One Shot 1: Perfect Combination

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I'm back! The book is back again. Lmao.

You can't stop me. I don't care whether you report this again and again, I'll keep on republishing this.

Thank you for giving me time to edit my one shots. XD

Take that you toxic shits.


"Tsk. Got banned again." Lesley heard Selena said when she got chosen to be banned for this battle.

"Stop banning me. I wanna fight!" She complaint as she stomped her feet and went to the bleachers to spectate.

"I'll be joining you though." Said Gatotkaca as he got banned also.

"Today's not my lucky day also." Fanny sighed as she joined Selena and Gatotkaca on the bleachers.

"I guess they were threatened by my Higanbana." Hanabi said as she was the last one to be banned from the battle.

The next name flashed on the screen would be the first hero for Red Team.


"Oh, Lance got picked first," Lesley thought.

Well, Lancelot could do a lot of damage which was a great help.

Blue Team

Well of course, Gusion would be picked immediately as he could counter Lance with the right combination.

"Good luck to Red Team. Gusion and Angela is a perfect duo." Miya said.

"Yeah. Since Angela can use her ultimate to Gusion when he is diving in a turret. He'll get multiple of kills in clash too." Ruby agreed.

"Red Team should have a better teamwork than Blue Team if they want to win." Kagura said as she closed her umbrella and stood beside Hayabusa.

Lesley looked down as she felt something painful in my chest, like thousands of needle pricked her heart.

She knew some heroes were shipping Gusion and Angela because once they were on the same team, victory was already on their side since they were the perfect combination.

Harley was chosen for Red Team together with Johnson, Karrie and Alpha.

I gotta cheer for my little brother.

Hylos and Vexana were chosen for the Blue Team and there was only one slot left before the battle would start.

Lesley was already walking towards the bleachers to spectate when suddenly the name of the last hero for the battle flashed on the screen.


She stopped on my tracks as she looked on the screen with her widened eyes. Why am I chosen? I don't want to battle against my little brother.

And it would be awkward because she would on the same team as Gusion and Angela.

Lesley thought she might not be able to focus because it would hurt her to see them together while fighting.

But she got no choice so she made my way to the platform where her team mates were standing.

"Hey." Gusion greeted her with a smile as soon as she stepped on the platform.

Lesley just smiled a little on him, still feeling a little pain on her heart.

"Don't be upset because Harley is on the other team. I will not kill him in the game." Gusion cheered her, he noticed the sniper looked down.

"I don't want to fight Harley also, Nana would kill me. Like what I've said, keep smiling!" Angela said as she tried to reach her face to stretch her cheeks to form a smile.

Lesley smiled a little once again. Although she knew Angela didn't feel any special to Gusion, she couldn't help it. It still hurt her because she kept on thinking how they looked good together.

Gusion always take care of his team mates on the battlefield. And because he and Angela were always together when fighting, he always protect her.

And it hurt her lot when she was spectating them.

Lesley knew she shouldn't get jealous and hurt but could you blame her? She loved him. She loved Gusion since– she didn't know when. Lesley decided she would not confess her feelings for him. No one knew how she felt for him, even Harley, and she intended to keep this secret until the end.

Lesley was pulled from her thoughts when she felt someone held her hand.

It was Gusion. He was still holding her hand even when they were teleported to the battlefield.

"Angela, Hylos, top lane. Vexana, I know you can handle the bottom lane because of your passive. Lesley and I will take the middle lane so we can back you up immediately when you need help." Gusion said.

The three of them nodded with teasing smiles on their faces while they were looking at the two of them.

I wonder why.

"Alright, let's win this team!" Gusion said as he began to run.

And she was shocked because she got taken by him.

And now she realized why they have teasing smiles on their faces! He was still holding her hand!

She felt the blush crept on her face. Isn't he aware?

Once they reached the outermost turret on the middle lane, they stopped and waited for the creeps.

"Can you handle the lane first? I'll just jungle, I won't take long." Gusion asked her.

