety, Sam placed a hand on my shoulder, "Come on, let's get out of here."

I pulled back, "Just give me a minute, I need to finish off the werewolf and I-"

I turned back.

The body was gone.

My blood ran cold as I glanced up. She was behind him. "DEAN," I shouted and everyone turned to the direction I was looking at. The werewolf pounced, sinking her teeth into his shoulder. I immediately grabbed my gun and aimed for the head.

I didn't hesitate this time.

She fell off of Dean and onto the ground with a thud. She didn't move again. Sam and I ran towards Dean and somehow Sam caught him before he hit the ground. Dean's face was already pale and bright red blood slipped between his fingers.

Sam ripped off his flannel and pressed it against the wound. "Y/N, come here and put pressure on the wound! I need to go get the medkit!" He ran out the door before I could answer and I raced to take his spot.

"Y/N stop. W-we both know I'm not g-going to make it," he kept coughing between his words. "Shh, don't say that," I mumbled before glancing up at the ceiling, "CASTIEL!!"

Cas never showed up.

Sam came running in with the medkit, forcing me to move over. "Come on, Dean. You'll be fine, just let me see it." Dean weakly pushed Sam's hands away, "Sammy, we both know I won't bounce back from this one." Blood dribbled past his lips, "Just...take care of each other... and don't forget what I taught you both..."

His body went slack and his eyes glazed over as he fell into Death. "Dean," Sam whimpered as he pulled Dean into his chest. "Dean, come on man. W-we gotta get home. Dean? Dean, please don't leave me... not you too."

The breath seemed to be stolen from my lungs and tears slipped down my face. Time stopped, time stopped because the one person who seemed to never give up on me, who never got annoyed when I didn't understand what something was and took the time out of his day to make sure I knew I was loved and safe, was gone.

Time stopped, because Dean Winchester, my big brother, was dead.

"Dean," I gasped as my head shot off the table. My heart was pounding in my chest again and my breath was ragged in my ears. Bullet lifted his head off the ground and tilted it, probably wondering why I was losing my shit when I was fine just a few moments ago.

My hands were still shaking when I pushed myself away from the table, grabbing the file as I walked down the hall towards the bedroom Kali and I shared. Both sides of the room were similar, but very different at the same time.

My side of the room was plain, with only gray bed sheets, white pillowcases and a simple lamp adorning it. Kali's side of the room held more personality, some posters covered the wall and she even had a stuffed animal with her (a koala). Her side of the room held purple bed sheets, gray pillowcases, and a purple lamp. The brown nightstands were the only thing our sides of the room had in common.

I opened the window as quietly as I could, careful not to disturb the sleeping Kali and slipped out just as quietly. There was hardly any snow on the fire escape, but there was still some snow leftover on the rooftop. My brother's coat did a good job at keeping me warm and I found myself admiring the way my breath fogged in the cold night air.

I glanced around, the city oddly peaceful this time of ni-

A gunshot cut me off.

The peace was gone.

I glare in the general direction of the noise and I had half a mind to scream at them for ruining the peace.

Three more gunshots rang out.

"I need you to help me find out what it is, before it hurts other people."

I groaned as Bobby's words played like a broken record in my head. "This is not the time to take Bobby's advice!" I shouted at myself.

Another gunshot rang.

I quickly huffed an annoyed breath at myself before walking as far away from the edge of the roof as I could go.

I was going to need a running start.


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A/N:  Shoutout to jessicaxie123 for helping me write this chapter!!

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