GusLey Drabble: Space Couple

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"Red alert! Red alert!"

Angelic Agent– or just Agent for her constituents– stopped on her tracks as she saw the blinking red lights and the word 'Alert' written on the monitors in the surroundings.

She was currently at their headquarters because she just finished her rounds in the certain place in this new planet that she ruled. Tomorrow, she needed to travel in the different countries to check their situations.

"Agent, we have a problem." She heard Astrocat said in her earpiece. "Someone broke inside the planet."

What the hell.

She grabbed her rifle and began to ran, "Send me the location."

Astrocat immediately sent her the location of the breaker. She arrived at the place as soon as possible.

She couldn't let this breaker passed.

Agent went into her camouflage state as soon as she arrived at the placed.

She frowned when she saw no one.

Where is the breaker?

"You looking for someone?"

She gasped and used her grenade to knock off that someone from her behind.

She saw a man– based on his voice– in a mecha-like suit with a touch of blue and yellow and a muffler-like on his neck.

Agent narrowed her eyes as she examined him. He looked familiar to her though.

And like a bulb that lighted immediately, she remembered him.

"Cosmic Gleam." Agent said his name like it was a poison.

The man name Cosmic Gleam removed his helmet and smirked at her, "Angel. It's been a while."

Agent huffed out of frustration, "It's Agent or Angelic Agent, you planet breaker."

It wasn't the first time that they encountered each other. They had been in a series of fights for ruling the galaxy.

Cosmic Gleam had been breaking into every planet she ruled and it was getting on her nerves.

"Just leave Cosmic and find your own planet." Agent said dismissively.

Cosmic chuckled, "Sorry to burst your bubble but wherever you are, expect me to be there also Angel."

"Agent!" She corrected him.

Cosmic laughed and like a blink of an eye, he was already in front of her, his right arm was around her waist.

He moved her big hat upward a little to see her face, "I miss you Angel."

Agent smirked, "Sorry to burst your bubble–" she copied the words he used earlier, "–but I don't miss you. You're getting into my nerves. Just leave Cosmic."

Cosmic laughed and caressed her cheek, "That's my goal, to get into your nerves. Way easier to your brain so you can think of me always."

Agent gasped and narrowed her eyes, "You–"

Cosmic laughed and stepped backwards, "I told you Angel. Our conquest is the vast galaxy."

Agent smirked and pointed her rifle to his direction, looking at him through the scope, "And I told you, I rule what I see through my scope."

"Oh?" Cosmic said amusedly.

He then disappeared once again and before Agent knew it, her rifle was already on the ground while Cosmic was in front of her. Their faces were only inches away from each other.

"You saw me in your scope. You rule me now." He said while smiling.

Agent was taken aback but she knew she was blushing right now!

Cosmic let out a soft laugh before pulling her for a kiss.


I just thought their lines in their legend skin introduction was like–  they were talking to each other. Hahahaha.

Plus, the planet that Lesley hit on her intro, looks like the same planet on Gusion's background. So who knows? Maybe they were rivals in conquering the galaxy. HAHAHAHA.

And Gusion's line when he used his ultimate is "Behold, the Dawn breaker!" So maybe it's him who is breaking into every planet or is it Lesley? Idk. But either way, at least it's GusLey. HAHAHAHAHA.

So Moonton thinks we are rich. Gahd. I didn't even get Lesley's legend skin though I have my money.

And Moonton continuously uses GusLey to promote their events. GusLey, the moneymaker! Lmao.

Anyway, I'm now on a reader mode. Idk when will I'm gonna update my books for real. I'm so sorry (╥_╥)

Keep on loving our perfect combination couple, GusLey! <3

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