"Y-yeah. I can handle this. You can jungle all you want so you can level up immediately. Don't worry." She said while looking at the ground.

"Is there something wrong? Why aren't you looking at me?" He said as he tried to lift her face.

"N-nothing!" Lesley gripped on her rifle as she stuttered because of nervousness. She could feel her heart was beating fast. "G-go now. Karrie will be here in a moment and Lance might already be jungling."

He nodded, "You take care okay? Send signal immediately when you need help. I will break the limits just to save you."

Before she could say anything, he squeezed her hand before letting go and kissed her forehead then dashed away to jungle.

Lesley was stunned by his actions as she absentmindedly put her hand on her forehead.

Did he just kiss me here?

She was pulled to reality when she realized she was hit by something. Karrie was already there with their creeps.

Lesley shook her head so she could focus on the battle.

She was confused by Gusion's actions. But for now, she didn't want to disappoint him.

Though she was battling against her little brother, she wanted to win this game.

I will just his favorite dish for dinner for compensation.


"They are attacking the Lord, help me here." Gusion said as he signaled his team.

Lesley destroyed Red Team's turret on the bottom lane first before she used her camouflage to run faster to where Gusion was.

Angela was still respawning, she couldn't help immediately. She knew Hylos and Vexana were on their way also.

Lesley couldn't find where Gusion was hiding. She used again her camouflage to hide in the bush so the Red Team won't notice her.

Or so she thought.

Alpha came out from a bush and started attacking her. She threw her tactical grenade to him and fired a bullet.

Lesley activated her camouflage to escape but then Alpha used his ultimate to her.

And the worst part was, all of the Red Team members went there to ambush her.

"No! Don't hurt my sister!" Harley shouted to his team.

"I'm sorry Harley, it's just a game." Alpha said while Beta was still hitting her.

Lesley knew Harley wanted to kill his teammates but he couldn't hit them.

She just watched her health points went down as she accepted her death but then Angela used her ultimate to her and healed her as she used her strings to entangle Alpha.

"Thanked God I made it on time!" Angela said. "Are you okay Lesley?"

Lesley sighed, "Yes. Thank you Angela." Sge said while hitting the enemies and she kept on healing her.

Suddenly, five daggers flew to the enemies, slowing them.

"Break the limits!" Another set of five daggers flew to the enemies.


Gusion teleported to Alpha's back and recalled his daggers, hitting Alpha and he died.

Gusion dashed out as he waited for his skills to cool down. Hylos and Vexana arrived to help them.

The Red Team members died, except for Harley. Lesley thought Harley didn't help because he was still mad at his teammates for hurting her.

Oh Harley, stubborn as ever.

They gathered to kill the Lord because Red Team got distracted by wanting to ambush her.

I guess I did a little help?

Lesley noticed how Angela used her first skill to hit the Lord and Gusion. She was dealing damage to the Lord while healing Gusion.

She could see how well-coordinated they were.

She could see why some heroes were shipping them.

And that was her last straw.

Before a tear could fall down from her face, Lesley immediately turned her back from them the moment they killed the Lord and used her camouflage to escape from that suffocating atmosphere where she could see them up close.

I hope this battle ends as soon as possible. Because I think I can't handle this pain anymore. It's killing me.

Red team members were still respawning so she took this opportunity to jungle and shot down those minions so they could push.

Lesley was jungling the Ghost creep when five daggers suddenly flew in front of her, stealing it.

She just ignored him and used her camouflage to shoot down some minions.


Just ignore him Lesley.


Lesley started to steal some jungle in Red Team's territory. Though she could feel Gusion was still following her.

"Lesley Vance." He was still trying to call her.

He stole what she was jungling to get her attention but she was still ignoring him.

"Lesley Vance-Paxley!"

Lesley was frozen for a moment before she looked at him, shock was evident on her face.

Did he just call my name with his last name on it?

"Ah, finally. You look at me." He said while walking slowly towards her, still spinning one of his blades on his right hand.

Lesley felt another pang on her heart on what he said realizing he only did that because he just wanted to get her attention, and there was no other meaning than that.

