The dungeon

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Rons p.o.v
I walk out of dracos room and I feel like a hero. I needed to help my friends if it was the last thing I would do. I was sick of being tormented by a dead corpse. This was gonna be the end. I put on the cloak and I went down to where their meeting was being held. Voldemort was still the only one there but I saw Lucius in the kitchen.
So, what's the plan? Lucius asks Voldemort form the kitchen. Voldemort turns toward Lucius. This was my chance. I grabbed the list and tried to run away but my hand must have been sticking out of the cloak when I grabbed it. I felt a cold grip and the last thing I remember is passing out.
Hermione p.o.v
Guys I haven't seen Ron in an hour and a half. I'm getting really worried! I yell.
It will be alright, I promise. Draco reassures.
Maybe I should go check on him. Harry suggests.
    That's a good idea, I'll come. Hermione says.
     So will I, I know this house better than anyone. Draco tells us. They all walk out of the door in search of Ron, but they can't find him anywhere! They check in all of the secret passage ways, hidden doors, and rooms of the mansion he was nowhere to be found. This could only mean 2 things, he got killed or he was being put in the dungeon. Draco suggests the dungeon and we find Ron, sobbing in the corner of the gigantic bars he was locked behind.
Omg Ron!! What happened?? I ask him.
He caught me! He's going to kill me! And us. Guys you have to get me out of here. Ron cries.
Try alohomora. I suggest to Draco.
It won't work on the dungeon door, but I'll try it anyway. Alohomora. Draco says while pointing his wand at the lock.
Shit. Harry says.
What do we do now? I ask.
We are gonna have to do it the old fashioned way. Picking a lock. Draco says.
Well I have a bobby pin in my bag! I yell.
Get it out, quick! Harry shouts. I get the Bobbi pin out of my bag and I start picking the lock. Only after 5 seconds the door opens and we make a quick, but quiet escape. We walk up 2 flights of stairs to go to the front entrance. The stairs were gigantic and we were all getting out of breath. We finally get up there after 10 long minutes and we are able to get out of the front door quickly enough to escape the whole mansion. The only thing was now Ron was on Voldemort radar along with Harry and Draco. I am the only one left.

Time skip
We get back home and we all just talk.
So what do we do now? I ask.
There is nothing we can do. Harry says. I didn't even have time to decode any of the horcruxes.
Wait! But there might be one person that can! Ron exclaimed.
Who?? We all ask.
Ginny. She was the one who stole it from Harry right?

A/n- hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that part of the story. Don't worry there is so much more where that came from, but I am going to try to figure out how to start wrapping this story up. Remember if you liked this leave a like and a comment. Love you!~Sunny❤️


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