Malfoy Manner

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Hermiones p.o.v
"How could the paper be gone?!" Harry yells.
"I don't know but it is not in here. We checked like 5 times AND other places in the room. It is nowhere to be found."I explain.
"That can't be. Give me that." Harry grabs the garbage can out of Hermione's hand. "Omg it is seriously not in here!
I know, I am the smartest out of this friend group no offense." Hermione snaps. Harry rolls his eyes.
"Well what do we do now? We are literally back at square one." Ron states.
"I think I know where it could be." Draco adds in.
"Where?" We all say at once.
"Well, Voldemort would want to be starting the death eaters up again. He probably took the list and boring it to my dad in my house: Malfoy manner." Draco explains.
"Then that is where we have to go!" I yell. We all race up back to our common rooms to put all our stuff down. Except for me. I grab my tiny bag and fill it up with the essentials. This was war. We may not be back for a while so I needed to make sure I had certain things just in case. We all met in the great hall and it was officially go time.
"Ok, does everyone have their wands?" Draco asks.
"Yes." we all agree in harmony. We all leave the property and apparate. We are now in Malfoy manner and the first person we see when we get there is Voldemort.
"Guys I can't be used as a distraction anymore because Voldemort knows I'm trying to betray him!" Draco whispers.
"Oh shit! It's ok we will figure something out." Harry says. We sneak up to Draco room and start plotting.
"Ok so Harry do you have your invisibility cloak?" I ask.
"Yup it is right here."
"Ok so one of us will go down in the cloak and sneak up behind Voldemort. We will go on the table and steal the list while he is not looking. It is very risky, but it has to happen or he won't just kill us, he will kill the people we love too. So is everyone in?" We all put our hands in and then raise them.
"Ok so who volunteers to go?!" Harry asks.
"Harry you should go!" Ron and Draco say.
"Guys you can't do that to him, he is already a target and he can blow our cover." Hermione explains.
"I'll go." Ron steps up.
"Are you sure you wanna do this cause I can always go." I say.
"Hermione let me do this one thing." Ron says.
"Alright will do. Good luck." I say.
"Yeah good luck." Draco and Harry say. Ron steps out of the room and walks into eternal darkness.


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