He was suddenly in panic and went near her. "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" He said while wiping her tears that she was holding on since a while ago.

"I-it's nothing. Don't mind me. Let's just end this battle so I can rest." Lesley said while removing his hands from her face.

"I know it's not nothing. Come on Les, tell me what's wrong."

But she just shook her head as she wiped her tears.

There's no way I'm gonna tell you how it hurts me to think that we will never be together.

"Are you still hurt from Alpha's ultimate? I'm sorry I was late to save you." Gusion said softly as he brushed her hair.

"No, I'm fine."

"I got jealous though."

Lesley looked at him, confusion was written all over her face. "Why?"

"Because Angela saved you first. That should be me."

Her eyes widened at what he said, her face was full of disbelief and especially, she couldn't comprehend what he meant.

Lesley thought he noticed that she didn't understand what he meant because he sighed and just hugged her.

She could feel his fast heartbeats.

And she knew her heart was synchronizing with it.

"I can't keep this charade anymore Les. This isn't the best situation for me to say this but damn, I want it to say these words now." He looked at her while cupping her face. "I love you. There's no explanation for that, I mean, I just love you, so much. I don't know when I fell for you but every time I look at you, I know I love you. And I want to be with you until the end, even after life, even on my next life." He hugged her again tightly and sighed. "It's so hard to explain how much I love you."

Lesley was dumbfounded with what he said. The next thing she knew, tears kept on flowing down her face.

Not because of pain, but because of happiness.

Who would have thought that they feel the same?

Lesley hugged him back, her tears were still falling. "You idiot." She smiled and looked at him. "I don't have any plans to confess to you because I thought it was one sided. Plus, some heroes are shipping you and Angela that's why–"

"Wait, what?" Gusion cut her off.

Her forehead knotted, "You don't know?"

"I don't know and I don't care. All I care about is you. Why do they ship us though?"

Lesley bit her lips, "Because they say you and Angela are perfect combination."

He was stunned for a moment, processing maybe what she just said and then he laughed, a loud one.

Lesley couldn't help it but to adore this sight of him.

He hugged her after he finished his laugh, "Oh my lovely Lesley, we are the perfect combination."

She smiled and hugged him back.

"Anyway, you haven't said the words. I want to hear it." Gusion said softly.

"Because you cut me, remember?" Lesley chuckled.

"I'm sorry. Will you say it now?"

Lesley looked at him and put her hands around his neck, "I love you Gusion Paxley."

He smiled widely and put his forehead on hers. "Oh God, I love you so much. I'm so whipped."

Lesley giggled on what he said and savored their moment. She then noticed that he had been staring at her lips and from that, she knew what he wanted to do.

But then, cards were thrown in their direction, decreasing Gusion's health points.


Lesley's eyes widened, as well as Gusion's, when they heard that voice. Of course they knew who it was!

"Crap! We need to get out of here. I'll deal with your evil little brother later." Gusion said in panic and held her hand before they ran.

Then suddenly, Gusion was surrounded by like, a ring of tire.

Harley's ultimate!

He poofed behind them and started chasing them– or Gusion rather, with his cards!


The ring vanished and that was when Gusion used his ultimate to teleport while she used her camouflage and he pulled her to where he was hiding.

"Can we recall to our base? You see, your little brother almost killed me." He said while looking at his health points that was almost 10% left.

Lesley nodded and both recalled to the base. She waited for him to heal and was about to go back to the battlefield but he stopped her by holding her hand.

Lesley looked at him, confused. "Why? Is there any problem?"

He lightly shook his head, and pulled her towards him. "Nothing, I just wanted to do this."

And with that, he kissed her on her lips.

"If we win, let's have a date later?" Gusion asked her.

Lesley just nodded, still frozen because of his kiss.

And we won the battle. But we had our date so much later because Gusion had to deal with Harley first, with cards and daggers thrown everywhere.


Ah, it's still cringy since it's my first ever GusLey one shot XD Changed it to third person's POV tho XD

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