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     Hermione's p.o.v
     I could not wait to go back to hogwarts!! I could see Harry, Ron, and Ginny again. It was so great to be back. I packed all of my things and went to 9 and 3/4. We have all boarded the Hogwarts Express where we pick our friends to sit by and talk about the "new" Hogwarts.
     "I wonder if it will be that much different?" Harry questioned.
     "It can't be that much different, I mean I don't think they would totally remodel it." Ron stated. I go to open the door to the compartment that we are all huddled into but suddenly Ron stops me.
     "Mione, where you going?" Ron asked me.
     "I am just going somewhere quiet, I need a little while to myself." I replied.
     "Alrighty see you in a little while!" They each said. I desperately needed a quiet place to just rest my eyes for a few minutes, so I went into a tiny little closet that seemed like it had not been used in many years. I put my flashlight on my and and I read my book until I heard a knock on the door. I kept as quiet as I could and locked the door. That wasn't enough to stop a wizard, I should have known.
     "Alohomora." I hear someone whisper, and now I knew I was screwed. To my surprise it was Draco Malfoy. We had not seen him in years due to death eater issues.
     "What are you doing in here Granger?" He asked with a smirk smacked across his face.
     "I just needed a quiet place to read. Why are you here?" I asked puzzled. That is the first time he hasn't called me mudblood in a long time.
     "Same reason." He laughed. "Do you mind?"He asked.
     "No go ahead."I motioned with my hand to sit down. "Why are you being nice to me?"
     "Well not necessarily being nice to you just not being a jerk." He stated.
     "W-why didn't you call me a mudblood?" I stuttered. He lifted up my sleeve.
     "Does it still hurt?" He asked. I could tell now why he didn't call me a filthy little mudblood like he usually does. He hadn't since then actually.
     "Y-yes." I stuttered again.
     "I'm sorry." He apologized. Suddenly I didn't even realize it he pressed his lips against mine, I kissed him back and before I knew it we were snogging in a old closet. I pulled away while blushing and he just walked out of the closet leaving me there. Did I do something wrong?
Draco's p.o.v
What was I thinking? I just made out with Granger?! To make it even worse I walked out on her. I know I have a crush on her but I really didn't think it would go this far. I wonder if she likes me. I can't help but wonder if she will ever like me, or even if she enjoyed that kiss. I had to find a way to apologize to her, or at least do something.
Hermione's p.o.v
I-I just made out with M-Malfoy. It felt so good I just couldn't resist I had to kiss him back. The next minute we were snogging in the back of an old closet. It felt so good. But he obviously didn't like it, why else would he walk out on me? I walked out of the closet like about 10 minutes after Malfoy because I did not want anyone to suspect anything. ESPESCIALLY Ron.
I was debating if I should tell Ginny or not. I decided I would because she was my bff. She did not react the way I thought she would though. She did not freak out at all, I knew I could trust her. The next day during breakfast the most amazing thing happened. I got a letter from professor mconnogall saying. That I was head girl! But I couldn't help wonder who head boy is going to be?

A/N- Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of my new story I am going to try to update every day! Love you guys! ~Sunnysweetheart❤️

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